Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 71 Sideline Business

After cutting, the golden cicada Gu flew on the head of the humanoid drawing, then opened his mouth and spat on the head, and a drop of bright red blood fell on it, and then slowly penetrated into the entire head.

After Xia Yunjie waited until the entire head of the humanoid drawing was soaked with blood, he took a brush and began to draw slowly on it. With each stroke of his words, a cold breath floated in from the outside and concentrated on the blood-stained area. On his head, the originally bright red color turned gloomy. If you look carefully, it seems that there are countless resentful ghosts showing their teeth and claws on that head.

While Xia Yunjie was drawing these, Shen Ziliang, who was sleeping on the big bed, frowned deeply, sweat dripping from his forehead drop by drop, and shouted in confusion: "No, no!" , as if I had dreamed of something very scary.

In fact, Shen Ziliang did dream of something very scary. He dreamed that he came to a cemetery, surrounded by desolation and darkness. Countless ghosts surrounded him, some stretched out their bloody tongues and licked his face, and some licked his face with bloody tongues. The long clawed hands went to strangle his neck...

"Ah! No!" When a fierce ghost reached out and dug out his bloody and beating heart from his body, then opened his mouth and prepared to eat his heart in one bite, Shen Ziliang finally shouted out from his nightmare Wake up with a start.

As soon as he woke up, Shen Ziliang found that his whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and even the bed was covered in sweat.

Shen Ziliang gasped for air. He had never had a dream since he was a child, but he had never had such a terrifying dream.

After a while, Shen Ziliang slowly recovered from the shock. Because the dream just now was so terrifying, he held himself back from sleeping. It was just because he had been feeling useless in the bar before, and after he came back, he played a double game and was too tired, so Shen Ziliang held on for a while. After that, I couldn't help but fall asleep again.

But as soon as Shen Ziliang fell asleep, the terrifying scene reappeared...

When Shen Ziliang was tortured by nightmares and "wanted to die", the instigator Xia Yunjie had already fallen asleep peacefully.

Folks have always used the method of pricking small paper figures to curse the people they hate, but that method is just a way to vent their anger, but it is not real witchcraft. The real witchcraft is through cursing or pricking small paper figures. The way people really attack people.

It was this kind of witchcraft that Xia Yunjie performed just now. Since Shen Ziliang dared to threaten him, although he would not kill him, he would never let him act recklessly.

Wake up at Mao hour on time, and then practice with your legs crossed and facing the east.

The purple energy from the east penetrated from the center of his eyebrows like in the past, and traces of heaven and earth spiritual energy turned into witchcraft power in the Niwan Palace, and then flowed through the meridians and blood bones of his body, nourishing and tempering his whole body. The two witch tripods in his arms became more and more solidified, exuding traces of ancient and terrifying power.

As soon as nine o'clock passed, Xia Yunjie finished his work on time, then washed up and started preparing breakfast.

Since Xia Yunjie was planning to have enough food and clothing by himself in the coming days, Xia Yunjie was not willing to treat him badly. In the morning, he prepared a popular breakfast in the Jiangnan area - preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

Preserved egg and lean meat porridge has a sticky texture, smooth taste and light taste. It was also Wu Ze's favorite breakfast back then. When Wu Ze was alive, Xia Yunjie often made preserved egg and lean meat porridge for him to eat, and now he is naturally familiar with it.

Rice, preserved eggs, lean meat, chives, ginger...

Xia Yunjie was very familiar with the work and was busy in the kitchen in an orderly manner. Soon the kitchen began to be filled with a mouth-watering and appetizing aroma.

Shen Liti had a rest today, so she slept in and didn't get up until almost eight o'clock.

But when she stretched her lazy waist and pushed open the bedroom door, a strong and delicious fragrance suddenly hit her nostrils, which cheered up her whole body and made her beautiful eyes light up. Follow the direction of the scent.

Immediately, Shen Liti saw that the kitchen, which had always been empty, now had one more person, and he was a man. At this time, he was scooping up preserved egg and lean meat porridge while taking a deep breath with a narcissistic expression.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Not to mention, smelling the strong fragrance on the tip of her nose and looking at Xia Yunjie's intoxicated expression, Shen Liti's appetite was suddenly aroused, and she couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and her stomach followed suit. Gurgled.

Hearing Shen Liti's admiration from behind him, Xia Yunjie thought of what happened last night. He didn't want to talk to her at first, but after thinking about it, he would have to live together in the future, so the relationship should be more harmonious, otherwise he would not see each other every day in the future. Awkward, he finally turned his head and said with a smile: "Get up, I cooked some preserved egg and lean meat porridge, do you want some too?"

"Okay, give me a bowl too. I'll wash my face and brush my teeth first." Shen Liti nodded and said without thinking. After saying that, he hurried to the bathroom, as if he was afraid that he would not be able to eat the preserved egg and lean meat porridge if he was late.

