Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 116: Take the most vicious beating and become the strongest


The terrifying force tore out a fiery red mark on the ground of the training ground.

Gu Detian covered his stomach and roared, flew eight meters away, sat on the ground, tears... silently flowed down.

Why, the injured... is him again?

Fang Che is very strong, he already knows, but he never expected to become stronger, too domineering, too strong.

Fang Che's fist turned into a dragon arm, covered with dragon scales, and became more fierce...

Gu Detian felt very painful with just a light blow.

However, he knew that Fang Che had held back, and the power was much reduced under that punch, otherwise Gu Detian knew that his chest would definitely explode at this moment.

The chest-breaking maniac... actually showed mercy to him.

Gu Detian was inexplicably moved... What the hell!

Why should he be moved? !

He was still moved after being beaten, did he, Gu Detian, unlock some wrong posture? !

Slowly climbing up, Gu Detian's mana fluctuated in his body, and his eyes looked at Fang Che with complicated eyes.

Fang Che was a little regretful and shook his fist. Gu Detian... was too soft and could not withstand his ferocity at all.

The blessing brought by the essence and blood of the Nine Flames Blazing Sun Dragon improved his physical fitness in an all-round way, especially his strength, which was greatly increased.

Shaking his head, the flames in Fang Che's hand began to gradually weaken, ready to disperse this power.

However, what surprised Fang Che was...

Gu Detian in the distance actually climbed up shakily, his eyes were blank at first, then complicated, and finally full of fighting spirit.

"Fang Che... Come on, hit me, I can bear it!"

Gu Detian gritted his teeth.

A warm flowed through his body, and the physical skills he learned began to show their power!

He was about to become stronger and harder!

If you want to have a good body, you have to learn to be beaten!

Isn't physical skills something that grows by being beaten?

Fang Che: "Σ(⊙▽⊙"a"

No, Brother Gude, please wipe off the blood from your nose first, okay?

This guy likes getting beaten?

Fang Che loosened his fist and his eyes flickered. Did he break him?

"Didn't you say you have to be diligent? I'll accompany you!"

"Fang Che, can you do it?!"

Gudetian exhaled, wiped the blood from his nose, put on his physical posture, and faced Fang Che directly.

When Fang Che heard that Gude Tian actually wanted to work hard with him, his heart was immediately rippled.



Fang Che responded solemnly, the fire on his fist suddenly rose, the essence and blood of the Nine Flame Blazing Yang Dragon was activated again, and his right arm was covered with red crystal-like dragon scales.

Fang Che rushed towards Gudetian again and punched him with all his strength.

To show respect for Gudetian.

Fang CheThis punch released a little power.

Seeing Gu Detian so excited and full of fighting spirit, getting up from the ground like an immortal god of war.

Fang Che was suddenly moved.

It turned out that in this world...

He was not the only one who was working hard.

As Fang Che and Gu Detian fought and fought, the whole training ground fell into a dead silence.

Many trial participants were stunned and shocked.

They did not expect Fang Che to be so powerful, and they did not expect Gu Detian to be... perverted.

In the base building opposite the training ground.

Su Shangxing, Li Huaixian and Dai Ye were speechless.

"Is that... transformation?"

"It should be a secret method. After refining the dragon's blood essence, you can get the power of the dragon..."

"This method is somewhat familiar, there is It is a bit like the python dragon transformation of the Snake Body Sect... but it is not quite the same. The fluctuation of Fang Che's mana is bright and full of fire attributes, not like a magic cultivation method. "

Li Huaixian and Dai Ye's eyes were particularly sharp.

Especially Dai Ye, who is responsible for the resource delivery work of the resource network, has a more acute perception of some cultivation methods.

"It is not a magic cultivation method, you Su Shangxing can rest assured about this."

Dai Ye said in a deep voice.

With Dai Ye's guarantee, Su Shangxing was relieved.

At this time, he just understood why Fang Che was able to kill so many foundation-building magic cultivators in one breath in the main vine area of ​​the magic vine.

This is with the help of the power of the dragon clan...

Even in the many fragmented continents of the immortal gate, the dragon clan is an extremely powerful race, and they are naturally superior to humans in terms of physical body.

Fang Che can use the dragon The power of the tribe is indeed extraordinary.

"Is the one who was beaten... a senior high school student in Northern Xinjiang?"

"He has good perseverance and is a talent, but... after a glimpse today, we understand that there are people in this world who are willing to be beaten and like to be beaten."

Li Huaixian sighed.



Gu Detian was carried out of the training ground.

Lying on the board, very peaceful.

After arriving at the base infirmary, he took the elixir and slowly opened his eyes.

Gu Detian felt like he had a dream, a dream of being beaten...

There seemed to be something wrong with his brain.

Slowly getting up from the board, Gu Detian felt his much stronger body and the smooth circulation of qi and blood, and Gu Detian's eyes suddenly brightened.

"It really works... My body has really become stronger."

"Is this the effect of diligence... being beaten?!"

Gu Detian took a deep breath and felt that the door to a new world had been opened.

He looked at the little nurse in the base infirmary with ardent eyes. Under the confused look of the little nurse, he bought a lot of healing elixirs without any shortage of money.

He planned to fight with Fang Che frequently during his days at the base, taking drugs while fighting.

Take the harshest beating and become the strongest!


The Lantern Swordfish is extremely fast and looks like an extremely sharp arrow in the water.

Fang Che was as slippery as a fish. As his body swayed, the water waves spread out layer by layer. He controlled the power of Bahuang Explosion more and more delicately. He controlled the last burst of power and moved sideways by a hair's breadth to avoid this wave. The final thrust of the Lantern Swordfish.


Fang Che exploded out of the blue lake, rushed up from the blue lake water, and crashed into the white mist. His blood boiled all over his body, and the water stains evaporated, forming a mist, and he stepped onto the island in the middle of the lake.

"The challenge of entering the island was successful. Completion time: 54 seconds... Heh, you've been able to survive for a while."

Fang Che: "(* ̄︶ ̄)."


After all this time, he finally made it through!

Stepping on the soft grass and smelling the sweet fragrance in the air, it was like Fang Che's mood at the moment, beautiful and subtle.

There is also a white jade stone tablet on the island.

"Ding, you have completed the challenge of entering the island for the first time, and your score is: above average. Do you want to receive the reward for the above average score?"

Fang Che looked at the prompts displayed on the white jade tablet and hesitated.

"The reward for the average or upper rating is obviously not the reward for the highest rating... I can actually last longer!"

Fang Che narrowed his eyes.

He chose to give up on receiving the reward and challenged the first floor of the Divine Training Tower again.

He hits new records again and again.

"Ding, you have completed the challenge of entering the island for the fifty-second time. The completion time this time is: 25 minutes, and the score is: above."

On the white jade stone tablet, a prompt popped up.

Fang Che felt the light flickering in front of his eyes.

[The prize pool rewards for the first level of the Divine Training Tower have been distributed]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting: Special Diligence (Spiritual Root) +10000, Diligence +1000, Easy-to-Absorb Low-grade Spiritual Stone +10]

Fang Che raised his head, and golden words visible to the naked eye appeared in the sky of the Divine Training Tower.

That's the news that the reward has arrived.

Then, the golden words were as fine and broken as sand between fingers.

Finally, they were piled up densely in front of Fang Che, turning into pieces of golden stairs.


The second floor of the Divine Training Tower!

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