Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1610: Burning Corpse Soldiers

"A mere fire magic weapon actually wants to kill all my tens of thousands of corpse soldiers and burn them all. I really don't know how high the sky is!" When Wei Hu saw this, he couldn't help but curl up with a sarcastic sneer.

Sure enough, as soon as Wei Hu finished speaking, the corpse soldiers circled by the dragon-binding ropes began to riot. They jumped up and down, threatening to break the dragon-binding ropes.

"Master Xia, this is a shame. Although the corpse soldier is far from comparable to Cui Yan Laomo's flying bronze corpse, it is also refined by secret methods and cannot be compared with ordinary zombies. You need to burn them piece by piece. This is the best policy." On top of the city tower, County Magistrate Wei Chong and County Lieutenant Zhou Liang changed their expressions when they saw this, and they called Xia Yunjie.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a corpse soldier." Xia Yunjie smiled faintly, and then squeezed the magic formula suddenly, and the fire dragon that looked like a match rope from a distance suddenly shrank.

This fire dragon magic weapon was refined from the dragon tendons of the Yanlong Emperor in the fairy infant stage. It not only has a trace of the flame properties of the candle dragon, but also has the property of binding space. Since Xia Yunjie specially brought it to the fairy world, it naturally has some power. , how can it be compared to ordinary fire magic weapons?

I saw that the dragon-binding rope suddenly shrank, and the surrounding space also shrank suddenly. The tens of thousands of scurrying corpse soldiers suddenly seemed to be restrained by a powerful force, and involuntarily followed the contraction of the dragon-binding rope. The central area gathered together, and they could no longer run around.

At the same time that the corpse soldiers were gathered together, the dragon-binding rope suddenly burst into flames, and scorching fire spurted out from the fire dragon's mouth, spraying towards the gathered corpse soldiers like a flamethrower.

This fire is not an ordinary fire, but has a trace of the characteristics of the ancient candle dragon fire. This burning is amazing!

"Chi chi chi! Crack!" In a short time, the corpse soldiers were set on fire, and there was the sound of burning grease and firewood all over their bodies. A complex smell filled the air, and the Withered Bone Cult under the city was so smoked. Many people in the army couldn't help but vomit.

"What kind of magic weapon is this? It's so powerful!" Seeing the corpse soldiers being ignited by the fire, the fire was immortal and was getting stronger and stronger. In the blink of an eye, a large area of ​​the corpse soldiers was burned down to nothing. At one o'clock, Cui Yan and other demons all had their eyes wide open and looked horrified.

By the time they came to their senses, half of the tens of thousands of corpse soldiers had gone, and only the tiger who was commanding the corpse soldiers was so angry that he sprayed a mouthful of blood at the five skeleton warriors.

The five skeleton warriors received the help of essence and blood, and as expected, their eyes glowed with blood. They exerted force suddenly, and there were faint signs of escaping from the mouth of the flying infant's skull. After all, Deng Ling's cultivation level is limited, and it is a bit difficult for him to control the skull rosary. He can control it for a short time, but as time goes by and the opponent exerts strength, he becomes a little unable to do what he wants. Blood rushes to his heart, and cold sweat rolls down his forehead. Falling, but there are some signs of being unable to control the skull rosary.

"Deng Ling, come here." Xia Yunjie shouted upon seeing this.

Deng Ling hurriedly walked to Xia Yunjie as ordered. Xia Yunjie raised his hand and pressed it on the top of his head, saying: "Let go of the soul and spirit and let me control the skull rosary."

Deng Ling now unconditionally believed in Xia Yunjie. After hearing this, he released his soul and soul, and a ray of Xia Yunjie's soul took the opportunity to enter his body.

Xia Yunjie separated a ray of soul into Deng Ling's body and connected him with himself and the skull rosary.

Xia Yunjie is so powerful now. As soon as he controlled the skeleton rosary and moved his mind, the skeleton rosary immediately became more powerful and even flew back to the tower with the five skeleton warriors in his mouth.

Seeing the five skeleton warriors being carried away by the nine flying baby heads, flying higher and higher, Wei Hu was so anxious that he spurted out blood to activate the five skeleton warriors, trying to summon them back, but what a person like Xia Yunjie, he Although he was unwilling to expose Jin Xian's strength, the one hundred and eight drops of extremely pure fairy dew in his Ming Mansion were not comparable to that of Wei Hu.

As a result, the more Wei Hu's essence and blood spurted out, the five skeleton warriors flew higher and higher, and finally flew into the tower. Xia Yunjie caught him in his hand, and turned into a white bone with five hideous bones attached to it. skull.

This is nothing, as soon as the five-skeleton warrior magic weapon returned to its original shape, Xia Yunjie's powerful spiritual thoughts rushed into the magic weapon, and directly wiped out Wei Hu's hundreds of years of continuous imprint on it. The mark of divine thoughts.

"Poof!" Xia Yunjie wiped away the mark of spiritual thought left by Wei Hu on the magic weapon of the Five Skeleton Warriors, but Wei Hu spat out a large mouthful of blood and fell down from the white tiger, being scrambled by the followers below. You have to catch it on the ground, otherwise the majestic immortal may have his head blown.

You must know that the soil and stones in this fairy world are different from those in the lower world. They are harder than steel bars. If Wei Hu fell headlong from that high altitude, he might really suffer from brain damage.

"Go and call Zhu Gang." Xia Yunjie said to Deng Ling after casually obliterating Wei Hu's spiritual mark.

Deng Ling took the order and hurried down the tower. Within a moment, Zhu Gang followed Deng Ling to the tower. Xia Yunjie gave him the magic weapon of the Five Skeleton Warriors and said: "The magic weapon collected last time was not enough. It's because of you and Zheng Xuan." , I have handed over another one today and will give it to you. Now you can sacrifice and practice it, and you will be able to kill more enemies later."

Zhu Gang had naturally seen the battle in the air just now. He knew that the magic weapon of the Five Skeleton Warriors was the magic weapon used by Wei Hu, one of the four guardians of the Withered Bone Sect. He kowtowed repeatedly in excitement, and then received the secret method of sacrificial refining and sacrificial release. Then he happily held the magic weapon and bumped down the tower, preparing to find a quiet place to perform the sacrificial ritual.

Seeing Zhu Gang's retreating figure, not to mention the soldiers on the tower, even the county magistrate and county captain were a little jealous.

Grandma, this is a magic weapon that has been carefully refined for hundreds of years by the immortals in the elixir stage! Just to give it to a centurion who is not even an immortal is simply unreasonable and a waste of natural resources!

But they could only shout in their hearts, why don't they have such an awesome commander-in-chief?

Xia Yunjie turned his attention to the outside of the city again, and saw that the fire dragon was still burning the corpse soldiers, and that the other three guardians were still surrounding the county captain Zhou Liang. Although Wu Tong sacrificed the Baidu Banner to help, after all, because of his limited realm, Even if he passed on his secret method of sacrifice, it would still not be as powerful as Cui Shuo's summons, but he would be at a disadvantage together with Zhou Liang.

"I have seven centurions, but they still lack some magic weapons. Why not take away their magic weapons as well." Xia Yunjie watched Zhou Liang and Wu Tong fall behind, and thought to himself, those nine flying apsaras The baby head flew towards them again.

Unfortunately, the magic weapon that Yu Wendu worked so hard to refine fell into Xia Yunjie's hands and turned into a weapon specially used to snatch other people's magic weapons.

But not to mention, this flying baby head can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, it is extremely flexible, and its teeth are good, so it is really good for snatching magic weapons.

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