Su Muchian's face became serious as she looked at the vine area that was slowly squirming and healing.

"Fang Che was sent away. It should be that the magic vines squirmed like running water and sent him to other areas."

"He's going to be dangerous."

Su Muchian was a little helpless.

The opponent is obviously targeting Fang Che. The power of these magic vines is very powerful. It is obvious that the power of the magic vines to revive is much greater than imagined.

"What should we do? Will Fang Che die?"

Zhou Yuqi couldn't help but become nervous and asked quickly.

"It depends on his fate, but after he is sent away by the magic vine, he will definitely face demon cultivators at the foundation level of the Beast Blood Sect... and there will most likely be second or even third level demon cultivators. The Christians are waiting for him."

Su Muchian exhaled and said.

"If it's the first level of foundation building, Fang Che won't be afraid. He has killed many demon cultivators on the first level of foundation building. But if it's the second or even third level of foundation building... it's really hard to say." Liu Lei also said.

"Let's not give up. Let's walk together as a group and see if we can save Fang Che."

Su Muchian said.

No one had any objections. After all, Su Muxian had the highest level of cultivation in the field, with the third level of foundation building. It was normal for her to dominate the scene.

As for Fang Che, everyone felt heavy in their hearts.

Fang Che now...

It must be painful.

"So cool!"

Fang Che opened his eyes. Every inch of flesh and blood in his body seemed to have just come to life. Qi and blood were gushing out, and his blood was strong.

Those magic vines squirmed, and every stroke on his body felt like a massage, so comfortable.

After the opening of the third level of Bahuang Explosion, the skin of the physical body became tougher. If an ordinary person was transported quickly by the wriggling magic vine, he would probably have been beaten by the magic vine.

But Fang Che didn't, as if he had experienced a Thai horse-killing chicken with superb techniques!

It made the blood all over his body warm up!


The magic vine suddenly opened, and Fang Che was thrown out, falling steadily, standing tall and tall at a height of 1.85 meters.

The muscle lines that appear all over the body are extremely beautifully outlined.

The surroundings were dark, but Fang Che didn't care. His spiritual consciousness surged and swept away. Under the spiritual consciousness of the Lingtai, everything was invisible in his eyes.

The location he found himself in was a long corridor.

Countless magic vines cling to it like ivy, making the corridor look very old and weird.

On the ground on the other side of the corridor, there was a figure shrouded in black robes, sitting quietly.

Fang Che raised his hand, and the red-scaled sword flashing red light immediately fell into his hand.

The moment Fang Che held the sword, the black-robed demon cultivator who was sitting quietly opened his eyes suddenly.

One side has blue eyes, the other side has scarlet eyes...


An invisible wave of spiritual consciousness appeared in the shape of ripples, rushing towards Fang Che fiercely.

Accompanied by the terrifying foundation-building pressure!

Fang Che felt that the clothes floating on his body were clinging tightly to his body.

There was a solemn look in his eyes. This was the most powerful foundation he had encountered so far...

Far more than the one who first gave him a life and death crisis.

"Second level of foundation building... or third level of foundation building?"

Fang Che's expression became serious, but beneath the seriousness, there was uncontrollable excitement!

It was the excitement of a hearty battle.

Even Fang Che himself could not contain his excitement. This feeling was very wrong. Fang Che was not a fighting maniac.

But there was this emotion welling up deep in my heart.

After thinking about it for a moment, Fang Che realized that this was the mental impact brought about by reaching level 5 in fighting skills.

"You are the tester who holds a vine of the holy tree and finds the location of the holy tree..."

"Very good, you have been chosen by the Holy Tree... you will be the nourishment of the Holy Tree. You should feel honored. You should be proud to be integrated with the Holy Tree."

The demon cultivator slowly stood up, and the terrifying foundation-building aura rolled away like an extremely oppressive black cloud.

It's so cramped that it's hard to breathe.

Fang Che felt as if every part of his body was suppressed by stones, which was extremely heavy.

"I'm also very happy to be the chosen trialist... I hope you won't disappoint me."

Fang Che twisted his neck, and the crackling sound of bones colliding was like thunder.

The demon cultivator was stunned for a moment, then smiled coldly: "It's very arrogant."

"Let's see if you can still be so arrogant when your body is hung on the sacred tree as a specimen."

The magic cultivator gently raised his hand, and countless magic vines around him began to squirm.


However, Fang Che suddenly raised a hand, moved his fingers together, and stopped the demon cultivator's movement.

"I have a question!"

Fang Che shouted.

With his blue and scarlet eyes, the demon cultivator was in no hurry to take action. After all, in his opinion, Fang Che, who was at the ninth level of Qi Refining, was just a little ant that he could easily crush to death.

His eyes flashed coldly: "You know you're scared, right? Just ask. If you're in a good mood, I can answer you and make you a clear-headed devil."

