Xia Yunjie walked aimlessly on the street for a while. When he saw a bus stop in front of him, he strolled over and prepared to take the bus home. I walked to the bus stop and looked at the stop sign, but found that there was no direct bus to Deya Community.

But Xia Yunjie didn't care much. If there were no buses, he could still take a taxi. After working in the bar for a month, although the income is not comparable to that of the old employees, the salary plus tips is almost 2,000 yuan. Even because he had a relatively young and handsome face, several young women who often came to the bar gradually remembered him. Among them, a rich young woman named Zhong heard that Xia Yunjie had just graduated from school this year, and she liked him very much. He once hinted that he was willing to pay for his financial support, which made Xia Yunjie stunned for a moment. He never dreamed that one day he would become the target of a rich woman's care. Of course Xia Yunjie didn't agree, but strangely he didn't feel disgusted at all. It is estimated that whether it is a man or a woman, it is not a depressing thing if someone likes you. Of course, the woman named Zhong is not bad looking. He is thirty-six or seventeen years old, well-maintained, with fair skin, plump figure, and good temperament. Sometimes Xia Yunjie even thinks that even if a woman like her pays for her, there will be men flocking to her, so why spend such unjust money! I don't know if she has too much money to spend, or if she just likes to play with handsome guys like him who just came out of school and have no experience in the world.

In short, after working in the bar for a month, Xia Yunjie finally had enough money, and he really didn't have to be careful about taking a taxi or something.

While he was standing at the bus stop waiting for a taxi, two women stood in front of him. They looked at the road from time to time and used their hands as fans to fan the wind. They were obviously waiting for the bus.

Both women are very tall, especially the one with long hair, who is at least 1.7 meters tall. The two long legs are white and straight, and the sapphire-colored waist dress vividly outlines the woman's curves. Just looking at the back is enough to make people's hearts beat. The other woman had pretty short hair. Although she was slightly shorter than the woman with long hair, she was probably about 1.68 meters tall. The short-haired woman was wearing a white T-shirt and hot pants, with bulging breasts and looked very youthful and energetic.

Both of them were wearing large brown sunglasses, which covered a large part of their faces, but from their high nose bridges, rosy and sexy lips, and fair skin, it was not difficult to guess that they were definitely two stunning beauties, even if She is not a beauty, but her figure and temperament alone are enough to be eye-catching.

Xia Yunjie noticed that as soon as these two beauties arrived, many men waiting for the bus glanced at them, and they were obviously used to the men's gazes, with a hint of disdain and arrogance escaping from the corners of their mouths.

"Hey, taxi!" Just when the hot sun-bathed beauty was impatient, an empty car drove towards her. The woman with pretty short hair suddenly became excited and hurriedly waved to the taxi, holding her chest when waving. The pair of round meat balls dangled so that the men's eyes were bright and they secretly swallowed their saliva.

The taxi obviously saw the beautiful woman waving at her, and immediately turned on the right turn signal and slowly stopped at the bus stop.

Seeing the taxi approaching, the two beauties breathed a sigh of relief. They folded their parasols and prepared to get in as soon as the taxi stopped.

The tiger shows off its power in autumn, which is more terrifying than in midsummer. They don't want to stay on the road anymore.

But what the two beauties didn't expect was that the taxi drove past them, and then stopped steadily behind them, next to a young man waiting for the taxi with them.

That young man was Xia Yunjie.

"Master! Where are you going? I'll take you off." The car stopped and the window rolled down. The taxi driver waved to Xia Yunjie with a look of surprise. It was the taxi driver named Guo who asked Xia Yunjie to help him predict whether he would have children last time. car driver.

Xia Yunjie was a little surprised to see that it was the taxi driver. He smiled at the driver and was about to open the door and get in the car. The beauty with short hair refused and rushed to open the rear door. He sat down on his butt and pulled his companion in along the way.

Driving a taxi is a very boring job. If it were possible to pick up such two beautiful beauties, the driver would be happy, but today was an exception.

"I'm sorry, you two, there are already guests in the car." The driver turned to the two beauties and said.

"What? We were the ones who called for the car first!" Du Haiqiong, the short-haired beauty, said unconvincedly.

"That's right, we were the ones who made the first move just now!" Shen Liti also said unconvinced.

Yes, I don’t know what the driver was looking at. He didn’t even notice the two beauties standing there and drove to the back. Could it be that the driver was a gay? Only men in your eyes?

Naturally, Xia Yunjie didn't bother to compete with the two beauties for a car. When he saw this, he smiled at the driver and said, "Master Guo, you can send these two ladies off first. I'll wait."

But Xia Yunjie agreed, but Master Guo disagreed. Two beauties are nothing. This person in front of me is a real master. It is rare to meet him again. How can he let this "old man" wait for the bus in the bright sun.

"How can this be done!" Master Guo immediately shook his head, then turned to Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti again and said, "You two ladies, please..."

