Climb the stairs!

The prototype of the magic power of fighting!

This is the second magic power Fang Che has obtained, but this is the first time he has used it.

Because through the Eye of the King of Light, Fang Che felt that the demonic energy in the pile of rubble was constantly surging and rising, and an inexplicable sense of crisis was surging.

So, Fang Che activated the prototype of the magic power of fighting, climbing the stairs!

Climbing the stairs... is actually a state!

After it is activated, it is like adrenaline is stimulated to the extreme, and the state of the whole person is unprecedentedly improved, as if it has reached a higher level!

Physical fitness, spiritual power, reaction speed, mana strength, etc. have been comprehensively improved!

Fang Che who activated the state of climbing the stairs is equivalent to directly crossing the barrier of the ninth level of Qi Refining and stepping into the foundation building level.

The power of the Eight Desolate Explosion has also been doubled!

Too powerful!

The explosive power contained in the flesh seems to be able to sweep everything, and the consciousness of fighting has reached the peak.

Any subtle movement of the enemy can even analyze what the opponent is about to do, and even analyze the opponent's attack route, etc.

Especially in this state, combined with the Eye of the King of Light...

There is simply no solution!

Golden smoke diffused out of the pupils, although there was only a wisp, it was like golden lightning.

The 1.9-meter-tall body was full of explosive power.

As the head of the third-level foundation-building demon cultivator was crushed, Fang Che had already thrown another punch, directly piercing through the vine armor and the opponent's chest...

The demon cultivator's spiritual consciousness leaped, and he left a residual image and wanted to escape.

However, the Eye of the King of Light between Fang Che's eyebrows glared, and the Heart Eye Divine Sword slashed out, like an invisible divine sword blade light, with a puff, the spirit blood flew, and the demon cultivator's spiritual consciousness was also chopped off.


However, Fang Che seemed to have accomplished something insignificant.

The eyes were indifferent, and nothing could arouse his interest, only fighting...


With the death of the demon cultivator, the demon vines in the entire corridor seemed to tremble at this moment, and gradually emerged with a withered posture.

Countless thin vines were directly exploded into shattered particles, which were scattered all over the ground.

Fang Che tilted his head.

His figure disappeared instantly, and reappeared as if teleporting, kicking down heavily.

Boom! ! !

The entire corridor exploded directly, countless cracks emerged, and huge pieces of rubble twisted.

A thick and twisted magic vine was stepped out by Fang Che.

Fang Che bent down and hugged the magic vine with both hands.

The thick magic vine squirmed, like a conscious snake, trying to escape.

But Fang Che held it tightly, and his body was also squirmed away, like riding on a huge fish swimming fast in the river.

The surrounding scenes were flying quickly.


Everything was quiet.

Fang Che looked up, and in his pupils filled with golden smoke, he saw the situation in front of him.

It turned out that the magic vine returned to the position of the main vine.

But it also brought Fang Che to the area of ​​the main vine.

The atmosphere was dull, and heavy breathing was surging.

An extremely thick magic vine grew in the center, occupying the entire hall, and countless thick roots penetrated into the ground.

Around the magic vine, a strange array was drawn in blood. In each position of the array, there were magic cultivators wrapped in black robes, sitting cross-legged.

At this moment, all the magic cultivators looked at Fang Che who was brought to the main vine area in astonishment.

"This is the genius holding the magic vine!"

"Didn't No. 7 go to kill him? No. 7 at the third level of foundation building... can't beat the ninth level of Qi refining?"

The faces of the foundation building magic cultivators sitting cross-legged in the array diagram became ugly.

They had never expected this situation.

Except for Su Muxian and Huang Yunxiao, who were both gods, they didn't take the rest of the people seriously at all.

They even felt that the action of capturing Fang Che should be a done deal.

"Number seven? Is that the demon cultivator whose head I just crushed?"

Fang Che started the climbing state, and his thick hair that fell to his waist fluttered slightly.

He listened to the words of the demon cultivators and said lightly.

In the climbing state, there was no emotional fluctuation when talking about killing a person.

Many demon cultivators were shocked.

"How is it possible? Number seven is at the third level of foundation building, how could he be killed by you, who is at the ninth level of Qi training?"

A demon cultivator of foundation building shouted angrily.

Fang Che's pupils filled with golden smoke fell on him.

Suddenly, Fang Che swung out his fist.


A thick demon vine hit hard and collided with Fang Che's straight fist.

The demon vine was shattered and the fragments flew!

The rich demonic energy surged, and a demon cultivator of the second level of foundation building covered in vine armor jumped from behind to kill Fang Che.

This place is the base of the array where many demon cultivators set up the Yimu Wanteng Ghost Demon Array, but it was actually broken into by a trialer.

In order to avoid destroying the formation, he naturally had to deal with the trialer first.

However, the attack of this demon cultivator covered in vine armor penetrated Fang Che's body.

His eyes changed slightly.

Fang Che was suspended above his head, his eyes filled with golden smoke, looking at him indifferently.


Fang Che fell down, and his legs burst out with terrifying Eight Desolate Explosive Force. The four layers of force were superimposed and fused together by him, and burst out in this kick.


The vine armor covering the body of the demon cultivator at the second level of foundation building was shattered, and the whole person was smashed directly into the ground, and the ground sunk into a deep pit, and countless blood splashed.

It was like falling from a fifty-story building, and blood splashed like a fairy scattering flowers.

Instant kill!

The demon cultivator at the second level of foundation building, with the help of the magic vine, wearing vine armor, was actually...

killed instantly by the trialist in front of him!

Many of the beast blood sect foundation building believers who manipulated the Yimu Wanteng Ghost Demon Formation trembled in their hearts.

"Is this considered the ninth level of Qi Refining?!"

A demon cultivator widened his eyes and couldn't help cursing. He almost made a mistake in the formation, causing the Yimu Wanteng Ghost Demon Formation to collapse directly.

"Hold the formation!"

"This is a physical cultivator. You can't treat him as an ordinary ninth-level Qi Refining cultivator. Let me kill him!"

In the formation, a very burly demon cultivator of the third level of foundation building shouted angrily, asking other demon cultivators to maintain the formation while he broke away.

Covered with rattan armor and holding a rattan spear, the demon cultivator's body was extremely huge, like a mountain of flesh.

He stared at Fang Che with murderous intent.

"You, a ninth-level Qi Refining cultivator, almost ruined the good thing."

"Physical cultivator? No matter how strong a physical cultivator is, he can't make any waves in front of me!"

The demon cultivator roared, and his body flew out in an instant, as light as a fluttering butterfly.

"Number three has taken action. Number three has fused the essence of the magic armor beast and activated the beast blood state. His defense is invincible and his strength is invincible! He is a natural enemy of physical cultivators!"

A demon cultivator saw Number three taking action and felt relieved.


A deafening roar.

The demon cultivator who was sighing with excitement had not yet finished his sigh of relief.

He saw the burly No. 3 who was as big as a meat mountain...

He shot out at a faster speed and hit the wall, his body deeply embedded in the wall.

Fang Che grabbed No. 3's huge head with five fingers of one hand.

He slowly raised his other hand with a fist.

His arm was slowly pulled open like a big bow, and the power of the three levels of the Eight Desolate Explosion gathered on his fist layer by layer.

"Eight Desolate Ascending Tower Explosion."

Fang Che named his punch in a low voice with an expressionless face.


The arm was like a big bow.

The full moon.

The fist fell!

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