Fang Che cleared his throat and asked curiously: "Are you the only demon cultivator in such a big hotel?"

"Of course it's more than that. I know what you are thinking, are you thinking about rescue, right? But since we choose to be exposed, we are naturally sure to block the rescue."

"I have set up a third-level high-grade Otoki Manto Demon Array around the hotel with the Holy Tree as the center. Unless the Nascent Soul cultivator takes action, it will be impossible to break through the array in a short time!"

"This time is enough for us to get rid of you, let the holy tree swallow your spiritual roots and flesh and blood, and complete the transformation! At that time... the holy tree that has returned to the top level of the third level can lead us to break through the siege and open up the sea and the sky!"

The demon cultivator was extremely excited and opened his hands as if he was looking forward to a bright future.

Hearing this, Fang Che nodded: "That's quite interesting."

"Okay, it's time for you to get on your way." The demon cultivator calmed down, opened his fingers, and countless demonic vines began to squirm again.

However, Fang Che raised his hand again: "I have another question!"

Demonic Cultivator: (╬ ̄ Pan ̄)! ! !

Do you want to see if I am a bird to you?

Mo Xiu felt that Fang Che must be trying to delay time.

Therefore, Fang Che was no longer given a chance to ask.

boom! ! !

On the ground of the corridor, vines one after another suddenly shot up like spears, roaring through the air!

"I just want to ask, what kind of cultivation level do you have? How many levels of foundation building are you..."

Fang Che tapped his toes and moved as fast as lightning, easily dodging these attacks.

"Oh? It turns out that I want to die and understand... Then I will tell you with great mercy that I am..."

With a crash, the demon cultivator spoke coldly, and countless demon vines wrapped around his body, turning into pitch black vine armor.


One foot down.

The demon cultivator dressed in magic vines quickly swooped towards Fang Che like a bolt of black lightning.

"Build the third level of foundation!"

Boom boom boom!

Many bricks and stones under the magic vines around the corridor suddenly exploded, and countless fine gravels flew endlessly!

Wrapped in magic vine armor, the two-meter-tall demon cultivator had bright blue and scarlet eyes. On his raised fist, the magic vine turned into a sharp spear and pierced down fiercely.

Fang Che held the red scale horizontal sword to block it!

Sparks flew everywhere.

The huge force instantly threw Fang Che several meters away.

The soles of his feet rubbed against the ground, and force exploded, but Fang Che suddenly ejected back.

On the red scale sword, white thunder burst out, and the sword screamed like a bird's cry!

The Shuling sandbags on his hands and feet automatically fell off and shot out.

The sandbag flew in the air and activated the gravity formation, causing the demon cultivator's body to move slightly slower!

The sword collided with the magic vine spear.

Fang Che's speed was extremely fast, and he continuously drew out his sword, accompanied by brilliant sword chants, while the demon cultivator was not slow at all, and kept thrusting out with his spear.

Ding ding ding ding!

Sparks are flying!

"Very good, Crooked Donkey Gu De!"

Fang Che landed on the ground with a bright smile and high morale.

"That's it. Evenly matched battles are the best training, and long-lasting battles are the best way to show diligence!"

The muscles under Fang Che's skin were trembling, and his whole body was showing excitement.

The demon cultivator, who was trapped under the demon vine, was extremely cold: "Ninth level of Qi refining? As expected of the tester selected by the holy tree, you are not some Qi refining ant, you are very strong!"

"Killing you like this will give you a greater sense of accomplishment! Killing a genius will bring real happiness!"


Gravity does have an effect on the magic cultivator, but covered in magic vine armor, he quickly adapted to the influence of gravity.


After exchanging blows with Fang Che, the demon cultivator floated out of the gravity field.

After falling outside, he raised his hands and struck them hard on the ground.

Puff puff!

Around the corridor, countless fine vines suddenly sprouted from the dark vines, condensing into one demonic vine clone after another!

A maniacal smile appeared in Mo Xiu's eyes: "Let me see how long your physical strength... can last."

Demonic vines crawled out of the wall one after another, and their scarlet eyes stared at Fang Che.

The next moment, they all kicked off with their strong legs like frogs, and shot out, like arrows from the string, rushing toward Fang Che overwhelmingly.

The dense feeling makes the scalp numb.

However, Fang Che was very calm.

Looking at the demonic vine clones rushing towards him.

"Assault? You don't follow martial ethics...then I won't be polite!"

He raised his hand and waved it forward...


Pieces of mysterious yellow talisman paper flew in the wind, floating around him with the fluctuation of mana.

Densely hot sword energy spread out from the talisman paper.

Fang Che clapped his hands and pushed forward violently!

Second level talisman!

Binghuo Xuanyang Sword Talisman!

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