The demon elixir of the spirit-hungry demon vine!

Just a moment.

In the hall, Su Muxian and Huang Yunxiao's eyes were fixed on the demon pill in Fang Che's hand!

His breathing suddenly became rapid.

That is... a demon pill that can improve the talent of spiritual roots!

An extremely precious thing!

Although this spirit-hungry demonic vine is only at the second level, the spiritual root talent it improves is not much, and there is even a probability of failure.

However, for immortal cultivators, as long as there is a small chance to improve the spiritual root talent, it is enough to make people crazy.

Huang Yunxiao's eyes were extremely hot.

"Give it up. The demon pill that Fang Che got, naturally belongs to him."

Su Muxian spoke, which gradually calmed down Huang Yunxiao's fiery heart.

Huang Yunxiao was a little unwilling, but he could only scratch his head. After all, Su Muchian had already spoken.

If Su Muxian doesn't fight, what qualifications does he have to fight?

However, Huang Yunxiao didn't expect...

The biggest winner of this trial will actually be an inconspicuous high-level one-level fighting contestant from Feileixian City.

"Fang Che...this name may shine in the immortal sect in the future, provided that he does not die."

Huang Yunxiao murmured softly.

Gao Cheng, Liu Lei and Luo Liuli also raised their heads and looked at the gorgeous scene.

They will not forget this scene many years later.

Especially Luo Liuli, whose long eyelashes trembled slightly as she stared blankly.

After all, Fang Che, like her, was a freshman in high school, and even a student in Feileixian City's training class.

But now she has been completely surpassed by Fang Che.

Extremely thorough.

She didn't even have a chance to struggle.

Suddenly, Luo Liuli's eyes gradually became firm: "I won't give up!"

"Diligence... I want to be as diligent as Fang Che!"

"I have the blood of the Luo family, maybe... there will be a day when I can catch up!"

The hotel, covered by countless vines, towers into the sky.

Like a giant vine snake, it coiled around the hotel and roared to the sky.

There is thick black mist billowing around, and the Otoki Manto Demon Array is still operating!

With the maintenance of this third-level formation, the attacks of Su Shangxing, Pei Linglong, Li Huaixian and other golden elixir monks were difficult to deflect in a short period of time!

This is an extremely pure closed formation. The purpose is to delay time and give the internal demon cultivators time to kill the immortal sect's trial genius.

A sword light disappeared silently into the black mist again.

Su Shangxing was floating in the air, carrying the sword box on his back, his face looking very ugly.

"Eight minutes have passed and our attacks are still unable to shake this formation. Stop and wait for Master Yuanying's support."

Li Huaixian stopped what he was doing, and the surrounding golden elixir monks who were leading the team also gave up what they were doing.

Su Shangxing did not stop, the powerful magic power on his body fluctuated, and the sword light surged around the building.


His spiritual consciousness fluctuated slightly, his eyes condensed, and the condensing sword light suddenly froze around with countless sharp ice crystals.

He looked towards the thick black mist.

However, he saw that the black fog that was originally billowing and shrouding the hotel building seemed to have been split open by a sharp blade.

The thick fog rolled away to both sides!


The magic vines that entrenched the hotel began to wither and wither...

The thick vines died instantly, suddenly fell from the sky, and hit the ground, causing the entire ground to shake violently!


"The formation is broken."

Su Shangshang raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

But among the broken formations and the torn withered vines, he saw a burly figure with long flowing hair, holding a beating bloody demon pill, and his eyes were blooming with a faint golden smoke.

Su Shangshang looked at each other and couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, there was a wave of disbelief on his face!

"Fang Che?!"

"Ding! You killed a foundation-building demon cultivator, and your diligence is +500. Depending on the level of the demon cultivator's karma, you will get an additional +800 diligence..."

"Ding! You killed a foundation-building demon cultivator, and your diligence +500..."

"Ding! You..."


The golden smoke in Fang Che's pupils slowly dissipated, and then translucent prompts popped up continuously, densely covering his eyes and impacting his consciousness.

After exiting the prototype of the fighting magic power [Climb the Stairs], weakness like a tide spread all over his body in an instant. The mana in his Dantian was completely consumed, and every muscle in his body was almost in a state of spasm overload.

Fang Che landed on the ground, his legs softened, and he sat down cross-legged.

He was breathing heavily, but the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.

After summarizing the harvest, I felt emotional.

"The wealth and wealth... just poured out on me."

Fang Che murmured.

"However, this wealth was poured out by God, and I received it based on my ability! I received it openly and openly!"

Fang Che grinned brightly.

Killing the Foundation-Building Demonic Cultivator with a single click gave him 13,000 Qin Energy. All of this is disposable Qin Energy!

Not to mention, he also obtained the demon elixir of the spirit-hungry demon vine!

That is the demon elixir that can improve the talent of spiritual roots, and it is also the greatest wealth of this trial!

Suddenly, Fang Che remembered something. He looked at the violently swinging magic vine and saw thick green juice spraying out from the wound of the magic vine that he had torn open.

Fang Che's face changed, his heart was like a knife, and he was extremely heartbroken...

That was the juice of the magic vine, a precious medicine that can be used to refine the body!

But it was all... good deeds!

Suddenly, a sword light flashed.

A handsome guy who was extremely shining in Fang Che's eyes just broke into his sight.

Su Shangxing's face was calm, and he formed a seal with his five fingers. The sprayed magic vine juice actually solidified in the air, and then he collected it lightly.

He took out an extremely large bath tub from the storage ring, and began to collect water from the wound of the magic vine that Fang Che had torn open...

Filled one bucket after another...

The bath tub seemed to have magic power, constantly drawing juice from the wound of the magic vine. After a while, the magic vine was completely sucked dry.

It fell to the ground completely withered, unable to stand up or lift up.

When it was dying, Su Shangxing flicked his finger, and a golden sword energy shot out, which killed the demon vine and the demon soul, strangling it completely.

Carrying two full buckets, Su Shangxing landed beside Fang Che with a master's demeanor.

"Teacher Su!"

Fang Che admired him very much. He was indeed an old man in the world, and he actually carried a bucket with him!

Su Shangxing's eyes seemed calm, but he was actually shocked.


It was really Fang Che. This second-level demon vine was actually killed by Fang Che, and even the demon elixir was dug out!

This is my student, Su Shangxing? !

What virtue do I have, Su Shangxing...

No, such a student really looks like me, Su Shangxing!

Su Shangxing's eyes gradually became fiery, and he nodded with great satisfaction.

"You did a great job."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The sound of breaking through the air resounded.

Su Muxian, Huang Yunxiao, Gao Cheng and others at the bottom of the hotel also jumped up, looking at Fang Che as if he were a monster.

Su Shangxing glanced at these people and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that all the trialists involved in the main vine area this time are safe and sound, which is good."

Su Shangxing smiled and nodded.

He turned his head to look at Fang Che, and was about to ask Fang Che how to deal with the two barrels of magic vine juice.

Suddenly, Su Shangxing's face changed.

But Fang Che rolled his eyes, holding the demon pill, and fainted directly.

Before Fang Che fainted, a translucent prompt popped up in front of him.

"Ding! You have shown your charming diligence in killing foundation-building demon cultivators. If you kill more than 10 foundation-building demon cultivators, you will be eligible for a random treasure chest draw."

"Oh, young man, your diligence is really charming. Thousands of girls will be unable to close their legs for your charm."

"Young man, draw!"

"Draw hard! Draw as much as you can!"

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