Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 565: Introducing a Girlfriend

I was pondering for a moment, and suddenly I heard the sound of water rushing, but it was a stream rushing down from the mountain late at night.

"Yes, the mountain peaks on land have long been exposed to human sight. Naturally, it is not easy to cut off the entire mountain top casually. But the world under the sea is still a mysterious place for humans. The mountain peaks on the seabed are not just for me to pick. "?" A sudden thought flashed through his mind. In his heart, Xia Yunjie almost wanted to leave immediately to go to the bottom of the sea to find out. But after all, considering that it was already late at night and he had to go to work tomorrow, he couldn't do it now even if he went. What's the matter? It's better to wait until you have time on the weekend to go to the bottom of the sea.

Thinking of this, Xia Yunjie once again turned into a rainbow and rowed towards Cangbei County. Before walking, he subconsciously glanced at the villa halfway up Chashan Mountain again.

The two familiar graceful figures were still standing gracefully on the balcony, with the mountain breeze blowing their skirts and hair. They looked particularly beautiful and charming under the moonlight.

Back at the hotel, Xia Yunjie took a shower and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, the mountain city was bustling with people and resumed the bustle of yesterday.

Liu Yiwei arrived at the hotel early in the morning, had breakfast with Xia Yunjie and the three of them, and then went to work in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital together.

Not long after I sat down in the outpatient office, a patient walked in. It was Yu Dashan who came to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou University that day.

"Expert Xia, Expert Xia, you are a miracle doctor. I only took one dose of the medicine you prescribed for me. The itching was significantly reduced that night, and I had a peaceful sleep that was rare in three years. After taking the second dose, I could basically sleep at night. The itching is gone. You see, after taking the third dose of medicine yesterday, the old skin has begun to fall off." As soon as Yu Dashan came in, he bowed to Xia Yunjie with excitement and gratitude.

Although Liu Yiwei and the others had already been convinced of Xia Yunjie's medical skills since they saw the astonishing scene of Xia Yunjie performing magical medical skills yesterday. However, what Xia Yunjie showed yesterday was a medical skill that was close to the magic of the immortal family, but it was not something they could learn. Therefore, Liu Yiwei and the others Although he firmly believed in Xia Yunjie's medical skills, he was not very confident in the medical skills he could learn in the future. Now that Yu Dashan said this, they took a closer look at Yu Dashan. Sure enough, Yu Dashan's skin, which was like fish scales and dead tree bark, fell off in flakes, revealing the intact and soft skin underneath.

The diagnostic methods and prescriptions for treating stubborn skin are all real medical skills that ordinary people can learn. Immediately, Liu Yiwei and the others were more confident and very excited. Because this means that as long as they study hard, although they cannot be as miraculous as the teacher, they can still treat difficult and complicated diseases like the teacher.

"Haha, that's good. In this way, the three of them will continue to show you today, and I will give you a new prescription later." Xia Yunjie saw that Yu Dashan was free from the torment of the stubborn skin, and he felt much more energetic and in a good mood. He also followed Dahao and said with a smile.

"Teacher, since the medicine is effective, why don't you continue to use the previous prescription?" Dai Yongzhou asked almost conditionally.

"Yes, Expert Xia, the medicine you prescribed before is good enough. You can continue to prescribe me a few more doses." Yu Dashan also said.

Liu Yiwei and Gu Qianlin did not speak, but showed a hint of contemplation. Logically speaking, what Dai Yongzhou and Yu Dashan said is indeed correct, and Liu Yiwei practices medicine. As long as the medicine is effective, he will usually continue to prescribe the same medicine in order to achieve a cure.

"Yongzhou, have you ever thought about why I didn't prescribe a few more doses of medicine before but only prescribed three doses, and then asked Uncle Yu to come for a follow-up visit? Do you think I don't have confidence in the medicine I prescribed, so I asked Uncle Yu to come again? "?" Xia Yunjie looked at Dai Yongzhou and asked.

Before talking about it, Dai Yongzhou really thought so. Many times when doctors prescribe medicine, they don't know whether the medicine is right or not. They ask the patient to take a few doses and observe the effect before continuing to prescribe medicine. But since what happened yesterday, Dai Yongzhou no longer has any doubts about the medical skills of his young mentor.

Just kidding, even glass inserted directly into the heart can be pulled out directly, and the wound can be made to disappear in an instant. If you can perform such miraculous medical skills, what does it mean to treat a stubborn skin disease? How could he not even be sure of a prescription?

"Of course not," Dai Yongzhou hurriedly shook his head without thinking.

"Then do you know why?" Xia Yunjie continued to ask.

Dai Yongzhou thought for a while but couldn't figure it out. Xia Yunjie knew that he was not experienced enough, so he didn't continue to question him. Instead, he turned his attention to Gu Qianlin and Liu Yiwei.

"Aconite is poisonous. Last time, teacher, you used a large dose because the yin in Uncle Yu's body was excessive and the yang was deficient. You prescribed the right medicine, so it's fine. Now Uncle Yu's skin disease has improved significantly. It's obvious that the yin in the body has gone and the yang has risen, and the evil has disappeared. At this time, Obviously it is no longer possible to use large doses of Aconite, and the prescription needs to be adjusted in time." Gu Qianlin saw Xia Yunjie's eyes on her and Liu Yiwei, thought for a while, and analyzed boldly.

