Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 59 The real purpose of teaching seniors

"Senior Byron."


"Do you want to write off all the debts you owe me?" Saul smiled and spread his hands to Byron.




Konsha lay on the ground.

She doesn't like sleeping in bed.

Or lying under the bed is more secure.

How ridiculous!

She is the most powerful second-level apprentice, and among all the second-level apprentices, she is the most promising to enter the third level.

But she was still afraid.

I am more afraid than anyone else.

And the best way to hide your fear is to let others fear her first.

She raised her hand to gently touch her face, touching the intersection of her cheek and the glass, her fingertips began to tremble.

"Boom boom boom."

There were regular knocks on the door.

Not too loud.

If someone is sleeping, it may not be able to wake up.

But Konsha heard clearly.

The eyeballs in her mind were excitedly pressed against the glass wall, and she vaguely saw a small man behind the door.

"Sol?" she excitedly.

Sol, who is now her person, every time he comes, means an apprentice's brain.

Kong Sha climbed out of the bed, sorted out her clothes, and ensured that her image remained radiant.

She twisted her waist, walked to the door of the dormitory, and opened the door.

Outside the door, Sol maintained a polite smile and looked at Kong Sha sincerely.

"Sister, do you want to have another second-level apprentice's brain?"

Eyeballs are rolling.

Kong Sha's eyes fell on Sol's left hand, and she almost crushed the doorknob in her hand.

She sideways to let Saul in.

"You... did a witch body transformation?"

"Yeah, I survived by luck."

Kong Sha sneered, her little servant had escaped her control when she wasn't paying attention!

Seeing that Kongsha's expression became dangerous, Sol immediately said: "It's also thanks to the senior sister's potion. Although I don't need the second potion, I will still bring gifts to the senior sister."



Kongsha's eyeballs were trembling, and the white slurry seemed to be boiling.

But after all, she calmed down and accepted Sol's promise.

"Since you don't need my medicine anymore, why are you willing to help me with my brain?"

"Firstly, Senior Sister Kongsha saved my life. If you need it, of course I will not refuse. Second, I ask Senior Sister Kongsha to save me again." Saul said seriously, "I will work hard in the future. Help Senior Sister Kongsha prepare more and better gifts."

Kong Sha looked at Sol's left hand, she didn't ask Sol how he did it, and she wouldn't tell the truth if she asked him.

Finally, Kongsha smiled charmingly.

"Tell me, who are you going to kill?"

Nothing happened overnight.

Classes the next day.

For the first time ever, Sol shows up in a public class.

Keri turned her head and saw him, as if seeing a ghost.

"How did you come?"

"I figured it out, so I'm here." Saul smiled, and sat next to Keri.

"Your hand?" Keri noticed Saul's undisguised left hand at a glance.

"I made a glove, the craftsmanship is not bad."

Keri blinked, "It's not pretty."

Sol: "..."

While talking to Keli, the teaching apprentice of All-Cognition stepped onto the podium.

The apprentice teaching this course is very fixed, and has always been the second-level apprentice at the beginning.

What he is talking about today is the section on herbs in the chapter on plants.

It was rare for Saul to hear the whole story without saying a word.

Then he found out that the senior really read it word for word!

So what's the point of this lesson?

It is more hypnotic than automatic listening to books.

There is no more explanation.

Keri on the side was already writing and drawing. Sol glanced at it and felt that she seemed to be analyzing the construction model of a 0-level witchcraft.

He didn't look closely.

It was inappropriate at first.

Second, he was afraid that Keli would ask him for money.

After the second-level apprentice on the stage finished speaking, he put the book aside and said, "If you have any questions, you can ask." Then he took out another book from his bag and studied it there.

There are very few people in the classroom, nearly half less than Sol's last class.

Few of the people who stayed here were listening carefully.

So what is the meaning of this class?

Sol leaned on his chin and thought, "Fan said that knowledge is a wizard's tool. So how to use these tools?"

After staring at the senior in class and thinking for a while, Sol put away the book and got up with his schoolbag on his back.

