Tread on the pedal…

Take a slow step.

Lin Tian walked leisurely to the coach’s side. Then turn around.

Face all the team members.

Big eyes and small eyes staring at the crowd.


Lin Tian took a moment to phrase it. Then he said, “To be honest, I was also surprised to be appointed captain.” ”

“Because growing up, I’ve never brought a team.”

“So to be this captain.”

“I also went online to check what the captain needs to do.”

Hear this.

Kataoka and the others looked at Lin Tian in surprise.

They did not expect that Lin Tian would take the initiative to learn this aspect in order to be a good captain.

“After some inquiry.”

“I came to the following conclusions.”

In everyone’s curious eyes, Lin Tian continued unhurriedly.

“First of all.”

“As captain, lead by example.”

“To put it simply, is to show a positive attitude and unremitting efforts.”

“On this point.”

“I did it before I was captain and I will continue to do it after that.”


“Give encouragement and comfort when your teammates are doing badly, and don’t get angry because your teammates make mistakes.”

“Well… I will do this during the race! ”

“If it is usual, I will only point out your mistakes sternly and tell you how to correct them!”

“If you want to listen, you listen.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to.”


Many team members’ hearts flashed

“Lin Tian is very good at talking” idea. Outcome……

The next second I heard…

“There are a lot of people competing for the same position anyway.”

“There will always be people who will be willing to humbly ask for advice in order to become stronger.”


People who just felt that Lin Tian was good at talking were full of a sense of crisis in their hearts! Everyone is secretly determined!

In the future, when Lin Tian corrects the mistake, you must listen well! After all!

If you don’t accept Lin Tian’s help! Not only will you miss out on a good opportunity to get stronger!

It will also be surpassed by those who are serious about correcting mistakes! This means!

It’s also several times harder to compete for the same position!

At the same time.

Lin Tian paused for a moment.

I feel that everyone should have almost digested the previous statement. So he continued, “After that. ”

“I also saw that the captain was going to do more events.”

“Things like grilling, watching games and the like are said to help improve team cohesion.”

“But we have to train every day.”

“So this kind of thing is exempt.”


“Know and care more about your teammates, communicate with your teammates more, understand their troubles and confusions in life, and help them solve them, so that everyone can devote themselves to training and become stronger.”


“On this point…”

“All I can say is that I am not God.”

“You can’t perfectly observe everyone’s emotional changes, and you can’t perfectly see what worries everyone will have.”


“If there’s anything to worry about.”

“My suggestion is that you come to me on your own initiative.”

“As long as I can do it, I will try to help you solve it.”

“Of course, if you find it annoying to wash your socks and want to ask me for help, I certainly won’t help you with this kind of thing!” Hear here. ”

Many people showed a knowing smile.

Even Kataoka and Takashima laughed out loud.

“All in all!”

“As long as it’s not an unreasonable appeal to let me wash your socks for you!”

“You can always ask me for help!”

“That’s what I said!”

“Thank you!”

The last sentence falls.

Everyone spontaneously clapped. Say nothing else.

Light is the last point.

That is, if you have troubles, you can ask Lin Tian for help.

This is enough to see that Lin Tian is a responsible captain. As a team member.

Nature loves this type of captain.

“What’s next?”

Lin Tian turned to Coach Kataoka and asked.

“Lead everyone to warm up.”

Coach Kataoka replied.

“Oh well.”

Lin Tian nodded.

Then he turned back to look at the team members: “All of them have!!!” ”

“Start warming up!!!”

It was accompanied by a loud shout.


Everyone immediately followed Lin Tian and ran around the court.

“Very good!”

Takashima looked at Lin Tian’s back and smiled.

Kataoka nodded, “Judging from what I just said, Lin Tian has made a lot of efforts to become a good captain.” ”


“It’s easy to say.”

“It’s hard to do.”

Minister Ota said, “This can only be left to time to test!” ”

Kataoka nodded, “Yes! ”

…… Warm up well behind you.

Start hitting training.

“Drink ah—”

Kenta Maeen, a second-grade man, roared angrily and swung his rod vigorously.

Accompanied by terrifying hitting sounds!

Baseball was blasted straight out of the field fence!


“Oh oh oh one”

“How far to fly—”

“Home run at the beginning?!!”

When the others saw it, their faces were full of surprise. But!

Next moment!

Kenta Maeen’s full swing! Hit the ball straight at your feet! Visible……

Just maybe just luck… More precisely!

Only when Kenta Maeen hits the sweetheart position can you blast out a home run! However……

Kenta Maeen has too little chance of hitting the sweetheart position! Out of ten balls!

Not necessarily one that hits the sweetheart!


And at the time of Kenta Maeen’s mistake!

Second-year Aso and Akiji Higasa hit the ball in the field!


“Although I have been obscured by the light of the third-year senior before, these people are actually very powerful!”

“I’ve been practicing around regular players, and others probably can’t help but want to move!”

“The regional qualifiers for the fall tournament are about to start, and everyone wants to hurry up and get stronger, and then get the right place!”

The players who were amazed by the skills of Aso and others. Chatting and talking, I was also stimulated to become stronger. And then!

I also put all my energy into the practice! Because!

They also want to be the main players of the autumn competition!

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