Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 564: Cave Mansion Idea

Although Cangbei County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is only a small hospital, and although Liu Yiwei is only an attending doctor, after all, he has been practicing medicine for nearly 20 years, and the number of people who come to him for treatment is indeed much more than the number of people who come to see a real expert like Xia Yunjie.

Not long after Liu Yiwei sat down, an insomnia patient came to see him.

Insomnia is also a very complex disease that is difficult to treat. In the past, Liu Yiwei would usually prescribe some soothing and hypnotic drugs when such patients came to his door. However, today he kept in mind what Xia Yunjie said when he saw a doctor before, that all diseases are inseparable from the change of yin and yang. If Yin is broken and Yang is broken, the source and general direction of the disease should be identified before studying the details and then prescribing the medicine.

Liu Yiwei, who has been practicing medicine for nearly 20 years, still has good diagnostic skills. He has made no mistakes in judging yin and yang syndromes, but he is not sure about whether it is serious or not, the detailed causes of insomnia, and how to prescribe appropriate medicines. But overall, compared to before, his thinking in treating patients is much clearer, and he no longer has the same feeling of worrying about gains and losses, and being indecisive as before.

Because his teacher gave him confidence and allowed him to identify the general direction of medical treatment.

After Liu Yiwei made his own diagnosis, according to Xia Yunjie's previous instructions, he asked three real and fake interns to perform pulse diagnosis.

Gu Qianlin and Dai Yongzhou first expressed their opinions. After they finished speaking, Xia Yunjie finally analyzed the cause of the disease, and then the three of them wrote prescriptions.

When the patient saw that Liu Yiwei was older and was sitting behind the desk of the outpatient doctor, while Xia Yunjie and the others were younger, he naturally thought that Liu Yiwei was the attending doctor and Xia Yunjie and the other three were interns. However, he never expected that the person actually treating her in the outpatient clinic was He is the youngest among the four, and when he opened his mouth to analyze the cause of the disease, Liu Yiwei and the three of them listened attentively and compared his words with their own analysis and the patient's condition. As for the prescription, Liu Yiwei naturally used the prescription prescribed by Xia Yunjie.

After giving the prescription to the patient and giving some instructions, Liu Yiwei sent the patient away.

After Liu Yiwei sent the patient away, Xia Yunjie had to analyze in detail the cause of the patient's illness and how to prescribe treatment.

After Liu Yiwei and others listened, they raised their doubts, and Xia Yunjie answered them again. Repeatedly, one case was analyzed very thoroughly, giving Liu Yiwei and the other two people a sense of understanding that listening to you is better than reading ten years of books.

As Liu Yiwei said, he only has about seven or eight patients a day. Sure enough, only eight patients came to see him for treatment throughout the day. Although this number is much smaller than that of experts or Western medicine clinics, it is just right for Xia Yunjie and the others. He could just use the free time during the period to teach them in detail

The day passed quickly, and it was time to get off work in a blink of an eye.

Hong Jingwen had obviously communicated with Dean Ye. During this period, Dean Ye did not come to Xia Yunjie specifically to get close to him. He only went to the outpatient department when he was about to get off work and exchanged a few words with Xia Yunjie.

After get off work, Liu Yiwei, as a landlord, insisted on treating Xia Yunjie and his junior brothers and sisters to a meal, so Xia Yunjie had no choice but to let him go. During the meal, Liu Yiwei's family also came.

Liu Yiwei's wife is obviously more hardworking. She should be about the same age as Liu Yiwei, but she looks a little old. Their child is a boy, about twelve or thirteen years old. He is as tall and thin as Liu Yiwei and has a more introverted and quiet personality.

Judging from their clothes and the distressed look in Liu Yiwei's wife's eyes from time to time when ordering food, it is obvious that Liu Yiwei's family background is relatively average.

But think about it, the income of traditional Chinese medicine is not as good as that of Western medicine. Liu Yiwei is still working as an attending doctor even at his age. There are only a few people who come to see the doctor every day. He does not prescribe expensive medicines like some doctors. In addition to the bonus, Naturally, there are a lot less doctors than other doctors. I have been admitted to the postgraduate program this year, so my income in the hospital will definitely be less. Of course, there was also the medical accident, for which Liu Yiwei also spent a lot of money privately.

After Xia Yunjie observed these details, he wanted to eliminate a few more expensive dishes, but considering that doing so might hurt Liu Yiwei's self-esteem, he let him go. Anyway, as long as Liu Yiwei follows him and studies medicine well, his medical skills will naturally increase as well. Although I dare not say that I will definitely become rich in the future, it is a trivial matter to live a prosperous life, so I am not in a hurry now.

During the meal, Liu Yiwei's wife was naturally surprised by Xia Yunjie's youth, especially when she saw that her husband, Gu Qianlin, and Dai Yongzhou were all respectful to Xia Yunjie at the dinner table, and she was even more surprised.

She understands her husband's character. If it weren't for her heartfelt respect, he wouldn't be able to do this hypocritical thing. Otherwise, he would not be just an attending doctor after practicing medicine for nearly twenty years.

