The blazing flames burst out instantly, like sunlight refracted through glass, turning into thousands of tiny optical fibers.

Binghuo Xuanyang Sword Talisman!

This is one of the five elements sword talismans drawn by Fang Che. The sword talisman of fire attribute is very suitable for Fang Che's fire attribute spiritual root!

Facing the densely packed and encircled demon vine clones, Fang Che did not hesitate too much and directly used the sword talisman.


The brilliant sword chant burst out, followed by the burning and surging of flames. Fang Che used three in one breath!

This is also the limit of what his spiritual consciousness can control!

The three Binghuo Xuanyang Sword Talismans were instantly activated, and three gorgeous sword lights swept out in three directions.

The sword waves rippled!

The first sword wave swept over, and countless vine clones were cut into two, exploded and thrown away.

The blazing flames contained in the sword talisman burned the demon vine clones, causing them to burn one by one.

The second sword wave followed closely, completely cutting off the fish that had escaped the first sword wave without any suspense.

The broken vines flew with demonic energy.

The eyes of the foundation-building demon cultivator covered by the vine armor shrank, and he saw the sword wave of the sword talisman rushing towards him.

Countless vines grew and condensed into a shield in front of him.

The Binghuo Xuanyang sword wave hit it fiercely, and the shield cracked with a click.

But the remaining power could no longer threaten the demon cultivator, and was directly crushed by him.

However, at this time, the third sword wave had already chopped down!

"Second-level talisman!"

The demon cultivator's eyes flashed with strange colors, mainly because he was surprised that Fang Che's spiritual consciousness, which was at the ninth level of Qi Refining, was enough to support him to activate three second-level talismans!

The higher the grade of the talisman, the greater the spiritual consciousness consumed each time it was activated.


The power of this Binghuo Xuanyang Sword Talisman was beyond the expectations of the Vine Armor Demon Cultivator.

It directly hit him, leaving a charred mark on his vine armor.

The flames on the sword wave even clung to the vine armor, trying to turn into a blazing fire!

The rich demonic energy surged out from under the vine armor, directly extinguishing the flames on the vine armor.

"Talismans... are really annoying!"

Especially since Fang Che used three of them in one breath, it was even more annoying.

His many demon vine clones were actually cleared out in an instant, and he felt like his ultimate move was wasted.


Fang Che's burly body suddenly shook, and he exerted force under his feet, causing the ground to dent. The power of the Eight Desolate Explosion was circulated from his feet, and it exploded.

The whole person was ejected like a spring.

The speed was extremely fast!

Instantly approached the powerful demon cultivator at the third level of foundation building!

The Red Scale Sword was tightly grasped, the White Thunder Evil surged and intertwined, and he suddenly thrust out a sword, three thousand sword thunders!

Stabbed at the wound of the rattan armor man.

However, the reaction of this third-level foundation-building demon cultivator was also very fast, or the opponent was completely relying on the physical reaction of a high realm to respond.

He turned sideways, and slapped out a palm covered with rattan armor, colliding with Fang Che's white thunder sword thunder.

Fang Che, who finally got close, began his performance.

After getting close, it was the best time to use and show the power of the Eight Desolate Explosion!

The second level of the Eight Desolate Explosion, along the palm of the rattan armor demon cultivator, was fiercely poured into it.

The rattan armor on the demon cultivator's arm exploded with a bang.

It was burst by the force from inside and outside!

The foundation-building demon cultivator also felt a lot of pressure. He didn't expect that Fang Che could give such a great sense of oppression. After being close, he even showed a little panic.

However, he was a third-level foundation-building demon cultivator!

The power of foundation building should not be suppressed by a Qi training cultivator.

"I hate physical training cultivators!"

A low roar came from the mouth of the demon cultivator covered in vine armor.

The terrifying foundation building power fluctuations spread, and countless vines spread out from the ground, as if turning into a big hand, slapping Fang Che fiercely.

Bang bang bang!

Fang Che's feet bounced off the ground, and he quickly jumped away like a black line.

He avoided the slap of the big hand.

The foundation building demon cultivator raised his palms, his eyes were red, and the power fluctuations spread desperately. One magic vine after another spread out, like a wandering venomous snake, approaching Fang Che.

Once entangled by the magic vine, Fang Che's proud speed will be limited.

However, Fang Che was very calm. The lv5 fighting talent brought him great blessing.

If you want to defeat the strong with the weak, you have to find the opponent's flaws.

"Mystical power... the Eye of the King of Light!"

Fang Che raised his hand and tapped it on his forehead, as if a suppressed vertical eye slowly opened!

In the state of the Eye of the King of Light, Fang Che felt that the speed of the magic vine's movement had become much slower.

He seemed to have a clear understanding of the strength of the demonic energy.

He leaped up, and tapped the tip of his foot on the demonic vine that was not supplied with enough demonic energy, and the demonic vine was instantly blown into pieces.

And Fang Che's figure floated up under the recoil of the crushed demonic vine, as if walking in the air.

