The strong smell of blood spread from the hall, and the blood even gathered into a trickle, flowing thickly along the ground.

Everyone looked at the scene in the hall, their hearts suddenly tightened, and they took a deep breath, completely in disbelief.

Because the impact brought by the picture... is really too strong and bloody!

Corpses... kept piling up.

All the corpses had their heads shot and their chests mutilated!

Too many, too many demon cultivators have died!

In the weird formation position in the hall, the corpse of a foundation-building demon cultivator was lying. The demon cultivator's head was blown out, and there was no breath of life.

One, two, three...

With just one glance, I counted four or five.

Fang Che had a tall body, and his jet-black hair fell to his waist. A terrifying aura spread from under his bronze skin.

"Is this the number one you called back?"

"It really disappoints me."

Fang Che's face was expressionless, as cold as a piece of arctic ice. He grasped the head of a demon cultivator, his voice exuding a biting chill.

This demonic cultivator, who was only at the first level of foundation building, had eyes full of fear, as if he was not a demonic cultivator himself, but was facing a demonic cultivator...


Fang Che's eyes were cold and he shook his head in disappointment.

Then, he clenched his fingers.

The terrifying force sank directly into the flesh, and then crushed the head, causing the entire head to explode. Broken flesh and bones, along with white brain matter, flew out.

Inside the hall...

Another desolate corpse.

"Withdraw...withdraw! Stop worrying about the formation and kill this guy!"

Everything happened too fast. After Fang Che instantly killed No. 1 who came to support with his red scale sword, he struck out with lightning. Several demon cultivators on the first level of the foundation were decapitated almost at the same time.

The speed was so fast that other demon cultivators had no time to react.

When he reacted, the hall was already filled with blood!

"In the end...who is the demon cultivator?!"

"Every move blows your head and chest! How cruel!"

"This guy... is a devil!"

The mentality of the demon cultivators who were still alive was completely shattered.

boom! ! !

Waves of mana fluctuations surged up, and each demon cultivator jumped up from their respective formation positions. They tried their best to stimulate the mana fluctuations, and their eyes were filled with anger and unconcealable fear.

Even the two of them who were on the third level of foundation building had the same attitude.

Fang Che shook off the blood stains on his hands with an expressionless face, turned his face slightly, and glanced at the demon cultivators who gave up on maintaining the formation and planned to resist.

Light golden smoke spread out from the pupils like electricity.

Looking at these demon cultivators calmly, an ugly smile appeared on his face: "This is ridiculous. I thought you would be stupid enough to wait for death."

After finishing his words, his whole body moved instantly, his body swooped out, and the golden smoke filled in his pupils was swung and turned into a golden lightning!


Fang Che instantly fought with two demon cultivators on the third level of foundation building!

After opening the hall door and entering the hall, Su Muxian, Huang Yunxiao, Liu Lei, Gao Cheng and others had already fallen into silence.

"This...this is all done by Fang Che?"

"How is this possible?"

Huang Yunxiao took a deep breath.

Su Muchian didn't know what to say.

As for Liu Lei and the senior management, they were completely sluggish and felt that their world view had been impacted.

Fang Che...isn't he a tester in the martial arts competition?

It is said that you are just...a freshman in high school, right?

How could a first-year high school student perform so amazingly in this competition between high-school geniuses?

Can the three levels of foundation building be easily killed?

If the geniuses from the Imperial Capital, the Two Gods, and the Five Elements Immortal City who had obtained independent enrollment quotas did this, they would not be surprised and would only take it for granted.

But Fang Che...

It's a bit too far-fetched for a ninth-level Qi refining person to be able to do this!

Su Muchian's pupils were filled with white mist, and he was looking very attentively.

"It's magical power!"

"Fang Che used his magical power... his fighting status at this moment has been improved at least ten times!"

Su Muchian said swornly.

Her eyes are rulers!

You can see clearly the size and thickness at a glance!

There’s no way you’re wrong!

"Sister Su, is it the same state as your [Xianxian State] to gain magical powers?" Huang Yunxiao couldn't help but ask.

Supernatural powers... those are very rare.

"I don't know if it is an acquired magical power or an innate magical power...but it is undeniable that Fang Che can do this, he must have used his magical power!"

Su Muchian said seriously.

But even if he uses his magical power... on the ninth level of Qi Refining, he can crush and kill the demon cultivators on the fourth level of foundation building.

Such a record was impossible even for her when she was at the ninth level of Qi Refining!

It's really... a monster!

Su Muchian suddenly felt a little expectant and excited about such an opponent...

"But Fang Che is only a freshman in high school..." Huang Yunxiao took a breath: "If he doesn't come from a family that cultivates immortals like the Luo family, where did he get his magical powers?"

Su Muxian was startled and suddenly felt a little bored.


Fang Che is too young.

He's just a freshman in high school. This year's college entrance examination... he won't take part.

"Oh, how could Fang Che be so young? What a pity..." Su Muchian shook his head and sighed.

Gao Cheng, Liu Lei, Luo Liuli and others were shocked by the bloody scene and were immediately speechless.

These words of tiger and wolf, what do you want to do when Fang Che is older?

"Don't worry, this is the main vine position of the Soul Devouring Demon Vine. These demon cultivators are setting up a large formation. Now, the large formation has been broken by Fang Che... We are safe."

"This group of demon cultivators of the Beast Blood Cult were killed by Fang Che... alone."

Su Muxian dispersed the white mist in his eyes, withdrew from the immortal state, and stretched lazily.

Everyone exhaled lightly after hearing this.

Bang! ! !

Two figures flew backwards and hit the wall hard, and the broken vines and branches were flying.

Fang Che's blood was surging all over his body, and the aura of the Eight Desolations Explosion was rising step by step. The white thunder evil was wrapped around his body, and the fists he swung were full of thunder evil sword energy.

When the last foundation-building demon cultivator was smashed in the head by Fang Che's punch.

The whole hall was completely quiet.

Only the rustling sound of broken vines falling to the ground remained.

"The end... is over."

Huang Yunxiao looked at Fang Che, who was 1.9 meters tall, and let out a heavy breath of suffocation, muttering.

Fang Che's eyes swept over.

The cold and ruthless pupils flashing with golden smoke made Huang Yunxiao feel like he was electrocuted.

That feeling was like the oppression of looking at Su Muxian who had completely opened the fairy-seeking state.

Fang Che saw Luo Liuli, Gao Cheng and other familiar faces, and nodded expressionlessly.

He was soaked in blood all over his body, and his magic power was extremely boiling. The mana fluctuations of the ninth level of Qi Refining were boiling like foundation building.

After Fang Che nodded in greeting.

His legs were slightly bent, and the next moment, the four levels of power of the Eight Desolate Explosion were superimposed together, and burst out under his feet.

The ground of the entire hall sank deeply, and countless cracks were densely covered.

Fang Che used the recoil of the catapult to jump high, like a blood-red lightning.

He rushed to the roaring Demon Vine, which was about to flee towards the ceiling of the hotel like a snaking angry dragon!


Fang Che jumped with Bai Leisha's palm and fiercely stabbed into the main vine of the Soul Devouring Demon Vine.

Crack, crack...

The sound of the main vine trunk breaking resounded, and as Fang Che shot up all the way, it seemed as if he was going to split the main vine in two.


Fang Che paused and pulled hard.

Puff! ! !

It was like an angry dragon being torn out of its bones and tendons!

A fist-sized demon pill, like countless thin vines coiled up, flashing with blood, and beating like a real heart.

was pulled out of the main trunk of the Demon Vine by Fang Che!

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