Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 44 First Cooperation

Sol paused and stopped directly in front of Mark.

He didn't really want Mark to know that he knew Byron.

"Senior, I want to ask you if there is any other way to earn credits."

"Don't you have enough credits?" Mark wondered, a new apprentice, how can there be so many places that need credits?

But he quickly remembered that Sol wanted to study the transformation of the witch body by himself, and the investment in this research was a bottomless pit.

"Come in and talk."

Mark stepped aside to open the door.

Senior Mark's dormitory has the same structure as Kongsha's dormitory, but it is very messy inside, and the ground is full of unknown things.

There was only an open space at the long table, but there was only one chair.

Mark sat on a chair, lifted a box with his feet, and motioned Saul to sit on it.

"Actually, with your current job, it's easy to earn more credits."

Sol honestly looked up at Mark.

"Mutual Aid Club, have you heard of it?"

Surprised, Sol pretended to recall, "I heard from people in the same batch as me, but I was busy at the time and didn't go there."

Then he asked cautiously: "Senior... Are you also a member of the Mutual Aid Association?"

Mark waved his hand, "I'm not, that mutual aid association is actually a small group formed by a third-level apprentice and several second-level apprentices. But usually the second-level apprentices come forward to manage it."

The familiar mocking smile hung on the corner of Mark's mouth again, "It's about mutual aid, but the newcomers have gone, but they are all exploited."

"However, the Mutual Aid Association also has some interesting things, such as the exchange meeting. It is cheaper than the grade goods in the registration room of the college. Like you, if you have goods in hand, you can sell them there and earn some money."

"Is there any goods in hand?" Sol asked tentatively, "You mean, I'll sell things from the mortuary? But, isn't the instructor not letting me?"

"You are a newcomer, so naturally you lack means, but you can clearly mark the price and let those who are interested find a way to take it away."

Saul hesitated at the proposal.

If there is a chance, he would like to go to the exchange meeting to have a look, but the parasite that Keri encountered last time was a big problem.

It might be safe for seniors like Mark Byron to go to an exchange. But those people are likely to kill him because he is a newcomer.

It would be nice if this exchange meeting allowed anonymous participation.

But thinking about it again, there are quite a few apprentices in the wizard's tower, even if everyone covers their faces, it is easy for people to guess his origin.

In case someone brings this matter to Teacher Katz... Well, some things are done secretly, and it would be bad to put them on the surface.

"Thank you senior, I will think about it carefully."

Mark saw Sol's worry, and comforted him: "You don't have to worry about this. The last person who was in charge of your job has been selling things at the exchange meeting. And the person who bought his things, for the sake of future Continue to cooperate, and also intend to help him keep the secret."

Saul asked with a little expectation: "Senior, do you need anything?"

Mark couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Do you think you can have what I need?"

Saul felt that he might have it, but there was no need to rush to expose it in front of Mark.

After leaving Mark's dormitory, Sol went straight back to the second floor of the East Tower.

Let's postpone the meeting with Senior Byron.

Sol planned to find a time when no one was around, so he slipped a note and told Byron to meet on the second floor of the East Tower.

I hope Senior Byron will be interested in the models constructed by other compound runes in his hand.

Compared with the exchange meeting with a hidden crisis, Senior Byron is more reliable.

After two days, Saul couldn't wait for Senior Byron to come, obviously he had already stuffed the note into Byron's dormitory.

"He hasn't left already?"

Sol's refining materials have been completely exhausted, and there are a few more plastic bones in his hand, but there is still no real progress in the transformation of the witch body.

In his spare time, he has successfully performed the 0-level witchcraft of "strike the dead".

If Senior Byron had already left the Wizard Tower, Sol would rather smuggle the materials from the mortuary than exchange his knowledge with other strangers.

At this time, the door of the mortuary was suddenly knocked.

Sol was a little surprised. Mentor Katz only came here yesterday, and it would normally take four or five days before he came.

Who will come to him now?

Sol opened the door, and it turned out to be the cold senior who replaced Byron.

The other party was still looking at people with his chin raised.

"Come here and do me a favor."

After speaking, she turned and walked back, as if she was sure that Saul would follow.

Sol hesitated for half a second, closed the door and followed.

It was the first time he entered the first mortuary.

As soon as he stepped in, he was shocked by the scene inside.

This place is completely different from his morgue, or it is not called a morgue at all.

It's more like dancing to the scene of a great god.

The walls above and around the head are covered with black lines, and between the lines are runes of different sizes.

There are candles of different heights all over the floor, some are lit and some are extinguished. There are also magic circles drawn between the candles that don't see any use.

In the middle of the room stood three sarcophagi, each of which was wide open, and inside stood three corpses.

Seeing dead bodies in the mortuary is nothing more than normal.

But the three corpses here gave Saul a bad feeling.

They were able to stand there without relying on any restraints. If Thor could not see the obvious fatal wounds on their bodies, it would be easy to think that they were three living people standing there with their eyes closed.

"These are the three new ones brought in today." The senior sister held her hands behind her back and stopped at the door, "But something went wrong, the second-level apprentice in the middle..."

The senior sister raised her finger to the corpse in the middle that was split from the shoulder to the chest by a sharp weapon.

"He brought an evil spirit with him. If you don't get rid of the evil spirit, the materials on the corpse can't be used."

"But that evil spirit is very cunning. Whenever I want to kill him, he will immediately transfer to the other two corpses. And once my witchcraft switches objects, I have to start all over again."

To deal with evil spirits?

Thor thought to himself: "I don't know if the strike against the undead I just learned is good or not?"

But he said on the surface: "Senior sister, I don't have any means to deal with evil spirits..."

"Of course I know." The senior sister sneered, "I just asked you to help me determine the location of the evil spirit, and tell me at the last moment of casting the spell, so that he won't run away again, so troublesome."

The senior said she raised her hand and threw something to Saul.

Sol then looked down and saw a piece of soft leather.

I don't know what kind of material that leather is, white and delicate, warm to the touch, and smells like flowers and plants.

There are two small holes in the middle of the leather, and the distance between the holes is about half a palm width.

There are no magic circle runes drawn on the leather.

"Put this mask on your face and sit in the magic circle in the corner, and you will be able to see the location of the evil spirit. Go quickly, don't waste time." Sister Bing Lengxue urged impatiently.

"Sister, I..."

The other party interrupted Saul again, "Understood, do you want a reward? Wait for the evil spirits to be dealt with. You can choose one of the other two corpses of first-level apprentices to take away. I will write it down in the mission register. The corpses of a first-level apprentice and a second-level apprentice were accepted."

Can take away a dead body?

Saul has always felt that he has gone too far by misappropriating some materials from time to time.

Unexpectedly, this second-level apprentice sister sent out a complete corpse without blinking her eyes.

The corpses sent to the mortuary were all abnormal and could not be buried directly. But after dealing with it, these abnormal parts are the best dark attribute materials.

It can be said to be very valuable.

Sol can get so much reward as long as he helps the senior to observe the location of the evil spirit?

Could it be that this mission itself is actually very dangerous, for example, the evil spirit might attack Sol.

"Senior, can I ask why you didn't look for Senior Hayden, but me?"

I was sick two days ago, and it is urgent to save the manuscript.

Today is Tuesday, please follow up, my lord! ! ! Please turn to the last page! ! !

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