"By the way, why don't you concentrate on the profession of "master"? Is it because of your conscience, or are you afraid of revealing your secret? By the way, how about you give me a fortune teller? Let me see what your deception skills are. How awesome!" When Xia Yunjie was speechless, Shen Liti was still crackling.

"I'm full, you eat slowly." Xia Yunjie finally discovered why Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong became good friends. They were just the same thing. After hearing this, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and poured a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge into his mouth. Wipe your mouth and get up and go directly to the bedroom.

Seeing Xia Yunjie stand up angrily, Shen Liti was slightly startled for a moment, then burst into laughter.

She found that Xia Yunjie, the magician, was actually quite cute. On the one hand, he did not admit his identity as a magician, but on the other hand, he cared about this topic.

Four days later.

Dongkai Hotel, a four-star hotel in Jiangzhou City.

The hotel is built along the river. It is 36 stories high and has a wide view. It is a good place to watch the river view.

The rooftop terrace of the hotel has a gentle breeze.

Xia Yunjie stood against the wind and looked calmly at Shen Ziliang, who was standing five meters in front of him. Behind Shen Ziliang stood two men in black suits.

These two people had sharp eyes and cold expressions, and it was clear at a glance that they were not people to be trifled with. On the other hand, Shen Ziliang, who was arrogant and proud a few days ago, was just the opposite. The circles under his eyes were dark and his face was pale, as if he had just been seriously ill and had no energy at all.

"Brother Toad, have you slept well recently?" Xia Yunjie looked at Shen Ziliang with an undisguised contemptuous sneer at the corner of his mouth.

When he is not angry, Xia Yunjie is just an ordinary wage earner, but once he is angered, he becomes a terrifying wizard, and Shen Ziliang and others are nothing more than ants in his eyes. If Shen Ziliang hadn't consciously restrained his bloody killing nature, how could Shen Ziliang be qualified to continue standing in front of him, and he would have died long ago. It's ridiculous that Shen Ziliang didn't know how to come to beg for mercy and wanted to threaten him with the power and force in his hands.

"Damn it, kid, look for..." As soon as Xia Yunjie said these words, the expressions of the two men in black suits all changed. One of them, the more impatient one, was already cursing and reaching for his waist. .

When Xia Yunjie saw this, his pupils shrank suddenly, revealing a bloodthirsty gaze, as if he suddenly turned into an extremely ferocious beast.

"Stop!" Shen Ziliang reached out his hand to stop his men in time.

"Sure enough, it's you!" After stopping his men, Shen Ziliang gritted his teeth and said bitterly. But the resentful eyes could not hide the trace of uncontrollable fear.

"I don't like people threatening me!" Xia Yunjie said calmly.

"Okay, I was wrong about what happened last time. Let me go now, and the past things will be wiped out." Shen Ziliang's face changed several times after hearing this, and finally he said with a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

As soon as Shen Ziliang spoke, the two men behind him were all dumbfounded.

Shen Ziliang's father Shen Wanzhen died young. Shen Ziliang inherited his father's business when he was twenty-five years old and took over all his father's businesses, including some shady and gray areas. At first, many people were not optimistic about him, thinking that he could not control these businesses, especially those in the dark and gray areas. But Shen Ziliang, with his decisive and cold-blooded methods, proved that he was a better leader than his father.

Now thirty-two years old, Shen Ziliang's business and the power he controls have far exceeded those of his father's heyday.

Perhaps it is because he has mastered huge wealth and even underground power at such a young age that Shen Ziliang has been extremely arrogant from the beginning, doing whatever he wants and almost never bowing his head and admitting defeat.

But today, Shen Ziliang bowed his head and admitted his mistake to a young man who was no older than twenty years old!

"Write it off? It's easy to say! But how can I believe that you will definitely write it off? You are a rich and powerful person, and I am just a wage earner! If you break your promise afterwards, I don't care, but you If you attack Shen Liti, I won't be able to guard against it." Xia Yunjie did not stop because of Shen Ziliang's unprecedented admission of mistake, but looked at him and asked disdainfully.

"Boy, don't push people too hard!" When Shen Ziliang saw that he had lowered his head, Xia Yunjie was unwilling to let him go, and his expression suddenly changed, with a fierce light in his eyes.

"So what if I force you? Didn't you force Shen Liti and me like this back then? Why are you so unhappy now that it's your turn!" Xia Yunjie couldn't help laughing when he heard this, with naked ridicule and arrogance in his eyes.

"Okay! He is indeed a brave and talented man!" Shen Ziliang laughed angrily when he heard this, and then his face suddenly sank, murderous intent bursting out of his eyes, and he didn't know when he had a pistol in his hand.

Almost at the same time, the two men following him also took out pistols from their waists.

Seeing the dark muzzle of the gun pointed at him, Xia Yunjie's originally dark eyes turned bloody, as if there were blood clouds rolling inside, and traces of violent and cold evil energy radiated from his body.