Step by step, he approached the foundation-building demon cultivator!

The demonic vine's big hand slapped down fiercely, and Fang Che held the red scale sword, with countless white thunders intertwined.

He aimed at a weak point of demonic energy and handed out a sword.

Five sword thunders rushed out, and the demonic vine's big hand directly blew a hole.

Fang Che fell along the hole and landed on the side of the demon cultivator.


Zhenshen roars!

He started his hand with the God-Suppressing Roar, then used the Heart Eye Sword, holding the red scale and slashing out three thousand sword thunders...

Three consecutive qualities!

The attack severely hit the crack in the vine armor of the Foundation Establishment Demonic Cultivator that was cut by the Binghuo Xuanyang Talisman sword wave.

There was a pop and blood spattered.

The demonic cultivator was hit by the sword and thunder and flew out several dozen meters. He hit the end of the corridor, smashed the wall, and was covered in rubble.

Fang Che landed on the ground and gasped slightly.

The magic power of the ninth level of Qi Refining is still somewhat difficult to support him in such a high-intensity battle.'s really cool!

It's over.

Fang Che walked towards the rubble ruins step by step.

Suddenly, among the ruins...

There was extremely strong demonic energy, bursting out in a surging manner.

Huge magic vines wrap around the entire hotel like giant pythons.

around the hotel.

The testers have already gathered one after another.


Several majestic mana fluctuations rolled in like big waves.

Su Shangxing, Li Huaixian and Pei Linglong, as well as the other remaining Xiangao teachers, came one after another.

Although most of the teachers who led the team of Xian Gao followed the fighting team in the guard area and went to the edge of Yunxiao Town to fight with the magic cultivators of the Deterrence Technique and the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect.

However, there are still some senior teachers who look down on those merits and stay in the base.

At this moment, there were about seven or eight Jindan realm monks gathered around the Magic Vine Hotel.

Su Shangxing, Li Huaixian and Pei Linglong are all in the Golden Elixir realm, and the teachers leading the team from Imperial Capital, Two Gods, and Five Elements Immortal City are also in the Golden Elixir realm.

Seeing so many golden elixir monks appearing, Reina, Jia Shengli and others below breathed a sigh of relief.

The surrounding trialists from all the major immortal heights also gathered with the mentality of watching the fun.

"Su Muxian and Huang Yunxiao from the Twin Gods City have also entered the formation."

"This is the Yimu Manteng Demonic Formation, a third-level high-quality formation... If you want to break the formation quickly, you must have a strong Nascent Soul to take action..."

The leading teacher from Shuangshenxian City saw the origin of this formation and looked a little ugly.

After all, Su Muxian and Huang Yunxiao are both geniuses that their two gods highly value.

"Everyone, try to see if you can break the formation."

Su Shangshang's expression was cold and silent, and a sword light suddenly rose from the sword box behind him and spread into the sky. Then, it turned into a huge golden sword and slashed at the Magic Vine Hotel!

boom! ! !

The terrifying mana fluctuations formed extremely violent energy ripples that swept across. Many practitioners with weaker cultivation levels were directly swept up by the ripples.

Su Shangshang's expression was terrifyingly cold. His sword... couldn't break through this formation!

"Join forces!"

Li Huaixian said in a deep voice.

Several other Jindan cultivators also took action at the same time, killing each other in an attempt to break the formation.

"We can break the formation together, but it will take about thirty minutes... I don't know if the testers in the formation can hold on."

Li Huaixian's expression became more serious.

"I'd better choose to call the powerful Nascent Soul."

After thinking about it, Li Huaixian took out his mobile phone and started to dial the message.

He soon got a reply.

"It will take ten minutes for the nearest Nascent Soul master to arrive..."

Su Shangxing took a deep breath, remained silent, and continued to attack the formation.

ten minutes……

Fang Che and the others didn't know if they could survive ten minutes.

After all, the number of foundation-building magic cultivators in the hotel building is... not many!


The rubble exploded.

The demon vines were torn apart, and the killing power that the foundation-building demon cultivator had been brewing for a long time had nowhere to vent. He stared wide-eyed at the person in front of him who spread his palms and completely grasped his head.

Is this still the ninth level of Qi Refining that he knows?

At this moment, Fang Che's body had reached a height of 1.9 meters, and the muscles on his back were constantly bulging. His perfect muscle lines had a special sense of beauty.

Her hair was dark and thick, growing continuously and hanging down to her waist like a waterfall.

In the pupils, there is a faint golden smoke lingering like threads.

There was no emotion in his eyes, just indifference.

Fang Che looked indifferently at the demon cultivator who was planning a massacre and wanted to strike with a decisive blow.

Doesn't give a chance.

"Supernatural power..."

"Climb the stairs."

Fang Che's pupils filled with golden smoke, and he faintly spat out four words.

Then, he clenched his fingers.


Covered under the magic vine helmet, the head of the demon cultivator on the third level of the foundation...

Being pinched to pieces!

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