"Are you leaving again?" Keri said without raising her head.

But Saul walked very quickly, and didn't have time to answer Keri's words.

He walked under the podium, faced the senior sitting crookedly behind the podium, raised his head, and asked respectfully.

"Senior, can I ask you a question?"

"One credit, five minutes." The senior was still immersed in the book, as if answering the question reflexively.

"Okay. Can you keep my question a secret then?"

The senior raised his head.

Sol's voice was not high, but it could be heard by the apprentices in the first few rows.

Someone cast a curious look.

The senior who was lecturing suddenly smiled and recited a mantra.

Next, his voice rang in Thor's head.

"Two-way communication, you can speak normally, other people can't hear the voice, and can't see your lips clearly. But now it costs 2 credits."

Strong buy and strong sell!

However, Saul's eyes lit up.

The communication technique is a level 0 spell, isn't this two-way communication technique a level 1 spell?

What does it mean for a senior who can choose to learn this auxiliary level 1 witchcraft?

He definitely does more practical wizardry!

Before Sol could speak, the senior said, "Pay the credits first."

Saul asked: "Senior, how can I give you the credits? Should I go to the registration room first?"

The other party shook his head, and took out a piece of paper from under the table, on which the time and name were registered.

"Take the badge on your clothes, activate it with mental power, and press here to leave a mark. I will go to the registration room to redeem it every day. If you don't have credits and cheated me, you need ten times the compensation."

Speaking of this, the senior is quite excited, and seems to hope that someone will try this.

Sol didn't hesitate, and left a mark as the other party said.

The upper left corner of the paper also read: Monroe, Second Class Apprentice.

It should be the other person's name.

After Saul left his mark, Monroe took out another blue hourglass and put it on the table, let Saul take a look at it, and then turned the hourglass upside down.

Timing begins.

Sol said almost immediately: "Senior, why is the same 0-level witchcraft used on ordinary people and newcomers who have just become apprentices, the effect is much worse?"

"Because of resistance." Monroe looked at Sol, and asked again, "Did you kill someone?"

Sol was taken aback, his expression became vigilant.

"It's okay, I'm just curious, you don't need to answer." Monroe waved his hand and continued to explain, "Resistance is divided into mental resistance and magic resistance."

"A new apprentice, although the magic power and spiritual power have not been greatly improved, but the daily study, meditation, building runes, and witchcraft practice are all improving their own resistance. Coupled with the mysterious impregnation in the wizard's tower, People's tolerance for witchcraft will be qualitatively improved."

"But these resistances are actually very small. It's okay to face 0-level tricks, but if you face 1-level or higher witchcraft, if you want to rely on your body to fight it, you will be courting death."

"The real way to prevent you from being hurt by other people's witchcraft is to defend against witchcraft. Many wandering wizards outside are not the first to learn offensive witchcraft, but defensive ones. They would rather fight with swords, that is Because I know my own fragility and the horror of witchcraft."

"I'll stop here to explain this question. No matter how deep it is, it's not suitable for you to know."

Sol nodded, and immediately asked: "What is the difference between the first-level apprentice and the second-level apprentice?"

Monroe's eyes widened, and he was a little excited, "It's not bad. Although apprentices are divided into first, second, and third levels, they are all just apprentices after all, and there is no qualitative difference. Mental power will not increase significantly. Solidified witchcraft, so it is very dependent on the on-the-spot response when fighting. When you reach 50 joules and learn the first level 1 witchcraft, you can be called a second-level apprentice. But in fact, even if you only have 40 joules of magic power, you can learn it Level 1 witchcraft, you can also get the badge of a level 2 apprentice!"

Sol immediately grasped the point, "So the root of becoming a second-level apprentice is to master a first-level witchcraft?"

Monroe nodded, "But the magic power can't be too far behind, and it's not very good to reach the second level too soon."

He still tilted his body, leaning on his chin with his hands.

"At the second level, you will find that people are not much stronger, but the world is even scarier."

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