"Don't think that you can scare people with a few tricks. With a flick of my finger, you will go to see the Lord of Hell right away! Play with me. Do you really think that I can't do anything to you? Now I give you two choices. , if you mess around with me, I will shoot you." Shen Ziliang felt an unquenchable fear of Xia Yunjie deep in his heart, but with the gun in his hand, the young man's blood surged to his forehead, and he was at a loss for a moment. Scruples.

But just as Shen Ziliang finished speaking, a cold and evil aura suddenly enveloped the entire world.

Shen Ziliang and his two men suddenly felt cold and tight all over their bodies, as if their blood had suddenly been frozen and stopped flowing.

Shen Ziliang and his two men had never experienced such a horrific thing. They all couldn't help but look at Xia Yunjie who was approaching them step by step with frightened eyes, as if they saw a demon.

After Xia Yunjie approached, he reached out and took the pistol from Shen Ziliang and his two men one by one, and then gently twisted and rubbed it in the palm of his hand in front of them.

The pistol that could easily take someone's life flowed out from Xia Yunjie's fingers like quicksand.

Shen Ziliang and his two men looked at the terrifying scene they had never seen before, and cold sweat could not help but roll down their foreheads.

"Now do you still think this is just a trick? To tell you the truth, if I didn't want to kill you, I would kill you, but it would only be a matter of seconds!" Xia Yunjie clapped his hands and wrote lightly.

"Yes! Yes!" Even though Shen Ziliang had always been arrogant, at this moment he could only nod his head with a pale face.

"Hmph, tell your people to get lost! Don't tell anyone about what happened tonight." Xia Yunjie snorted coldly when he saw that Shen Ziliang had finally put away his arrogance.

"Don't worry, Brother Jie, we will definitely keep it secret!" Shen Ziliang didn't need to explain. The man who had acted so coldly before, like a super killer in the movie, had already nodded repeatedly, then turned and left.

After they walked out of the terrace, even though they were considered strong men who had experienced the baptism of blood, they couldn't help but sit down on the ground, gasping for air. The shirts in their suits were already soaked with cold sweat at this moment.

"Jie, Brother Jie, I, Shen Ziliang, used to be blind to Taishan. Your Excellency..." Shen Ziliang said with trembling teeth after his two most trusted men left.

At this moment, Xia Yunjie was already beyond the scope of human beings in his eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense, I will give you two choices now. One is to swear to be my servant, and the other is to continue living in endless terror." Xia Yunjie interrupted coldly before Shen Ziliang could finish.

If he hadn't really wanted to break the killing habit, just because Shen Ziliang dared to point a gun at him would have killed him a thousand times.

"This..." Shen Ziliang's face turned as white as rice paper upon hearing this.

"Why don't you want to?" Xia Yunjie glanced at Shen Ziliang contemptuously, then turned and left.

"No, no, Brother Jie, if you have something to say, if you have something to say." Of course, Shen Ziliang did not dare to let Xia Yunjie leave. There was no difference between that terrible nightmare and being there. Shen Ziliang knew very well that as long as such a nightmare If the dream continues for a while longer, he will completely collapse.

Xia Yunjie paused upon hearing this, and then looked at Shen Ziliang calmly and ruthlessly.

He has absolutely no good impression of people like Shen Ziliang, let alone the slightest pity.

"Okay! I, Shen Ziliang, swear to God that from now on I will respect Xia Yunjie as my master and will never betray me for the rest of my life. If I violate this oath, I will be struck by thunder and never be reincarnated." Seeing that Xia Yunjie showed no signs of relenting, Shen Ziliang finally had no choice but to Gritting his teeth, he raised his hands and swore to God.

Just when Shen Ziliang was swearing, Xia Yunjie took out a coin from his pocket and swiped it against Shen Ziliang's finger. A white light shot out from the coin and crossed Shen Ziliang's finger. Then a stream of blood flowed out from his finger, and then Actually floating in the air.

Then Xia Yunjie drew talismans on the drop of blood, and the drop of blood spread out and turned into streaks of blood-colored light. The light eventually formed a talisman exuding mysterious power. When Shen Ziliang finished swearing the oath, the mysterious blood-colored talisman The talisman was printed on Shen Ziliang's eyebrows, and then gradually penetrated until it disappeared.

When the mysterious blood-colored spell disappeared from Shen Ziliang's eyebrows, Shen Ziliang felt that there seemed to be something inexplicable in his body, which made him feel inexplicably frightened and trembled.

"You have sworn a blood oath. As long as you dare to have any different thoughts, five thunders are waiting for you. Of course, if you don't believe it, you can give it a try." Xia Yunjie looked at Shen Ziliang and said calmly.

"No, no, Brother Jie, I, Shen Ziliang, will hang out with you from now on. I will never dare to have two minds." Shen Ziliang shivered when he heard this and said with a sad face. He had just taken a chance when he swore before, thinking that his oath was just a mouthful. So what if he really regretted it? These days, there are many people who treat their oaths as nonsense, but we have never seen any real retribution for them. But now Shen Ziliang realizes that he was once a smart man but was confused for a moment, so how can he talk nonsense in front of this young man who is full of mysterious power?

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