Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 108 I will beat anyone who stops me from being diligent

Fang Che fainted, perhaps he himself did not expect this situation.

Sure enough, there are still some big hidden dangers after opening [Climbing the Tower] to kill so many foundation-building demon cultivators, and the consumption of spiritual consciousness is also very huge.

The brain directly turned on the self-protection function, causing Fang Che to faint.

However, before Fang Che fainted, the sultry prompts popped up on the panel kept making him itch.

Killing foundation-building demon cultivators with ten consecutive kills, there is actually such an unexpected surprise.

Continuously killing foundation-building demon cultivators... can it be considered diligence?

Fang Che felt like he was hit by an unexpected surprise.

Perhaps, it was because of this that the emotional excitement directly triggered the weak spiritual consciousness and fainted.

I don’t know how long I slept.

Fang Che felt that he hadn’t slept so comfortably for a long time. He felt that his whole body and mind were relaxed, bathing in a warm warmth.

Slowly, Fang Che opened his eyes.

There were sophisticated instruments all around, and his body was soaked in a nutrient cabin similar to a bathtub.


Fang Che climbed up directly from the middle of the room, his body was hot, and his body, which had been hollowed out by climbing the stairs, was suddenly full of strength.


Su Shangxing was leaning on the chair, slurping a bowl of rice noodles. Seeing Fang Che wake up, he spoke while slurping.

"How long have I been unconscious?"

Fang Che took a deep breath and asked solemnly.

If he was unconscious for too long, it would affect his diligence too much. It would be better to be diligent and earn diligence energy during the time he was unconscious.

Although he earned a lot of diligence energy by killing the demon cultivators in this wave, the mosquito is still meat no matter how small it is. Such a large number of opportunities to kill demon cultivators is very rare, and it depends more on the accumulated diligence.

"Seven hours, in fact, it should be said that you slept for seven hours."

"You shouldn't have slept for such a long time, right?" Su Shangxing looked at Fang Che and said.

"Diligence is good, but you have to combine work and rest, don't let your spiritual consciousness be too tense, and it's okay to relax appropriately."

Su Shangxing said.

Fang Che heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this: "Not bad, not bad... I only slept for seven hours, which is still within the acceptable range."

However, just after he woke up, the prompt on the panel in front of him popped up again.

"Do you want to draw a random treasure chest?"


Fang Che's eyes lit up and he made a choice immediately.

If he could get a gold treasure chest, that would be truly monstrous wealth!

However, Fang Che was obviously diligent enough, but his luck was not too good...

"Ding! Congratulations on getting a silver treasure chest, do you want to open it?"

Fang Che's eyes flashed with regret, it was just a silver treasure chest...his dream of gold was shattered.


Fang Che quickly regained his spirits, silver is always better than bronze, it would be a waste not to open it!

"Ding, congratulations on getting [Special Diligence (Alchemy) +1000], [Alchemy: Fire-Eating Soul-Quenching Technique], [Alchemy Recipe: Eight Desolate Body-Quenching Pill]"

The silver light flashed, and the rewards of the treasure chest were immediately released.

Fang Che, who was originally excited, was stunned for a moment, and his brows were furrowed.

The imagined excitement suddenly dissipated a lot.

"Why are they all about alchemy..." Fang Che muttered, feeling a little disappointed.

[Alchemy (lv4: 0/10000)]

Due to the special diligence, the alchemy item was directly upgraded to lv4. Fang Che had not upgraded the alchemy before, so it was a pleasant surprise.

"It's really a random treasure chest, it's really random..." Fang Che complained.

He collected his mind and did not immediately explore the alchemy and recipes.

After slurping the noodles, Su Shangxing looked at Fang Che who came out of the nutrition cabin and dressed up, and smiled as he handed him the demon pill and two buckets of juice of the Soul Devouring Demon Vine.

"I didn't expect you to be the biggest winner of this trial."

"On the trial merit list, you successfully topped the list, surpassing Lu Yun, Ye Qing and others from the imperial capital. Su Muxian, Huang Yunxiao and Luo Beiyou from Shuangshenxian City were all defeated by you."

"Being able to surpass them as a first-year high school contestant really boosted the momentum of Feileixian City."

Su Shangxing laughed heartily.

He still remembered the surprised looks of many third-year high school geniuses when they returned to the base and saw the ranking of the trial merit list.

"The trial is almost over. Because you solved the magic vine and most of the foundation-building magic cultivators, you topped the merit list all of a sudden, which made Lu Yun, Ye Qing and others nervous. They stopped slacking off and almost scraped the ground to find all the hidden magic cultivators."

"You rolled yourself up, and forced others to roll with you."

"In the end, the only victims were the magic cultivators of the Beast Blood Sect. Isn't that great?" Fang Che laughed.

Su Shangxing nodded: "Then you should have a good rest next. The signal of Yunxiao Town has been restored. You can contact your parents and report that you are safe."

"After resting for a while at the Yunxiao Town base, we should set off for the imperial capital to participate in the national competition of the fighting competition."

"In addition, you performed extremely well in the trial this time, so we have also won you an excellent opportunity."

Su Shangxing said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure came out of the door. It was Li Huaixian.

"This is the admissions teacher of Pojun University, Li Huaixian." Su Shangxing introduced.

Fang Che hurriedly greeted him.

My heart was very shocked. Pojun University... That is one of the three top universities for cultivating immortals in Daxia Xianmen!

Li Huaixian looked at Fang Che with admiration. It was hard to imagine that a freshman could perform so well in a trial with a group of senior high school geniuses, and even surpassed Lu Yun, Ye Qing and others.

"We all saw your performance in this trial, and you are at the top of the trial merit list!"

"So, although you are only a freshman, as an admissions teacher of Pojun University, I can make an exception and give you a place in Pojun University through independent enrollment."

Li Huaixian looked at Fang Che with a bright look.

Pojun University... independent enrollment? !

Fang Che's heart was in turmoil: "Does this mean... I have a chance to enter Pojun University in advance?"

Li Huaixian nodded.

"Of course, the premise is that you don't perform too badly in the national competition of the fighting competition..."

"You still have to participate in the national competition of the fighting competition. This year's national competition is different from previous ones. If you can win the individual championship, it will be very valuable. Of course, it is also because the individual champion of this national competition will have the opportunity to compete with the individual champions of the fighting competition of several other major immortal sects..."

"If you can suppress other champions in the individual championship of many immortal sects, it is equivalent to winning honor for the immortal sect, and you can even get a direct admission quota!"

Li Huaixian stared at Fang Che with some expectation.


It will be more difficult. After all, the Great Xia Immortal Sect has just started the reform of the fighting competition, while other immortal sects have already reformed the fighting competition for many years, and the champions they have cultivated are extremely good at fighting and dazzling.

But now Li Huaixian has gradually become the shape of Su Shangxing. Like Su Shangxing, he has great faith in Fang Che.

Fang Che took a deep breath.

He couldn't help but look forward to it. He knew... university life was good, and resources were good. As long as he entered Xiuxian University, there would be many resources for him to practice diligently!

What was the purpose of his diligent practice to obtain diligence?

Isn't it just to become stronger?

Thousands of sails raced, hundreds of boats competed... Only when you feel pressure can you force yourself to be more diligent!

The training resources, training environment, and training atmosphere of Pojun University... Wouldn't it be more suitable for him to continue to be diligent?

That is the place that can give wings to his dream!

Fang Che's eyes sparkled, pursed his lips and clenched his fists with a solemn oath.

"I will definitely work hard!"

"Whoever stops me from being diligent, I will... beat him up!"

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