Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,133 Return to Deya Community

"Okay, of course! But you are not coming back because of me, right?" Xia Yunjie nodded, then looked left and right, and asked cautiously. When he asked this question, his heartbeat inexplicably accelerated.

"Tch, come back for you, stop being so pretty!"

"Stop putting gold on your face, Xia Shengun!"

Almost at the same time, Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong shook off Xia Yunjie's arms with disdain, and then rolled their eyes.

"That's good. I'm still worried about what I will do if you two fall in love with me at the same time?" Xia Yunjie wiped his forehead exaggeratedly and said.

"Dream!" When Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong heard this, their hearts beat heavily involuntarily, but they raised their feet almost at the same time and lightly kicked Xia Yunjie's leg.

"If you have a dream, you have hope. Besides, my conditions are not bad. I am a university teacher and handsome. If I put a marriage notice in the newspaper, there will be an endless stream of applicants!" road.

"Hope is still in the field, please wake up." When the two of them saw Xia Yunjie's stinky face and remembered their agreement, their hearts beat faster again, and then they both gave him a blank look.

They did come back because of Xia Yunjie.

Du Haiqiong's mother has definitely made a lot of money in the stock market recently because of Xia Yunjie's predictions. Now she has withdrawn all the principal she invested in the past few years and last year. What is left in the stock market is Pure profit, but even so, it is still in the hundreds of thousands. Du Haiqiong himself later returned to the stock market and made a lot of money. So now, Du Haiqiong is definitely from a well-off family, and there is no need to stay in Hong Kong to make money.

The situation of Shen Liti's family has also reversed this year. Last winter was a cold one, which was good for the sales of thermal underwear. In addition, because of Xia Yunjie's secret help, her thermal underwear entered the Chaosheng supermarket chain. Not only did the sales soar compared to previous years, but the recovery of funds was also extremely smooth. In this way, Shen Liti will naturally no longer have financial pressure. So there is no need to work hard to travel internationally to make more money and send money home.

Of course, these only show that they have the conditions to return to Jiangzhou City Airport to work, but only they know the real reason.

They all really fell in love with Teacher Xia in front of them, who they once regarded as a gay bastard. Not only them, but their family members are also quite satisfied with Teacher Xia and have urged them several times. So after many ideological struggles, they agreed to return to Jiangzhou City to work together. Who ends up with Xia Yunjie will be decided by fair competition.

It was naturally impossible for Xia Yunjie to know these things without some calculation. When he saw the two of them rolling their eyes at him again, he smiled disapprovingly.

When Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong saw this, they couldn't help but roll their eyes at him, but their jade arms wrapped around his arm again coincidentally.

"Teacher Lu, Teacher Fan, let's find a place to continue drinking until we get drunk!" Liu Leehom said as he watched Xia Yunjie and the three of them disappear into the dark night.

"Okay, I won't go home until I'm drunk!" Lu Gaoda and Fan Xuewen nodded without thinking.

"No, haven't you had a good time tonight? Still drinking! Don't you have to go to work tomorrow?" Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin both rolled their eyes when they heard this.

"Teacher Li, Secretary Yang, you don't know, we are so worried! We can't fall asleep without drinking some wine." Liu Leehom sighed.

"Yes, Teacher Li, Secretary Yang, let's talk about it. They are both university teachers and work in the same office, but look at Teacher Xia, we feel uncomfortable!" Fan Xuewen and Lu Gaoda exaggeratedly beat their chests.

Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin looked at the three of them and were stunned for a while, then nodded with deep sympathy and said: "We can understand, let's go!"

"Aren't you going to drink with us and comfort our wounded hearts?" Liu Leehom and the other three looked at Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin and said.

"Tch, you are not Teacher Xia!" Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin tossed their hair without thinking and left.

Liu Leehom and the other three looked at the backs of Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin turning away, and they all heard their own heartbroken voices in the dark night.

God, you are so unfair!

The community where Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti rent is still Deya Community.

Walking into this familiar old neighborhood, Xia Yunjie felt like he was going back in time. I think of Du Haiqiong's ****, I think of the amazing scene when I came home one day and suddenly saw a beautiful woman taking a bath, and I think of every detail when I lived under the same roof with Shen Liti.

Suddenly, Xia Yunjie missed those days especially and wanted to go back to the past.

But no matter how high Xia Yunjie's cultivation level is, he can't turn back time. Everything is already yesterday.

"When I first met you, I thought you were a gay slut, but I didn't expect you to be a big pervert." Returning to the familiar neighborhood, holding the arm of the man who made her heart beat, Du Haiqiong was obviously thinking too, and couldn't help but see He said with a trace of memory.

