"This...what's going on?!"

Reina's eyes narrowed, and she couldn't help but feel a chill in her body.

Zhao Kai and Jia Shengli were also dumbfounded.

The hotel was suddenly entangled by the magic vine, and the scene was extremely terrifying, like a ferocious vine python roaring at the sky.

Such a scene was too shocking.

The most important thing is...

As soon as Fang Che and others stepped into it, the magic vine python emerged.

It seemed that it had been waiting for a long time, waiting for Fang Che and others to step into it, like a fish on the hook.

Moreover, the demonic energy that was originally completely imperceptible can now be seen directly with the naked eye without any special means.

The position of the main vine of the magic vine is completely exposed. Those demon cultivators...are they completely not pretending?

This blatant posture is not right!

"There is a problem..."

Jia Shengli took a deep breath, his body trembled slightly, and felt that the situation was extremely wrong.

"The main vine of the demon vine is exposed like this, which is equivalent to a clear card. All the trialists in Yunxiao Town will definitely know the location of the main vine. The immortal geniuses from the top immortal cities such as the Imperial Capital, Shuangshen, and Five Elements Immortal City will definitely come here."

"You know, Lu Yun, Ye Qing and others from the Imperial Capital are all geniuses at the third level of foundation building who are not inferior to Su Muxian!"

Leina's face was also ugly.

Even as the commander of the team, she thought of more and noticed the weirdness of the matter.

"Quick! Send a message to Teacher Su! Tell the situation here and see if the base will send a guarding fighting team to support... This matter has exceeded the scope of the trial."

Leina looked at Jia Shengli and hurriedly said.

Jia Shengli reacted and immediately sent a message to the base.



At the same time.

The whole Yunxiao Town was shaken.

In the towns in the southeast, northwest, one after another, figures rushed out and landed on the roofs, and the spiritual consciousness fluctuations spread, locking on the Yunxiao Town coordinate hotel in the distance.

The demonic energy was rolling, and the vines were flying, like a demon python across the sky!

Such a scene... was full of shock!

A handsome man with gilded hair, tall and straight, wearing a luxurious suit, stood on the roof of a tall building, squinting his eyes: "The main vine of the soul-eating demon vine... It seems that we are too slow."

"Liehuo, these demon cultivators are really arrogant... With such momentum, do they think we can't kill the core area?"

Next to the handsome man with blond hair, there was a hot and cold beautiful woman with aqua blue hair.

They were high school geniuses from the first high school of Wuxing Xiancheng.

"Let's go and see. The one who can find the location of the main vine of the demon vine so quickly should be Su Muxian of the Twin Gods. He was born with a spiritual platform and possessed the bloodline supernatural power [Seeking Immortal State]. He is extremely sensitive to demonic energy. Even Lu Yun and Ye Qing of the imperial capital can hardly match him."

Jin Liehuo said softly, and a group of red clouds rose under his feet after the words fell.

It engulfed the other four people on the rooftop and flew towards the hotel covered by vines.

And not just them.

The sky above Yunxiao Town suddenly became lively.

Flowing lights flickered, magic power fluctuated, and magic weapons flew across the sky...

The high school geniuses from all over the immortal gate, even though they knew that the main vine area was very dangerous, were fearless and pulled light and shadows across the sky.

Like a hundred boats competing for the current, they all rushed to the main vine area.

Yunxiao Town, Trial Base.

Su Shangxing, Pei Linglong and Li Huaixian stood in front of the merit list.

Su Shangxing and Li Huaixian looked at their phones at the same time, and their eyebrows were raised.

"The main vine of the Soul-Eating Demon Vine appeared, directly exposing its location, and the demonic energy was surging. It actually used the highest hotel as a parasite..."

"Fang Che and the others entered the hotel, and the demon vine chose to be completely exposed, no longer hiding and disguising..."

Su Shangxing became solemn.

"It seems that these demon cultivators of the Beast Blood Sect are going to give it a try... The God-Slaying Sect and the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect have launched support, and they are also saving themselves internally... It seems that the Beast Blood Sect has not given up yet."