Looking at Shen Liti's hurried away figure, Xia Yunjie was stunned. It was just a polite word, but Shen Liti was not polite at all. She just asked for a bowl. Didn't she see that there were only two bowls in the pot, which was just enough for one man? Besides, didn't she keep saying yesterday that she didn't want to share a room with her?

But the words had already been spoken, and Xia Yunjie had no choice but to share a bowl of the limited preserved egg and lean meat porridge while sighing at the fickleness of women.

Coming out of the bathroom after washing, Shen Liti saw Xia Yunjie sitting at the dining table slowly eating preserved egg and lean meat porridge. There was also a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge and chopsticks beside it. Shen Liti felt that something in her heart seemed to be pulled. Something lightly touched him, and the sight of Xia Yunjie, the magic stick who had treasured his snow-white body for twenty-two years yesterday morning, was no longer dazzling, and his eyes even became gentle.

"This porridge is so fragrant! It's so delicious!" Shen Liti sat down, picked up her chopsticks and took a bite into her mouth. The taste was so good that she almost bit her own tongue and couldn't help but admire it sincerely.

"Haha, as long as it tastes good to you." Xia Yunjie smiled modestly when he heard this, but he didn't feel that there was anything to be proud of. He has been cooking this porridge for almost ten years, so it’s no wonder it’s not delicious.

"It's delicious, it's really delicious. I've never had such delicious preserved egg and lean meat porridge!" Shen Liti praised it while eating.

Seeing Shen Liti praising her preserved egg and lean meat porridge, Xia Yunjie felt a little embarrassed and subconsciously blurted out: "If you really think it sounds good, I'll cook it again tomorrow."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Xia Yunjie wanted to slap himself. It has been a little difficult to support myself this month, but now it’s good to learn from rich people’s “raising women”. Isn’t this digging a hole for myself?

"Okay! I was just about to say it." Shen Liti immediately clapped her hands and said happily after hearing this.

Xia Yunjie rolled his eyes when he heard this. Well, even if he didn't say anything, others would have already figured it out.

"By the way, I see you bought all the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar? Are you planning to cook at home in the future?" Shen Liti continued without noticing Xia Yunjie's distress.

"Yes." Xia Yunjie nodded uneasily and replied, smelling the smell of economic crisis again.

That little money should be enough to feed and clothe one person, but it is definitely not enough to support two people.

"Great, then I can eat at home. You don't know that I've long been tired of eating food from restaurants outside. It's greasy and unhygienic, but Haiqiong and I can't cook, so we have to make do with it. It's ready. Now that you know how to cook, I won't have to go out to eat anymore." Just as Xia Yunjie feared, Shen Liti immediately went the extra mile and requested all-day meals.

Xia Yunjie had calculated everything, but he never expected that a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge would develop to the point of raising a woman. He looked at Shen Liti with a look of embarrassment and embarrassment. To be honest, cooking food for one person is cooking, and cooking food for two people is cooking. In fact, if the portion for one person is too small, it is not as easy to cook as the portion for two people. But the key problem is that Xia Yunjie has no money in his pocket. .

This person has been so frugal in his life, and if one more person is added to the family, he will probably only be able to eat preserved egg porridge every day.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't worry, I don't know how to cook, but I can wash the dishes and clean up." Shen Liti curled her lips when she saw Xia Yunjie looking at her with embarrassment.

Xia Yunjie was dumbfounded when he heard this. Why didn't this woman think about money? Why did she only think about washing the dishes?

"Ah, there is still money. I said you are really a money addict!" Seeing Xia Yunjie continue to stare at her, Shen Liti finally remembered the entry fee and rolled her eyes at him.

"Ahem, the economy has been a bit tense recently." Xia Yunjie said with embarrassment.

"Don't tell me that you cook at home because of financial constraints?" Shen Liti didn't believe it.

"Mainly for financial reasons, otherwise I would really be too lazy to burn it alone." The topic changed, and Xia Yunjie no longer felt any embarrassment.

"No, I heard that the income from the bar is pretty good. Besides, don't you have a side job?" Shen Liti was surprised when she heard this.

"Side job?" Xia Yunjie came over unexpectedly.

"You're just pretending, cough, don't mind. In fact, both Hai Qiong and I think you are quite strong. You don't have to pay for a taxi, and people have to call you master. In fact, this industry is quite profitable these days. Yes." Shen Liti said, but she saw Xia Yunjie roll his eyes when he talked about pretending, and hurriedly changed the subject.

Xia Yunjie looked at Shen Liti and was completely speechless. It seemed that his image as a magic stick had been deeply imprinted on the hearts of these two beautiful flight attendants, Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong.

But there is one thing Xia Yunjie has to admit. These days, if he really wants to be a magician, it will definitely be very profitable, but he can't make this money!

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