Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 60 The second level with the strongest combat effectiveness

Monroe let out a long sigh.

Saul was still waiting for Monroe to continue, but the other party was only going to answer the second question.

Sol asked further, and Monroe said that this is not what Sol should know now.

Seeing that there is only the last bit left in the hourglass.

Sol immediately asked: "Excuse me, who is the most powerful second-level apprentice in the Wizard Tower?"

Monroe smiled, "Now, it is generally recognized that the strongest combat power is a second-level apprentice named Kong Sha who majors in dark attribute elements. It's a pity that being the most powerful does not mean that he is most likely to advance to the third level."

Munro's last word fell, and the last grain of sand from the blue hourglass fell into the glass below.

"Time is up, do you want to renew?" Monroe touched the small hourglass, as if he was about to turn it upside down again.

But Saul shook his head, thanked Monroe, and turned back to his seat.

On the other hand, Monroe dismissed the witchcraft in a somewhat dispirited manner, put away the hourglass, and continued reading.

When walking back, Sol passed by the long table where Duke and Dozer were, but did not see Rocky.

When Sol looked over, both of them subconsciously avoided his sight.

Returning to his seat and sitting down, Saul shared a little information when he saw Keri looking over.

"One credit is five minutes. You can keep the question secret, but it will cost you one more point...if you believe he can keep it secret."

Ke Li frowned, "It's still very expensive, why didn't you ask the instructor?"

Saul looked at Keri suspiciously, "You often see your mentor?"

Keri said, "It's not very often, maybe once every three or four days."

Sol was speechless, it was only three or four days, and sometimes he could see Mentor Katz only once in more than ten days.

Whether he is willing to answer his questions depends on Katz's mood and how busy he is.

Another fan who had secretly guided him and could barely be regarded as a mentor... Sol has only met twice so far.

After class, Sol was going to go to the meditation class with Keli, but he saw Dorze and Duke walking in the opposite direction from the corner of his eye, he paused, and decided to give up this meditation class first.

Keri was walking, complaining to Sol that many people had some weird movements when meditating, but it was only halfway through the conversation that Sol disappeared again.

Keri rolled her eyes fiercely.


The sixth floor of the west tower, the dormitory area.

When Sol walked back to the dormitory, he passed the gates of 613 and 614.

At that time, Dozer seemed to be about to knock on the door, but when he saw Sol, he quickly turned around and returned to room 613.

Sol looked up and glanced, 614 should live in Rocky.

He thought to himself: "After Rocky was scared away by me yesterday, has he been hiding in the dormitory? Is there no one behind him? Or is it really just because of love?"

Sol's life after becoming an apprentice is different from other apprentices. Apart from studying, he doesn't have any good pastimes.

There are only corpses, stale blood, and souls that convulse from time to time.

So he didn't quite understand that a little boy would face danger for a little girl.

Maybe it's because people in this world are precocious.

Sol returned to the dormitory, thought for a while and pushed the door open a small crack, looking in the direction of 614.

He didn't see Doze looking for Rocky, but saw Duke coming out of 614.

"Duke, why are you everywhere?" Sol narrowed his eyes.

After Duke came out of Rocky's room, he didn't go back to his dormitory, but walked to the end of the corridor and went up the ramp.

Before going up, Duke looked back, as if to see if anyone was following him.

There was no shelter on the ramp, so Sol naturally wouldn't follow up like this.

But even if he didn't follow, he could still guess who Duke was looking for.


In the middle of the night, Sol left the dormitory and crawled upstairs.

The wizard's tower at night is still cold and permeating, and the dim candle lights can only illuminate a small area nearby.

When Sol was still a servant, he was always worried that a grimace would suddenly appear in those areas where the light could not reach.

Now even though he is an apprentice wizard, he is still afraid of those dark corners.

When he reached the tenth floor, Sol stopped for a moment.

There seemed to be a dark figure wandering in the corridor on the tenth floor, but when Thor looked over carefully, he couldn't see anything.

He didn't look any further, and stepped up to the thirteenth floor.

Kongsha's door opened as soon as she knocked, and the other party might also be waiting for him.

"Sid's on the move."

As soon as Konsha closed the door, Sol said bluntly.

"Are you sure? Killing a second-level apprentice in the wizard's tower without any reason will have serious consequences. Everything here belongs to... the tower master." Kongsha took a deep breath tremblingly, as if she was only referring to this title, It made her terrified, "Have you ever thought about the price of being an active attacker if you mistake the target?"

Saul said: "I know, the apprenticeship rules are very clearly written."

If an apprentice kills a servant for no reason, credits will be deducted; if an apprentice kills an apprentice for no reason, he will be skinned and credits will be deducted; if he hurts the mentor for no reason, the mentor can dispose of the apprentice at will.

"But those rules all have a premise of 'no reason'. As long as I resisted and killed Sid by mistake, it would not be considered no reason."

Seeing that Kongsha pursed her lips and remained silent, Sol spread her hands: "Senior sister, Sid has already controlled the two newcomers beside me. If he makes another move, it must be a killer move. You are really willing to watch me die in Sid Do you count?"

After all, it was a chess piece that was finally pushed into the mortuary.

Although the chess piece lost control halfway.

Sol tried to make his voice as sincere as possible, "It's better to follow the plan. You, take the brain of a second-level apprentice, and I, reduce one enemy."

Kong Sha raised her red lips suddenly, and sat back on the chair, her toes circling in the air.

"Tell me about your detailed plan."

Sol felt relieved, and the second step of the plan was completed!

He linked his two-day experience with West Germany's actions.

A lot of this is guesswork.

But Saul doesn't need to verify the truth or falsehood of the guess, as long as Sid shows up at the last moment.

"He first contacted Jenna, a girl who had participated in a mutual aid club...you know about mutual aid clubs, right?"

Consa nodded.

Even Kong Sha knew about the Mutual Aid Association, and the energy of this Mutual Aid Association might be greater than Sol thought.

"The new guy found a parasite in the mutual aid club and asked me for help, but it exploded in front of me."

Kong Sha touched her lips, "The parasites in the Mutual Aid Society are not fatal, so it shouldn't be the work of the Mutual Aid Society."

"I thought so too, and the scale of the explosion was not large. Even if I wasn't wary of Jenna, it would be hard to die in the explosion." Saul lowered his head, and he could still remember the last second when the explosion happened. He looked at himself expectantly.

Sol returned to his senses and continued: "So, I guess Jenna must have someone behind. Sure enough, a few days later, a boy named Rocky came to me to track down Jenna's whereabouts."

"He died too?"

"No, but he didn't show up for a few days after that. But it was because he didn't die, so I had an intuition that he would come to me again. And when he came to me again, it was the time when Sid's ultimate move came. "

Kong Sha stopped rubbing her lips, "I don't understand here. Since you know he was also sent by Sid, why don't you just kill him?"

"A known enemy is better to target than an unknown enemy." Saul slowly explained to Kongsha, "Sid is very cautious, he never does it himself. All bad things that require killing people are done by others." .But now that I have angered him, and his strength is growing rapidly, if he tries to attack me again, he definitely doesn’t want to miss again.”

"For this reason, he will definitely show up at the end to ensure that his plan will not fail."

In fact, Sol was sure that Sid would show up, because he was sure that the other party would come to find the death wizard's diary, so as not to be picked up by passers-by.

But the matter of the diary must not be leaked.

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