"Xuejiao, I'm sorry for your family. Anyway, you can go." Han Yaohui watched Han Xuejiao cry, with guilt written all over his face, but in the end he still shook his head.

"Sister Xuejiao, is he really your graduate tutor and an associate professor at the university?" Just when Han Yaohui insisted on driving Han Xuejiao and Xia Yunjie away, Han Biru, who had always been pale, suddenly stepped forward and asked.

"Biru, what are you going to do? Go back to the back room!" Han Yaohui couldn't help being shocked when he heard this and said hurriedly.

"No, Dad! It's been five years, and I can't forget that beast, and I can't forget the way Uncle Yaozong looked at me in court. If he is really Sister Xuejiao's mentor, why don't we give it a try? Don't we? Do you want me to spend my whole life in humiliation and guilt?" Han Biru said with red eyes.

"Alas!" Han Yaohui stared at his daughter blankly for a while, then sighed deeply and turned his gaze to Xia Yunjie.

"I am indeed Xuejiao's graduate tutor. You have a computer in the store. If you have an Internet connection, you can go directly to Jiangzhou University's website to view it." Seeing Han Yaohui turn his attention to him, Xia Yunjie knew that the father and daughter had been shaken, and pointed out He pointed to the computer placed behind the counter and said.

"There is an Internet connection." Han Biru nodded, then walked around the counter and sat in front of the computer. Under Xia Yunjie's guidance, she opened the Jiangzhou University website and clicked on the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Soon Han Biru and Han Yaohui were at the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I saw Xia Yunjie's name and his photo in the column of teachers.

After confirming Xia Yunjie's identity, Han Yaohui and Han Biru were stunned for a while. Finally, Han Yaohui spoke up and told the story one by one with a heavy heart of grief and indignation.

That night, Han Yaozong left after drinking. Not long after Han Yaozong left, something urgent happened at Han Biru's grandmother's house. Han Yaohui and his wife rushed there overnight, leaving Han Biru alone at home to clean up the dishes.

It was such a hot summer day. After clearing away the dishes, Han Biru was inevitably sweating a little and needed to take a shower. Han Biru's family was of average means. There was no shower installed in the house at that time, so she always poured water into a large basin and rinsed directly.

After taking a shower, Han Biru went out to pour water and poured some water on Sun Feng, the village cadre who happened to be passing by.

Han Biru was a girl after all, so she was naturally panicked when she saw that the bath water was poured on the village cadres.

However, she didn't expect that Sun Feng was not angry at all. Instead, he reassured her that she was fine, and even entered her house to ask questions. Ju Hanbiru recalled that Sun Feng must have drunk a lot of alcohol at that time, and the smell of alcohol was strong when he spoke. He would touch her from time to time.

After all, Han Biru was young, and as the other party was a cadre stationed in the village, she did not dare to resist, but just dodged in a panic.

Han Biru was pretty, and she had just taken a shower, with the fragrance of a girl on her body. When Sun Feng saw that she didn't dare to resist or say a word, Sun Feng became more and more courageous. Not long after, he hugged her and pulled her her clothes.

Han Biru panicked and opened her mouth to call someone.

However, Sun Feng, who was drunk, could not hold down the pressure when his penis came up. Seeing that Han Biru was about to call someone, he took a vest from the side and stuffed it into Han Biru's mouth. It happened to be Han Yaozong at that time. A vest left at her house.

After Sun Feng vented his ****, he warned Han Biru severely and left.

After all, Han Biru was only thirteen years old at the time. How could she dare to speak out about such a big thing? As soon as Sun Feng left, she huddled in the corner and cried alone. Han Yaohui and his wife were busy until the next morning because of matters at her grandmother's house. Just went home. When I saw my daughter being raped, I was naturally furious. At that time, I was so angry that I just wanted to catch the beast. I didn’t consider that the other person’s father was the county magistrate, so I took my daughter to the town police station to report the crime. .

Gu Yaofei, the deputy director of the police station, and Zhang Chong, a police officer, took the case. They were very angry when they first heard that Han Biru had been raped. However, when they heard that the rapist was Sun Feng, a cadre stationed in Hanjiacun, their attitudes changed. He started to become ambiguous and left them at the police station, saying that they needed to cooperate with the investigation.

At that time, Han Yaohui and the others didn't think much about it. They always thought that killing people should pay for their lives and debts should be paid for. Since Sun Feng raped his daughter, it was only natural that he should be arrested and brought to justice, so he stayed in the police station and waited for the police to arrest Sun Feng.

But soon, Han Yaohui and the others realized something was wrong. Gu Yaofei and police officer Zhang Chong began to warn them not to talk nonsense, saying that Sun Feng was not in Hanjia Village that night, and that someone else raped Han Biru...

Soon after, the situation completely deviated from the original track. Under the coercion and inducement of Gu Yaofei and others, Han Yaohui's family finally testified against Han Yaozong.

"Xuejiao, everything is my uncle's fault. But there was nothing I could do at the time. They detained us at the police station and refused to let us go. Besides, you know that your aunt has always been in poor health. It would cost a lot of money to treat her illness. They I gave the money, contacted the hospital, and promised to buy us a storefront house in Shenghe County. As you know, after something like that happened, Biru's life was ruined, and I had to think about her future. " Han Yaohui said.

"So you let my father take the blame and let him go to jail. Is your conscience okay?" After listening to Han Yaohui's account, Han Xuejiao pointed at Han Yaohui and asked with tears in her eyes.

Han Xuejiao hated Gu Yaofei and other people who violated the law, and she also hated Han Yaohui's family. If it hadn't been for their identification, her father would not have gone to jail.

Han Biru lowered his head, and Han Yaohui shed tears and said, "Biru and I have not had a good life these years. Your aunt's illness was not cured in the end, and she left us the year before last."

"Let bygones be bygones, I have recorded everything you said. I will also hand over these evidences to the relevant departments. You will definitely need to come forward to testify. I hope you will not back down and retort." Xia Yunjie said.

Han Yaohui and Han Biru's father and daughter were silent when they heard this. After a long time, they nodded heavily.

Seeing Han Yaohui and his daughter nodding, Xia Yunjie and Han Xuejiao were finally relieved. The rest depends on the case investigators of the judicial agencies.

hope everything is fine! Xia Yunjie thought to himself, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Teacher, what should we do next?" Han Xuejiao asked after leaving Han Biru's store.

"Next, sort out the information and submit it to the Dongtong City People's Court. Five years have passed since your father's case. Logically speaking, it has already passed the appeal period. However, with the victim's confession, they should re-open the case. ." Xia Yunjie said, with a cold light flashing in his eyes again.

"Yes!" Han Xuejiao nodded with excitement. After five years, she finally had hope.

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