"Overturn the case? Do you think it is so easy to overturn the case? Do you know that there is a time limit for appeals? It has been five years and the time limit has long passed. Even if they submit the evidence, no one will accept it. Also, do you think that in the court? Is testifying so casual? Testify against this today and testify against that tomorrow. Do you know that you will go to jail for perjury? Han Yaohui, do you want your daughter to be jailed after being raped? Han Biru, your mother just passed away It's been less than two years. Do you think your father will go to jail because of you? Also, if you let the villagers, relatives and friends know that what you committed was perjury, think about it, how will they look at you? Is it sympathy? No? It will only be contempt, it will only be disgust!" Not long after Xia Yunjie and Han Xuejiao left, Zhang Chong also came to the small store. Hearing that Xia Yunjie and the others had already been there, and that Han Yaohui and his daughter had told the truth, he couldn't help but feel great. He was taken aback, but after all, Zhang Chong was a capable and scheming person. He did not show any panic in his heart in front of Han Yaohui and his daughter, but immediately threatened them with a strong voice.

In the final analysis, the most critical issue in this case lies with the victim Han Biru. As long as she insists that it was Han Yaozong who did it, even if Xia Yunjie is an associate professor at the university and even if he gets oral evidence from many villagers, it will be impossible to overturn the case. This is why Zhang Chong felt a little panicked when he heard that Han Biru and his daughter had actually met Xia Yunjie and the others, and were thinking of overturning the case, and immediately threatened them fiercely.

It has to be said that Zhang Chong, who has been working at the grassroots level for a long time, has a good grasp of the thoughts of ordinary people. When he threatened like this, Han Yaohui and his daughter's faces immediately turned pale.

"So I advise you to be honest and stop imagining things. Also, Han Yaohui, don't forget Sun Feng's identity. He is the son of the county magistrate. Do you think a mere associate professor can defeat the county magistrate? Don't you? Don't you want your daughter to live a good life with you?" Zhang Chong felt relieved when he saw that his threats were effective, and then continued to intensify his threats.

"Yes, but we have already told that Professor Xia." Han Yaohui was finally afraid. His wife passed away two years ago, and now he and his daughter depend on each other. He would never want his daughter to be harmed in any way, even if it would harm her. Even if Han Yaozong remains in jail, he will not regret it.

"Don't worry about this, Han Yaozong, isn't he just a university professor? What kind of trouble can he cause? You'd better take care of yourself and your daughter, and don't talk nonsense in the future. Otherwise, I can't guarantee whether your store can be successful." Let's drive smoothly again." Seeing that Han Yaohui was finally afraid, Zhang Chong finally let go of the stone hanging in his heart.

What he fears most is that Han Yaohui and his daughter will go all the way to the end, which will make things a bit tricky.

"Stop talking nonsense, stop talking nonsense." Han Yaohui shook his head repeatedly.

Han Biru didn't speak, just bit her lip tightly, but under Zhang Chong's gaze, she finally shook her head.

When Zhang Chong saw this, a proud smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, then he patted Han Yaohui on the shoulder and said: "Do your best, Han Yaohui, forget it this time, if there is a next time, hehe!"

Zhang Chong did not continue speaking, but Han Yaohui and his daughter couldn't help but tremble. They all knew that despite the smile on Zhang Chong's face, and he was a policeman, he could be even more ruthless than a bandit if he really wanted to.

Zhang Chong came in a police car. As soon as he got into the police car, his face suddenly turned gloomy.

He didn't expect Xia Yunjie and Han Xuejiao to find the place where Han Yaohui and his daughter lived so quickly, one step faster than him. He also didn't expect that Xia Yunjie would persuade Han Yaohui and his daughter to move.

Fortunately, he arrived shortly afterwards, otherwise when Han Yaohui and his daughter appeared in court again to testify, the matter would have been much more difficult to deal with.

Damn it, you stinky teacher, do you really think we dare not deal with you? A ruthless look flashed in Zhang Chong's eyes, he stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Wenyong County.

"******, that stinky teacher actually found Han Yaohui and his daughter. Who does he think he is!" Gu Yaofei was furious after hearing Zhang Chong's report in the office of the deputy director of the Wenyong County Public Security Bureau. The crime started.

Ever since he took the position of deputy director, and with the support of County Magistrate Sun Hengyi behind him, Gu Yaofei has been living very proudly in these years. Except for the leaders above, few people dare to go against him. Unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared now A teacher from Jiangzhou University is determined to overturn the case he solved back then. Doesn't that mean he's going to be kicked out of his job? This is great!

"That's right, damn, a university teacher from Jiangzhou City actually came to our Wenyong County to make noises. Do you really think we are afraid of him?" Zhang Chong actually held a breath in his heart, and he couldn't bear it when Director Gu got angry. He couldn't help but said angrily.