"Hmph, you're still talking about it! You lured the wolf into my house without saying a word, but you patted your butt and walked away. Fortunately, I have the skills to tame wolves, so I didn't suffer any disaster!" Shen Liti rolled her eyes at Du Haiqiong and said.

"Hey, hey, please don't act like a pervert, okay? I'm a real gentleman. I've never molested you when I rented together with you." Xia Yunjie said, feeling very wronged.

"Huh, that's because you don't have the courage!" Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong said in unison.

While they were talking, the three of them came to the downstairs of No. 5 unknowingly.

Looking at the familiar building and the identical numbers at the entrance to the stairs, Xia Yunjie said with a surprised look on his face: "You won't live in the same house as before, right?"

"Hehe, you guessed it right. It was a coincidence that we rented the same house we lived in before, but the rent was hundreds of dollars more expensive than the previous two years. But it doesn't matter, anyway, this girl She has made a lot of money in the stock market, and now our Miss Shen has become the daughter of a wealthy family, with a few hundred yuan and a small amount!" Du Haiqiong showed off with an exaggerated expression.

"Wow, so you two are now the famous Bai Fumei!" Xia Yunjie made a surprised expression when he heard this.

"So, how excited are you? Do you want to chase us?" Du Haiqiong said proudly.

"Yes." Xia Yunjie nodded seriously at first, and then asked with a money-obsessed look on his face: "But how much money do you have now, can you tell me? If the money is really a lot, I don't mind aggrieved. "

But as soon as Xia Yunjie finished speaking, he saw Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti gritting their teeth, raising their feet and kicking him.

Xia Yunjie was so frightened that he hurriedly ran upstairs.

"Xia Yunjie, stop!" Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti shouted when they saw this and chased after him angrily.

However, Xia Yunjie was able to outrun him, and he was on the third floor in a blink of an eye, so the two of them couldn't catch up.

"Ouch! My feet!" Just as Xia Yunjie was about to run to the fifth floor in one breath, Du Haiqiong's screams came from downstairs.

"What's going on? Did you sprain your foot?" Xia Yunjie heard the screams and ran back in a hurry, looking at Du Haiqiong and asking with concern.

Seeing the concerned look on Xia Yunjie's face, Du Haiqiong's eyes that were filled with success turned to tenderness. However, her hands and Shen Liti's hands were not idle. They both spread their fingers together and pinched Xia Yunjie's waist. He gritted his teeth and said: "I let you run, I let you not mind the grievance!"

"It hurts! It hurts! I was wrong, I was wrong." Xia Yunjie naturally realized that he had been deceived, but in his heart there was no anger at being deceived, only indescribable warmth and happiness.

"Humph, let's see if you dare to say that you have wronged yourself next time!" Seeing Xia Yunjie cry out in pain, Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti raised their chins proudly, then let go of their hands, twisted their waists like water snakes, and kicked He stomped upstairs, leaving Xia Yunjie with two cool and sexy back figures.

Xia Yunjie looked at the water snake-like waist twisting and turning above him, which was indescribably charming. He couldn't help but smile and shook his head, then raised his feet and chased after her.

"Beauty, you're back. I have a bottle of French Bordeaux wine here. Are you interested in having a drink?" Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti had just arrived at the stairs on the fifth floor when the door opposite to their rented room opened. The young man looked at them and asked with a smile, his eyes flicking around their plump breasts from time to time.

"Not interested." Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti replied coldly without thinking.

"Why are you so disrespectful? We are all neighbors. Let's get to know each other and have fun!" One of the young people who thought he was handsome shook his flowing hair coolly and said.

"Yes, yes, let's get to know each other." The other two agreed obscenely.

"I'm talking about three friends, don't you think your smile is too obscene and will scare my girlfriend?" At this time, Xia Yunjie finally arrived on the fifth floor and looked at the three young men with a somewhat unkind look.

"Girlfriend? I mean, little brother, with your body, can you do it? Do you need any help from me?" Seeing a pretty boy suddenly appear and ruin their good deeds, the man with flowing hair He looked Xia Yunjie up and down with an unhappy expression, and then said with contempt.

"Haha, yes, yes, my brothers' names are Lei Feng!" The other two laughed when they heard this.

Seeing that these three guys dared to laugh at Xia Yunjie, Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong were not angry, but looked at them with gloating expressions.

Xia Shengun is someone you can laugh at, you are really bringing shame on yourself!

Seeing that the beauty was not angry, but looked interested in watching the show, the three horny boys couldn't help but look at Xia Yunjie more and more arrogantly, their chests were high, and they wished that the beauty could see clearly who was the real man.

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