"The main vine of the Soul-Eating Demon Vine can grow quickly by devouring the spiritual roots of geniuses... Let's first determine who the trialists who have entered the hotel are."

"The fighting teams in the base have all gone to Yunxiao Town to suppress the demon cultivators of the God-Slaying Sect and the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect. It seems that only we can take action."

Li Huaixian said in a deep voice.

Su Shangxing glanced at him, and the sword in the sword box behind him suddenly appeared, turning into a sword rainbow and soaring into the sky.

Pei Linglong had even set off early.

Li Huaixian shook his head. After so many years, Su Shangxing was still so anxious.

However, he also knew that Su Shangxing was very optimistic about Fang Che.

Such a talented and hardworking student should not die here.

Hardworking people should not be let down.

Li Huaixian took a step, and the clouds under his feet rose, and he fled away in an instant.

The demonic energy surged, and the entire hotel suddenly became dark.

Fang Che was not unfamiliar with this feeling!

When Xue Lei, the demon of the God-shaking Sect, attacked him, he also had this feeling when he set up the Moon Ghost Triple Fu Formation.

Being trapped in the formation, there is a suffocating and passive feeling.


Fang Che said in a deep voice.

Around him, Luo Liuli, Liu Lei, Gao Cheng and others had already activated the mana fluctuations in their bodies, and their faces were very solemn.

Su Muxian and Huang Yunxiao, who were both gods, stared at the surroundings.

"With the main vine of the magic vine as the center of the formation, the formation should be a third-level formation..."

"We may have stepped into a trap."

Su Muxian's eyes were filled with white mist, and she said in a deep voice.

"The magic vines obtained by killing the magic cultivators have become a mark to seduce us. Perhaps, they think that the trialists who can find the main vine through the magic vines... must be the ones with excellent talents they are looking for."

Su Muxian shook her head.

If it weren't for Fang Che, it might be her, Su Muxian, who took the initiative to step into this big pit.

"The soul-eating magic vine can gain strength and grow by devouring the spiritual roots of cultivators... The cultivator who can find the main vine through the magic vines is their target."

Su Muxian looked at Fang Che and said.

Everyone changed their color and understood the current situation, which seemed to be worse than imagined.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, the ground of the entire hotel broke apart, and the extremely thick magic vines began to wriggle, which seemed to shake the ground and mountains, and everyone was a little unstable.

The vines under everyone's feet were wriggling, and some vines burst out from the ground, like a wall, separating everyone!

The magic cultivator seemed to be planning to defeat them one by one!

However, everyone was unwilling to separate so easily. At this time, sticking together was obviously the best choice.

Everyone released their magic power and moved their bodies to each other, some suspended in the air, and some moved quickly.

Fang Che was also running, and his strong physical fitness allowed him to easily catch up with the speed of the magic vines wriggling and splitting.

Everyone kept gathering together at all times.

However, everyone soon felt that something was wrong.

Because the whistling magic vines seemed to be mainly rushing towards Fang Che.

Liu Lei, Gao Cheng, Zhou Yuqi and others were attacked by magic vines much less than Fang Che.

"It's a branch of the magic vine! Fang Che is holding this vine branch, and his body is stained with too much of the magic vine's breath, which is equivalent to being marked and becoming the main target of the magic vine!"

Su Muxian actually suffered a lot of attacks from the magic vine, but less than Fang Che. After all, she also holds a magic vine.

Everyone's heart sank, which further represented that the magic cultivators of the Beast Blood Sect had planned it in advance.

Suddenly, a branch of magic vines containing rich mana and accompanied by strong willpower came from the side of Fang Che.

The speed was too fast, even Fang Che could not completely avoid it.

Being hit by this magic vine, the powerful force drove his body to hit the wall covered with magic vines.

Countless vines rolled like thin snakes and wrapped Fang Che up.

The other side.

Su Muxian reacted and, while blocking the attack of the magic vine, he suddenly cast a spell to help Fang Che escape. However, the spell hit the magic vine, creating a deep pit and shattering many magic vines.

However, Fang Che, who was swallowed, had already been transported to another place and disappeared.

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