Seeing Zhang Chong getting angry along with him, Gu Yaofei calmed down, snorted coldly from his nose, sat back on the office chair, and asked, "Are Han Yaohui and his daughter okay?"

"No problem, I've already warned them." Zhang Chong said.

"Yeah, but be careful and find two more reliable people to keep an eye on them. As long as they don't cooperate, Professor Xia can't expect to turn this case over even if he breaks both of his legs." Gu Yaofei nodded and said.

"Yes, Director Gu. But I didn't expect that boy Xia would find Han Yaohui and his daughter so quickly, and even get words out of them. I think they will definitely hand over the evidence they collected next. You see Do you want to talk to County Magistrate Sun?" Zhang Chong nodded, and then reminded him cautiously.

This time, Gu Yaofei did not reprimand Zhang Chong to use his brain more, but nodded with a slightly solemn expression. After all, the influence of a university professor is completely different from that of a village woman. If he really wants to be serious, even Gu Yaofei will feel a little headache, especially since the other party has some tricks to find Han Yaohui and his daughter, and get testimony from them. When things got to this point, it was necessary to talk to County Magistrate Sun Hengyi.

Of course, Gu Yaofei just felt a little headache. As for overturning the case, he was not worried at all.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. A university professor from out of town is still far away from a strong dragon, but they are real local snakes, especially the county magistrate Sun Hengyi behind Gu Yaofei is Wen Yong. How could a university teacher from out of town be able to suppress the county's second-in-command?

"I think we need to give that teacher a little warning. If he doesn't listen to the warning, give him a lesson, lest he really thinks he is a person or a hero." After Gu Yaofei nodded, he said calmly, as if He said it was an ordinary thing, but there was a fierce look in his eyes.

Just kidding, if you don’t show off how powerful he is, do you really think that he, the deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau, is just showing off? A teacher from Jiangzhou University dared to poop and urinate on his head.

"I understand Gu Ju." Zhang Chong nodded, with a cruel sneer on his lips.

Han Yaozong's case was the final judgment issued by the Wenyong County Court. Xia Yunjie is now taking the appeal route. Naturally, it is not easy to go to the Wenyong County Court but to the Dongtong City People's Court.

Sitting in the car, Han Xuejiao clenched her fists tightly when she saw the Dongtong People's Court building in the distance.

Whether the father can clear his grievances depends on this move.

Xia Yunjie was naturally not as nervous as Han Xuejiao, but seeing Han Xuejiao's nervous look, he felt very heavy.

Because he had no confidence in the Dongtong People's Court and even had a bad premonition in his heart.

As a teacher, he hopes that his students will see the good side of society, not the dark side.

He didn't know how his student's heart would be hurt when she knew that the court in front of her, which represented a fair trial, was the same as Wenyong County. Will we always look at this society with a pessimistic attitude in the future?

“Mr. Four people came up, two clamped Han Xuejiao, and two clamped Xia Yunjie, one on the left and the other on the right. Surprisingly, they were all the policemen who went to Hanjiacun that time. Not only Zhang Chong was there, but also the co-ops, one fat and one thin. exist.

"What do you want to do? This is a court!" Han Xuejiao couldn't help but panicked when she saw this.

"I'm not doing anything, I'm just inviting you and your teacher to have a cup of tea. Hey, what's that in your hand?" The fat police officer said with a smile, and stretched out his chubby hand to Han Xuejiao Portfolio in hand.

"If you don't want your hand to turn into a pig's trotter, just take it." Just as the fat police officer stretched out his fat hand, a cold voice came from his ear.

The fat police officer couldn't help but tremble when he heard this, and his outstretched fat hand froze in mid-air.

He knew this voice all too well!

"The university teachers are indeed quite majestic. It seems that Professor Xia is not giving him face anymore." Zhang Chong glanced at the fat police officer with dissatisfaction, and then said to Xia Yunjie in a sinister manner, with a chill in his eyes.

"Do people like you have any face to speak of?" Xia Yunjie replied coldly and disdainfully.

"It seems that Professor Xia is toasting instead of being punished with wine. Whatever, you can go ahead and do it if you like, but don't regret it afterwards!" After all, this place is not far from the entrance of the court, so Zhang Chong doesn't dare to fight here. Seeing that Xia Yunjie had no intention of letting go under the threat of himself and others, he gave Xia Yunjie a cold look, then dropped an intriguing word, waved his hand, and left with his men.

"Teacher, why don't we forget it." Han Xuejiao did not relax because of the strength of Zhang Chong and others. On the contrary, thinking of his cold eyes and words before leaving, Han Xuejiao felt as if she had fallen into an ice kiln.

In order to clear her father's grievances, she was willing to suffer even more, but she was absolutely unwilling to implicate her teacher.

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