"Don't worry. Judging from the combat power you have shown, even if you fail this time, you will definitely be admitted to Pojun University in the college entrance examination."

Li Huaixian was really optimistic about Fang Che and said with a smile.

He believed that Fang Che would definitely be admitted to one of the three top universities for cultivating immortals.

Because only in this way can one step onto a higher stage and see a wider world.

The three universities for cultivating immortals are places where countless cultivators flock to, not without reason. After all, they are the gathering place of the most talented young people in the entire Daxia Xianmen.

With Yuanying masters as lecturers, and occasionally incarnation masters appearing to preach, it is a holy place in the minds of all cultivators.

The three universities for cultivating immortals are also the three largest places for the delivery of Jindan cultivators in the entire Daxia Xianmen.

The number of Jindan cultivators graduating from the universities every year exceeds that of any other power.

It can be said that the three top universities for cultivating immortals are well-deserved behemoths.

The power and relationship network are spread throughout the entire Daxia Xianmen.

Li Huaixian is optimistic about Fang Che, so he will invest in Fang Che in advance. If Fang Che really reaches an unattainable height in the future, he can also benefit from it.

Su Shangxing looked at Fang Che: "Do you need us to help you deal with this demon pill and juice?"

"The demon pill can improve the talent of the spiritual root, but this is only a second-level demon pill, and the improvement is not much."

"The fourth-level demon pill of the original Demon Vine is the real treasure, but it was taken away and divided by the Yuanying Master."

"Even if your second-level demon pill is refined into a pill, it will not improve your spiritual root much."

Su Shangxing knows that Fang Che's spiritual root is a heavenly spiritual root.

It is too difficult to go further.

Therefore, there is no need to waste this demon pill.

"It will be much better to turn it into merit than to refine it into a pill directly." Su Shangxing suggested.

This is his duty as a team leader.

Fang Che understood after hearing this. For low-grade spiritual roots, this second-level demon pill might help them get the qualification to impact the middle-grade spiritual roots.

But for the heavenly spiritual roots, this demon pill is far from enough.

Fang Che did not hesitate too much: "Then ask Teacher Su to help me sell it and convert it into merit."

"Okay, I'll help you sell it on the resource website." Su Shangxing nodded.

"As for the magic vine juice... it is a precious medicine for body building. How do you deal with it?"

Su Shangxing saw Fang Che.

Fang Che heard this, thought about it, looked at Su Shangxing and laughed: "Teacher Su, help me divide the other bucket of juice among Luo Liuli, Gao Cheng, Liu Lei and others."

For Fang Che, one bucket of magic vine juice is enough. He can't take all the benefits by himself, right?

Su Shangxing turned and left, and Fang Che lay back in the nutrition cabin to recover.

By the way, let's sort out the current situation and gains.

"My current diligence has accumulated 14,560 points. It seems a lot, but it's not much..."

"Fighting, talismans and spiritual consciousness have all reached level 5. If all the diligence is used to improve the shortcomings, the effect will be minimal."

"So, the only three level 4 talents that can be considered are swordsmanship, magic and alchemy."

Fang Che murmured softly.

At least, it is enough to improve one talent to level 5.

"Which one should I choose?"

Fang Che thought about it and hesitated for a while. Of course, alchemy must be excluded. That thing is purely opened from the silver treasure chest, and Fang Che has not adapted to it yet.

"Next, I will participate in the national competition of fighting competition... Both magic and swordsmanship can be improved."

"Let's improve swordsmanship."

Fang Che thought about it and made a choice.

"Ding! Do you want to consume 10,000 diligence to improve the shortcomings of swordsmanship?"

The panel prompt popped up at the right time.

Since Fang Che has made a choice, he no longer hesitates: "Make up for the shortcomings!"

"Ding, make up for the shortcomings in progress..."


Fang Che immersed himself in the nutrition cabin, slowly waiting for his own state to recover and the completion of his improvement.

About thirty minutes passed.

Fang Che got up from the nutrition cabin, changed into clean clothes, and finally completed the improvement.

"Ding! The improvement is completed, Kendo lv4 to lv5..."

[Kendo (lv5: 0/100000)]

Looking at the panel of Kendo talent, Fang Che's eyes were bright.

And what he was looking forward to more...

was the prototype of the magical power awakened after Kendo was improved to lv5!