"That's right. Severe diseases require strong medicines, but adjustments must be made in time. This is the mystery of traditional Chinese medicine. The human body changes every day, and your prescriptions need to be adjusted in time according to the patient's physical changes. Only by doing this , I can barely be considered a qualified Chinese medicine doctor. Okay, now you all can help Uncle Yu take a look." Xia Yunjie nodded with approval.

Following Xia Yunjie's instructions, the three of them carefully diagnosed Yu Dashan and prescribed a medicine. Of course, Xia Yunjie decided on the final medicine.

After Yu Dashan left with many thanks, patients came to see him one after another. Although the patients who come to see doctors are not terminally ill diseases such as cancer or tumors, most of them are chronic diseases that are difficult to cure with Western medicine, such as chronic nephritis, neurasthenia, irregular menstruation, loss of appetite in children, etc.

On this day, there were still not many patients, including Yu Dashan who came for follow-up consultation, only ten. However, Liu Yiwei and the others gained a lot from studying traditional Chinese medicine.

After get off work on Friday, Xia Yunjie and the other three rushed to the station to take the bus back to Jiangzhou City, while Liu Yiwei stayed at home in Cangbei County and went to Jiangzhou University to study with Xia Yunjie on Monday.

Summer has passed, the days have become shorter, and the nights have begun to become longer. When Xia Yunjie and the others returned to Jiangzhou University in the car, the sky was already getting dark, and the school's street lights were on one after another.

Xia Yunjie saw that Gu Qianlin and Dai Yongzhou had a look of tiredness on their faces after a long day of clinical study and bumpy roads. Thinking that the school cafeteria should have closed by now, he wanted to find a small restaurant near the school to invite them to eat together. One meal saves them the trouble of eating.

But before Xia Yunjie could speak, his cell phone rang.

Xia Yunjie took it out and saw that it was Shuai Zhen, his former colleague in the human resources department. He couldn't help being pleasantly surprised and hurriedly answered the phone.

"Hello, handsome sister," Xia Yunjie answered the phone and greeted with a smile.

"What a great guy you are. You didn't even get a phone call after you resigned. Are you so proud of being a teacher or are you too busy picking up girls from students?" Shuai Zhen was scolded when he heard Xia Yunjie's voice.

Shuai Zhen's temperament is as "outspoken" as her name, and Xia Yunjie is used to it, but now there are two students still following her, and her voice is loud, Xia Yunjie feels a little embarrassed for a while, and coughs twice Covering the microphone, he waved to Dai Yongzhou and Gu Qianlin and said, "You guys go back first, I have something else to do."

Gu Qianlin and Dai Yongzhou nodded, and then left with a trace of doubt on their faces. They didn't know who was on the other end of the phone and dared to talk to their teacher like this. Especially when Gu Qianlin remembered that there seemed to be a vague mention of a student crush on the phone just now, her pretty face turned red for no reason, her heartbeat sped up inexplicably, and there seemed to be a faint strange feeling in the pair of balls that Xia Yunjie turned over.

"Sister Handsome, can't you change your speech? I had students with me just now." Xia Yunjie said with a wry smile after sending Gu Qianlin and Dai Yongzhou away.

"Look at how nervous you are, do you really have a student crush?" Shuai Zhen not only did not restrain himself, but became extremely excited.

Xia Yunjie knew that Shuai Zhen had such a carefree personality. When he resigned and had a dinner together, Shuai Zhen dragged him to wipe his tears while scolding him for being unloyal. So when he saw that she didn't restrain herself, she became extremely excited. How dare she Continuing to talk to her about this issue, he quickly changed the subject and asked: "By the way, why did you call me?"

"Ah, I almost forgot about business. I want to introduce you to a beautiful girl. How about I be my friend? It's not like you. After you quit your job, you are like a kite with its string cut off. Don't mention the person, even a phone call. None." As expected, Xia Yunjie changed the topic like this, and Shuai Zhen's attention immediately shifted to the main topic.

"Shuai sister, thank you. It's better not to use it. I'll look for it myself." However, after Xia Yunjie heard Shuai Zhen's words, he was more willing to continue discussing the student crush with Shuai Zhen.

"What are you looking for? I'm an idiot. I've been working in the company for so long and I haven't seen you bring a girlfriend over to show my sister. It's settled. Where are you now? Rush to the Tokai Hotel Charming Ginza right away. Come to the box. Let me tell you, this friend of mine needs a good face and a good figure. I don’t know how many classmates were chasing her before." Shuai Zhen said involuntarily.

"I really don't need it, and I still have some tonight..." Xia Yunjie saw that Shuai Zhen was really determined to give him a beautiful girl. He really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to find an excuse.

"You idiot, you don't even know if a beautiful girl comes to your door. Well, let me tell you the truth, my friend just lost her love recently, and now she insists on finding a handsome guy for her to chat with and comfort her. Injured heart, just do me a favor and save the head office, right?" Seeing that Xia Yunjie was not on his way, Shuai Zhen had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Can't you find someone else?" Xia Yunjie couldn't help but feel more and more dumbfounded when he saw what was going on.

"Nonsense, do I dare to scream at other men? Isn't that just sending a sheep into the wolf's mouth and letting them take advantage for nothing?" Shuai Zhen said angrily.

"Please, I'm a man too." Xia Yunjie couldn't laugh or cry.

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