After dinner, Liu Yiwei was originally going to arrange hotel accommodation for Xia Yunjie and the others, but Xia Yunjie firmly refused.

Practical learning is not something that happens in a day or two. Liu Yiwei's family is not in a good situation, so it is enough to treat him to a meal on the first day. If he really wants to arrange a hotel, I am afraid that conflicts will inevitably arise between the couple after he returns.

Xia Yunjie found a relatively clean and tidy small hotel near the hospital, asked for three single rooms, and then went their separate ways.

Late at night, Cangbei County finally became quiet from the hustle and bustle of the day.

Xia Yunjie stood at the window of the room, looking at the sleeping city. Suddenly, he lightly stamped his foot on the ground, and then turned into a little rainbow light and shot out of the window towards Kuoshan Town.

The next moment, Xia Yunjie was already standing in the sky in the real mountainous area of ​​Cangbei County - Kuoshan Town, where Zhong Yangying Tea Garden is located and where Xia Yunjie chose Wuxianmen Cave Mansion.

Standing in the sky, the hilltop where Zhong Yangying's tea garden is located and a nearby hilltop are as bright as daylight, and excavators and workers are busy working. The lights of the villa halfway up the mountain were also on. Looking down, one could see two graceful figures standing on the terrace facing the wind, looking at everything happening under their eyes.

"She is really a strong woman. Not only did the workers work overnight, but they themselves came to supervise the work." When Xia Yunjie saw the two familiar figures, his heart was so hot that he almost fluttered down, but in the end he held it back and secretly felt After sighing with emotion, his body flashed again and flew to another hilltop not far from the tea garden.

This hilltop is composed of nine hills. The hills are not high, about 600 to 700 meters above sea level. However, the mountains are steep and difficult for people to develop or live on. They are also located in the remote and poor area of ​​Cangbei County. It is a mountain town, so few people set foot on this hilltop, and no one is willing to take over this hilltop, so it has been abandoned there. Some time ago, when Xia Yunjie mentioned that he wanted to buy these mountains and use them for other purposes, Zhong Yangying immediately came forward to discuss the matter with the county leaders.

Nowadays, attracting investment is the top priority of the government. Zhong Yangying, the goddess of wealth, is usually not invited. She came forward to buy these hills. Of course, the government leaders immediately decided on the matter.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, there are many mountains and mountains, but there is nothing special about it. But once standing high in the sky, those with real cultivation can faintly discover that the five peaks in the middle are arranged in a pattern that reflects the five elements of heaven and earth, wood, water, fire, earth. There is nothing mysterious about the four surrounding peaks, but they happen to be located in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest. If they can be arranged well, they can not only set up the Four Elephant Formation, but also form an formation outside the formation, and the Five Elements formed by the five peaks. The spiritual energy is completely sealed inside, preventing them from escaping. It can also be used as a barrier to confuse the world, making it impossible for people to truly pry into the truth of the cave.

Of course, the focus of the layout of the cave is still on the five peaks.

Standing under the starry sky, Xia Yunjie looked down at the nine peaks at his feet, his eyes flashing with contemplation.

As he mentioned to his two lovely wives Zhu Xiaoyan and Shao Lihong in Beijing, the cave he wanted to build was a real fairy cave, rather than building a temple or a Taoist temple in a deep mountain and old forest as in the secular world. Since it is a real fairy cave, it naturally cannot be shown to the world, nor can it be discovered. Not only that, it also needs to be full of spiritual energy, and it also needs to be as beautiful as a fairyland.

This requires Xia Yunjie to consider many aspects and materials.

"Although this place is remote, few people come here. But now that there are more and more travel enthusiasts, it is difficult to guarantee that some people will come here to climb the mountain. Although I can set up a blindfold to cover more than half of the five peaks, so that no one can see what's inside. The true appearance, but if someone breaks in, the truth will inevitably be revealed. It is best to think of a perfect way to set up the immortal cave but not be afraid of people climbing these mountains." Xia Yunjie looked down and thought for a long time. , but failed to come up with a perfect solution.

Just as I was thinking about it, a cloud was blown over by the mountain wind, and then floated on the mountain peak.

Xia Yunjie's eyes couldn't help but light up when he saw this, and he thought of an idea.

"How about I move five small peaks from elsewhere, use the power of the five elements from the five peaks to float them on top of the peaks, and then hide them with blinders. In this way, no matter who or what happens in the future, no one will break into this forest. It is also impossible to discover the location of the cave, and the layout is more fairy-like. I can also move a huge piece of rock and soil and place it among the five suspended peaks. The five peaks are connected with long bridges around it, making it Day and night, it is nourished by the essence of the sun and the moon and the spiritual energy of the five elements. In this way, maybe a few years later, this rock and soil will become a fairyland surrounded by real spiritual energy."

"Just where to move the five peaks? You can't just cut some of the mountains over. If you do this, it will definitely cause quite a stir." Although Xia Yunjie thought of a way to arrange the cave, Xia Yunjie was stumped by the materials.

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