Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,609 Fierce Battle

The official seal is a magic weapon issued by heaven to high-ranking officials for identification and self-defense. This magic weapon is imitated from the famous ancient magic weapon Fan Tianyin. Not only does it exude awe-inspiring righteousness, it is also extremely powerful and indestructible.

The five skeleton warriors are not afraid of water and fire, and they also carry corpse poison. It is most suitable to use these fierce things to kill them directly.

As soon as the official seal was released, not only did the golden light bloom, but its size also increased in the wind. However, in the blink of an eye, when the official seal fell towards the five-skeleton warrior, it had become a huge boulder several acres in size.

The huge boulder glowed golden and thundered down, like a mountain collapsing and the ground cracking, even the space trembled.

"Stop being so arrogant!" Seeing that the official seal was about to fall, another member of the Withered Bone Sect's army had already risen into the air again.

This man also had a sinewy face, a band on his forehead, and a black mace in his hand. The mace was made from the bones of an unknown monster. As soon as it was taken out, there was a roar of a beast.

This man was also one of the four guardians under Cui Yan's tent. He sacrificed the mace in the air, and the mace became as big as a towering tree, and he smashed it against the official seal.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the mace and the official seal collided head-on, making a deafening sound and causing a powerful airflow impact.

As soon as the mace collided with the official seal, it fell back. The protector wearing the headband also shook in the air, showing signs of falling. On the other hand, the official seal just shook its head and continued to press towards the five-skeleton warrior.

It was obvious that County Captain Zhou Liang was superior in both the power of the magic weapon and the cultivation level of the person controlling it.

Seeing that the protector wearing a headband could not stop Zhou Liang, two more people rose up from the Withered Bone Sect's army one after another. However, these two people were both skinny and bony, different from the fleshy faces of the previous two.

These two people are the other two great elixir stage immortals under Cui Yan's tent.

One of these two people used a ghost-headed whip, and the other used a black sickle.

One of the two sacrificed a sickle to cut off the official seal, and the other sacrificed a whip to draw out the official seal. As soon as these two people took action, the golden light of the official seal began to dim, swaying, and tending to fall. When the protector wearing a headband saw this, he naturally refused to give up the great opportunity and hurriedly sacrificed a mace to seal the official seal.

As a result, the county captain Zhou Liang became increasingly unable to resist, and the five-skeleton warrior took the opportunity to escape from under the official seal and continued to kill the fire dragon.

Upon seeing this, Deng Ling hurriedly sacrificed the skull rosary and turned it into nine flying baby heads. These nine flying baby skulls had just swallowed the flesh and blood elixir of the county prime minister Zhang Xian, and their power was even greater than before. Even the empty eye holes were beating with blood-colored light.

As soon as the nine flying infant skulls flew out, they opened their mouths to bite the five skeleton warriors. However, the skeleton warriors were covered in bones and skeletons, but they could not bite anything. However, the nine flying infant skulls bit the five skeleton warriors. , the five skeleton warriors were unable to exert any force, but they were staggering in the air, showing signs of being picked up by the nine flying infant heads. Wei Hu was so anxious that he activated the magic formula repeatedly.

These five skeleton warriors are magic weapons that he has been practicing for hundreds of years. They have become one with his mind and spirit and cannot be lost. Once he loses it, not only will he lose a useful magic weapon, but his cultivation level will also be greatly affected, and it will probably be difficult for him to recover within ten or twenty years.

Most magic weapons are like this. They use evil and cruel methods when refining them. Once they are refined, they are very powerful, but once they are lost, the backlash will be equally powerful.

When Deng Ling sacrificed the Feitian Infant Skull to fight the Five Skeleton Warriors, Wu Tong had already sacrificed the Hundred Poison Banner to fight the other three guardians to help Zhou Xianwei.

The Baidu Banner was Cui Shuo's personal magic weapon. Cui Yan naturally recognized it. When he saw someone on the tower offering his brother's magic weapon, he suddenly looked ferocious and shouted: "Give me back my brother's life!"

As he was shouting loudly, thirty-six black lights rushed out from above his head, revealing thirty-six flags. The flags were spread out in the wind, and the black air was gurgling. A man with a body covered in copper, like copper, was revealed. The ordinary zombies made of water are exactly the thirty-six flying bronze corpses that Cui Yan became famous for.

Naturally, this flying bronze corpse was not comparable to the corpse soldiers that were slowly approaching the city gate and preparing to break the city. Not only can they fly into the sky and escape from the earth, but their whole bodies are like copper and iron walls, invulnerable to weapons and weapons, infinitely powerful, and not afraid of water and fire. Not to mention ordinary immortals, even if the immortals in the elixir stage are surrounded by these thirty-six flying bronze corpses, they will probably have some trouble. There is no life in death.

The Flying Bronze Corpse was not afraid of poison. Once it was sacrificed, it went straight towards Wu Tong who was manipulating the Hundred Poison Flags on the tower. The poison could not stop them at all.

The flying bronze corpse was extremely fast and was about to fly up the city wall in the blink of an eye.

"How dare such an outsider act so arrogantly in front of this official!" When the county magistrate Wei Chong saw that Old Demon Cui Yan had already taken action, he naturally did not dare to neglect him any more. He shouted coldly and spit out a silver flying sword.

As soon as the silver flying sword was sprayed out, it transformed into thirty-six sword lights, resisting thirty-six flying bronze corpses.

"Ding, ding, ding!" The sword light hit the flying bronze corpse. Not only did it splash a little spark, but it also emitted a jingle of gold and iron. It actually couldn't penetrate the flying bronze corpse at all. Wei Chong couldn't help but feel shocked. I was shocked, and I secretly praised in my heart that the thirty-six flying bronze corpses of Cui Yan Lao Mo really lived up to their reputation.

However, although the sword light could not hurt the Flying Bronze Corpse, the castration of the Flying Bronze Corpse was also blocked and unable to fly up the city wall.

In this way, the struggle between Cui Yan and Wei Chong came to a stalemate. Seeing that his thirty-six flying bronze corpses were blocked by Wei Chong's thirty-six sword lights, Cui Yan was furious, but he also knew that Wei Chong could be appointed by the heaven. The magistrate of Qianxi County naturally has some real abilities. With his own strength, he was unable to urge the thirty-six flying bronze corpses to break through the sword light. He had no choice but to give orders and mobilize other immortals to participate in the attack.

When Wei Chong saw this, he naturally mobilized the captain and others to participate.

In this way, the soldiers came to cover up the water and earth, and the two sides fought fiercely. The Withered Bone Sect had many soldiers and generals, and most of their magic weapons and spells were weird and powerful. After a while, they gained the upper hand. However, the Heavenly Court was defending the city and had a favorable location. Cui Yan thought that it would be difficult to successfully break through the city just through the war between the heavenly beings.

Xia Yunjie saw that although the county government was at a disadvantage, it was able to compete with the Dry Bones Sect due to its advantageous location. However, wanting to win was nothing more than a foolish dream. Knowing that he had to rely on himself, Xia Yunjie was unwilling to hide his clumsiness anymore. With a sudden thought, he shouted in a low voice: "Bang!"

The fire dragon, which had always behaved quite well, suddenly swung its huge body around and coiled up tens of thousands of corpse soldiers. From a distance, it looked like a long match rope surrounding the corpse soldiers.

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