The fourth witchcraft, after consulting Mark, Sol decided to choose the 0th-level witchcraft, which is also a dark attribute, to fight against the undead.

The main reason is that his working environment is too prone to ghosts, and fighting the undead has a miraculous effect on it.

After studying for about two hours, the new spell analysis model has a preliminary idea.

Saul was awakened by work again, and got up to greet the first guest of the day.

A bone...

"Isn't this too clean?"

There is not a piece of flesh left on the whole body, as if it was dug out of the soil after decades.

Such a clean corpse made Sol feel abnormal.

He put down the tools in his hand, invited the guests into the big box, then turned around and went to visit the senior next door.

"I don't know." Hayden was still standing behind the palm-width door to receive Saul, "When I got here, the body was already a bone."

Hayden forwarded it directly to Saul.

Sol bid farewell to Hayden and looked towards the room of the new second-level apprentice.

The new second-level apprentice was not as talkative as Senior Byron.

I'm afraid there is no result after asking.

The first procedure in the mortuary, without collecting materials, is mainly to eliminate possible dangers on the corpse.

So when the corpse was sent to the mortuary, it probably had no flesh and blood.

This little episode didn't take up too much of Sol's energy. On the contrary, because there were no other clients today, Sol was able to continue his research.

It's just that the progress of witchcraft transformation is far behind his witchcraft learning.

It would be great if the transformation of witch body could be as simple as runes and spells.

If others knew what Saul was thinking, they might be pissed off.

Dump out the failed refining materials that are about to explode again.

When Sol closed the lid of the big box, he stopped suddenly.


Today's white bones are slowly shrinking and being corroded under the chaotic solution made by Sol.

Did you create sulfuric acid just now?

Sol closed the lid, waited a while and opened it again.

The white bone has been completely rotted, but the whole big box has not changed in any way, it is still strong.

"I'm afraid these boxes are the most valuable in the entire mortuary."

Thor patted the big, sturdy box, eager to pick a piece out of it.

"Huh?" Sol suddenly noticed a small off-white stone at the bottom of the box.

He found clamps and a test tube, and clamped the pebble out.

Sol originally thought that the stones that had been dissolved and solidified again would be very hard, but unexpectedly they were somewhat elastic, like ox tendons.

He marked the test tube and mapped the whole refining process with the pebbles, which may be used in the future.

At present, it is really fast to destroy corpses and traces.

It's like the body powder that Saul has seen in his previous life.

Thor made several tests on the small stone, and found that this thing is not afraid of fire, water immersion, acid corrosion, and even ordinary sharp blades can't leave the slightest scar.

If used well, can it be made into some kind of armor?

Sol gently poked the stone with a small steel needle, while diverging his thoughts.

The next day, public class.

Keri threw the book beside Saul, sat down and told the big news.

"The new apprentice you asked me about dead!"

"Dead? Didn't he just come?" Sol buckled the soles of his shoes, trying to make his expression look more natural.

"Yeah, I probably offended someone, and even the mentor died before I saw it. Before I came, my father kept telling me to forget my previous identity and pride, and be honest and honest before I became a second-class apprentice. Be a real inferior."

Keri sighed, not knowing whether to be sad for that new apprentice, or for herself.

Sol withdrew his gaze and looked down at the Noah text in front of him.

Witchcraft scripts are not ordinary language and do not involve any everyday words, nouns and verbs. All its meanings are in the service of witchcraft, elements, and spiritual power, so its vocabulary is actually very small.

For more than a month, Sol has memorized all the words in Noah's text. This was unimaginable before, but now he doesn't feel strenuous.

Even his main energy is not on it.

So at present, Sol's learning of Noah's characters is mainly to consolidate the foundation and combine the use of wizard books.

But today, he looked a little absent-minded.

When he killed Brown the day before yesterday, he didn't feel much. He thought that his nerves had been tempered by this dangerous world.

But when he heard the news of the new apprentice's death today, he realized that he would still feel uncomfortable.

Saul was expressionless and laughed at himself in his heart.

"I also took the initiative to kill others for my own benefit."

"I'm also...not a good person."

He closed his eyes, remembering the torment in his heart at this moment.

But no regrets.

A few days later, while continuing his experiments in the mortuary, Sol suddenly realized.

The bone guest he saw before was probably the new apprentice who had just entered the wizard tower.

All the corpses that died of abnormalities in the Wizard Tower will be sent to the morgue for treatment first, so as not to gather too many ghosts and bring more unstable factors.

On the other hand, it is also to recover some of the materials on the corpses that have become experimentally valuable due to mutations.

Because from the bones of the newcomer, the method of refining plastic bones was discovered - the name of the plastic bones was given by Sol - he has been using the bones of guests for refining these days.

But today he had to stop.

Because the materials needed for refining are basically used up.

He has no money and credits.

"It's definitely not going to work like this!"

Sol stood in front of the laboratory table and stroked his chin.

"Using dead wages to do projects is definitely a dead end. I have to think of ways to open source."

What Sol is going to do is to reform the witch body that all first-level apprentices have not been exposed to, and some people have not even heard of.

Therefore, with the income of an ordinary first-level apprentice, it is impossible for him to carry out experiments for a long time.

And for the sake of the experiment, the materials submitted by Sol recently have been greatly reduced. Fortunately, Mentor Katz never blamed him for this matter.

Therefore, Sol's actions became more and more bold.

But even so, the materials on hand were almost exhausted.

"I don't have any valuables on me right now. The Pupil of Phantom Sound is a sharp weapon to assist in the battle. It must not be sold. The plastic bone will become my secret weapon and must not be revealed."

Sol finally thought of his own experience in learning runes, especially the mastery of compound runes, the coordinate method.

If you sell it to those wealthy first-level apprentices, you might be able to make a fortune. After all, this is knowledge that even the second-level apprentice, Senior Byron, is interested in.

The coordinates sound novel, but the actual principle is not complicated, after all, no more esoteric aspects are involved.

It's just that you have to carefully consider the candidates for the deal, choose someone who can't have a conflict of interest with you, and choose someone with a decent bottom line.

Keli is a good choice, but Keli has already been mowed once by herself, so I don't know if she still has credits and magic crystals in her hand.

As for the other first-level apprentices, Sol really didn't have much contact with them.

He doesn't want to deal with those he has come into contact with.

"Wait!" Sol's eyes lit up, "Why am I so stupid, the senior Byron who is a second-level apprentice is the most suitable candidate!"

Rich, powerful, quick leave the tower without conflicts of interest, and a nice person.

Through the passage connected by the conveyor belt, he greeted Senior Hayden next door, and Sol happily skipped work to find Byron.

"1016 is this floor." Sol stood on the ramp on the tenth floor of the west tower and looked in.

He has been here several times, and in his impression, Senior Byron's room has never caused him any trouble.

The corridors of the second-level apprentices are always quiet, not to mention that it is the opening hours of the various laboratories.

Saul came over rashly, and was almost at the door, only to realize that he might not be able to block Byron at this time.

Just as Saul was about to approach Senior Byron's dormitory, a door beside him suddenly opened, and Mark walked out from it.

"Sol? Are you coming to see me?" Mark greeted Sol in front of him with some surprise.

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