"Hey, what's your attitude? Are you bullying us because we are women and we can do whatever we want? I can call and complain that you refused to take the bus!" Du Haiqiong couldn't help but get annoyed when she saw that Xia Yunjie had agreed and the driver still insisted on letting them get off the bus.

"You can't say that. If I park next to you with an empty watch and then refuse to take passengers, that's a refusal to take passengers. It's my fault. You can complain to me! But before the car stops, who am I going to take? Freedom." Master Guo felt a little angry when he saw Du Haiqiong saying that he wanted to file a complaint against him, but he still tried his best to suppress his anger and argued with reason.

It’s not easy to drive a taxi these days. You don’t make much money, but you have to sit in the car all day long, and you don’t have time to eat on time. As time goes by, you’ll suffer from a lot of occupational diseases, and you have to deal with all kinds of things with a smile. If you encounter a customer with a bad attitude and insists on complaining to you, you will be even more offended!

"I don't care about that, anyway, it's us first..." Du Haiqiong argued still unconvinced after hearing this.

"How about this, Master? It's not easy for everyone to wait for a taxi on a hot day. How about we share a taxi together!" Shen Liti's surname is not as aggressive as Du Haiqiong's. After hearing this, she knew that it would be okay to analyze it from the perspective of a taxi driver. Wrong, he interrupted when he saw this.

"This won't work." Master Guo shook his head almost without thinking. This is a true master. It is already an honor to invite him to ride in his shabby taxi. How can he get another carpool?

Du Haiqiong couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she saw that Shen Liti had already given in, but the taxi driver still didn't agree.

"Haha, carpooling is a good compromise." Xia Yunjie didn't want to argue about this matter, and he didn't want Master Guo to be complained about this matter. Before Du Haiqiong could speak, he had already opened the door of the passenger seat and bent down to sit down. Got in.

Master Guo was slightly startled when he heard this, and then secretly cursed himself for being confused. A gentle lady and a gentleman are so arrogant. No matter how powerful the master is, he is still a man, and he is still an upright and vigorous young man. How can he mind riding with two beauties, but he is almost the same? Did something stupid.

"Is that okay now?" However, Du Haiqiong didn't appreciate it very much. He just glanced at Xia Yunjie and then said to Master Guo. But Master Guo had the same idea in his heart, and even went a step further, thinking that the reason why Xia Yunjie agreed was not to please these two beauties, and he would definitely find an opportunity to strike up a conversation with them later. Aren’t all those annoying men on airplanes like that?

"Since the master has no objection, I naturally have no objection." Master Guo said with a smile.

"Master?" Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti noticed at this time that the taxi driver called Xia Yunjie, and they couldn't help but be a little surprised. They didn't know whether Xia Yunjie's name was Master, or an honorific that specifically refers to an expert, but they probably thought it was the former. It's true that Xia Yunjie is too young, and he doesn't look like a master at all.

After this analysis, the two of them laughed secretly in their hearts, wondering what this guy's father did to give his son such an awesome name.

"Master, where are you going?" When the two of them were secretly laughing, Master Guo turned to ask Xia Yunjie with a respectful expression.

"Ladies first, let's see them off first." Xia Yunjie said with a smile. After working in the bar for a month, Xia Yunjie's words and deeds became much more gentlemanly than before, and he was no longer as dull as when he first left school.

"Deya Community." Du Haiqiong reported the destination unceremoniously. As he spoke, he glanced at Xia Yunjie from the corner of his eye and felt disdainful. Next, this guy would definitely say, What a coincidence, I also want to go to Deya. Community, huh, you want to strike up a conversation with this girl, you are still a bit immature!

Naturally, Xia Yunjie didn't know that in Du Haiqiong's eyes, he had become a man coveted for beauty. Hearing this, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Just in time, I'm going to Deya Community too."

As soon as Xia Yunjie finished speaking, Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti looked at each other. Du Haiqiong's eyes showed a trace of pride and disdain, as if he had been guessed by this girl, while Shen Liti, who had a good impression of Xia Yunjie, showed a trace of disgust.

In their opinion, this excuse for striking up a conversation has already been used by men!

"Haha, what a coincidence!" Master Guo saw off Xia Yunjie last time and knew that he lived in Deya Community. He couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and then slowly started the car and drove towards Deya Community.

"Master, my wife is pregnant, thank you!" Master Guo said with gratitude as the car slowly merged into traffic.

"Puch!" Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

"Hey, I'm talking to the master, why are you laughing?" Master Guo couldn't help but said a little unhappy when he saw that he finally got the opportunity to say thank you to the master in person, but unexpectedly he was disturbed by the two beauties behind him.

"Giggle, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we didn't hear anything. You continue, you continue." Du Haiqiong suppressed a smile.

But after he said the words, he still couldn't help but purse his lips and want to laugh. It was so hard to endure it, and the two balls of flesh on his shoulders and chest were shaking non-stop. The words were really too ambiguous.

A man’s wife is pregnant, but she has to thank another man!

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