"Ding! Congratulations on the improvement of Kendo talent to lv5, and the prototype of the magical power [Sword Immortal State]."

Sure enough, when the panel prompt that excited Fang Che appeared.

The light in Fang Che's eyes could not be restrained.

Following [Eye of the King of Light], [Climbing the Tower], and [After the Divine Talisman], Fang Che got another prototype of magical power!

Sword Immortal State!

As the name suggests, it is an amplification state.

It may be a bit similar to climbing the tower.

But, it's not a big problem!

When climbing the stairs, he activated the Sword Immortal State...

How terrifying would that be? !

Fang Che himself couldn't imagine such a scene.

However, Fang Che's excitement soon subsided a little, and his face became a little ugly.

He suddenly thought of a very serious topic.

That is...

If he activates [Climbing the Stairs] and [Sword Immortal State] continuously, will he be drained by these two magical powers? !

In the end, he will be drained dry? !

"I'm too weak..."

When Fang Che thought of such a scene, there was only one thought left in his mind.

He is too weak, so weak that he cannot even withstand two buff states.

"I have to continue to work hard to make my physical body strong enough, and my spiritual consciousness... I have to improve it quickly!"

"In addition, the cultivation of the ninth level of Qi Refining should also continue to accumulate and try to build the foundation. Only when the foundation is built, the physical fitness will be more comprehensive and greater!"

"It's really urgent..."

"I have so little time."

Fang Che felt flustered and heartbroken when he thought of sleeping in the nutrition cabin for seven hours.

"I'm so clumsy, how can I sleep!"

Fang Che took a deep breath and did not stay in the room any longer.

After leaving the room, Fang Che went directly to the training area.

Use your own good deeds card to enter the training area and practice. First, hold the spirit stones to practice and increase your mana reserves.

In addition, after the magic practice is completed, you can visualize the Angry Eyes of the Ming King to improve your spiritual consciousness and enter a meditative state.

Fang Che was completely immersed in cultivation and couldn't extricate himself.

The sky turned dark unconsciously.

The bright moon hangs high.

Fang Che walked out of the meditation room, his brows glowing, his spiritual consciousness restored to its peak state, and his whole person refreshed.

Sure enough, compared to hunting demon cultivators, such immersive training is more satisfying.

However, although the night was deep, Fang Che's diligence had just begun.

Wearing the Shuling Sandbag, Fang Che came to the training ground.

What surprised Fang Che was that there were more people in the training ground than expected. It was so late at night... everyone didn't sleep, and everyone was sweating profusely in the training ground.

Fang Che suddenly felt that his diligence had become insignificant and was being suppressed.

He understood that he was not diligent enough, and he had to be more diligent, otherwise... wouldn't his name as the Liver Emperor be in vain?

Fang Che silently found a corner in the large training ground.

I plan to practice swordsmanship and experience the swordsmanship talent that has just reached level 5.

Suddenly, there was the sound of rustling footsteps.

A figure, with a long and cold shadow drawn out under the moonlight, appeared in front of Fang Che.

"Are you Fang Che, who ranks first in the trial merit list?"

A faint voice came out slowly with a condescending question.

Fang Che was startled and raised his head to take a look.

It was a strange figure.

Fang Che shook his head: "The number one on the merit list... seems to be fake. It's just that I was lucky and killed more foundation-building demon cultivators."

Fang Che replied casually, not bothering to pay attention to the other party. Of course, the main reason was that he didn't want anyone to disturb his immersive practice.

It seemed that he could hear the perfunctoriness in Fang Che's words.

The man smiled.

"Since you don't have the strength to test the top of the merit list, don't just occupy the position and enjoy the fame and glory brought by the top of the list..."

"But I'm number one on the list... and there's nothing I can do about it."

Fang Che responded perfunctorily.

The figure grinned, and the next moment, extremely powerful mana fluctuations and extremely ferocious foundation-building pressure burst out from his body!

"When I beat you to tears, everyone will know what kind of thing you are, the one on the list of meritorious deeds..."

After hearing this, Fang Che finally slowly raised his head.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the aggressive man.

"I know that the admissions teacher of Pojun University is in the base, so you want to step on me to get the upper hand and perform well in front of Teacher Li..."

"Very well, I'll give you this opportunity..."

"Let you... accompany me to practice diligently."

"I didn't stop..."

"Don't stop either."

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