Fang Che is not sure how many floors there are in the Divine Training Tower.

This is an octagonal double-eaved pagoda that soars into the sky. Each floor seems to be a small world, with magical power inside.

However, no matter what, Fang Che passed the first floor and was in a good mood.

First of all, he obtained a special diligence for the spiritual root, which can make up for the clumsy spiritual root and continue to improve his spiritual root talent.

"Make up for the clumsy spiritual root!"

Fang Che did not hesitate and directly chose to make up for the clumsy spiritual root.

For the talent of spiritual root, it seems that the diligence earned by one's own hard work can not be used to make up for the clumsiness, but only the special diligence.

Originally, Fang Che was at a loss and did not know what means to use to improve his spiritual root.

Fang Che knew that the heavenly spiritual root was not the limit of personal talent. Above the heavenly spiritual root... there are higher-level spiritual roots.

"Ding! The spiritual root is making up for the clumsy..."

After a moment, the spiritual root was made up for.

His mind moved.

[Spiritual Root (LV6: 10000/1000000)]

Looking at the pop-up spiritual root project, Fang Che's originally fiery mood slowly cooled down.

One million diligence energy can improve the spiritual root talent.

The current spiritual root talent is LV6, which is Fang Che's highest talent so far.

Therefore, it is the most difficult to improve it.

"Fortunately... I still have the God Training Tower!"

Fang Che took a deep breath.

Looking at the golden stairs in front of him, his eyes became more and more determined. The God Training Tower can obtain spiritual roots to diligence energy, which will be Fang Che's greatest hope to improve his own spiritual roots.

This is much more reliable than using some magic vine demon pill to improve the spiritual root talent.

"So many levels...I can definitely do it."

Fang Che clenched his fist.

Now he only has the key to the tenth floor of the God Training Tower.

He is not yet able to observe the scenery at the higher level of the God Training Tower.

Stepping on the golden stairs, Fang Che seemed to ascend to heaven step by step. The golden light enveloped his body. After a moment, he felt the mist in front of his eyes, and the picture rotated.

In front of him, the mysterious octagonal double-eaved pagoda appeared again.

And he was on the second floor of the pagoda.

In front of him was still the huge bronze door.

[Do you want to use the key to enter the second floor of the God Training Tower? ]

The golden words condensed into words.

Fang Che did not hesitate at all and chose to step in!


The tiger suddenly opened.

The next moment, a powerful suction force broke out from the second floor of the God Training Tower, and Fang Che's figure was sucked into it in an instant.

[The second floor prize pool of the God Training Tower: Special diligence (spiritual root) +20,000, diligence +10,000, low-grade spirit stone +100]

Fang Che raised his head and glanced at the prize pool introduction that appeared.

His eyes were slightly hot.

As expected, his prediction was correct. The second-level prize pool was still based on spiritual root special diligence.

Fighting spirit suddenly burned up, and the goal was set!

As for diligence and 100 low-grade spiritual stones, they seemed less important in Fang Che's eyes.


"Give me 20,000 special diligence, and I can overthrow the God Training Tower!"

Fang Che's fighting spirit was extremely high.

He stepped into the second-level world in the God Training Tower.

The sky was vast, the wilderness was vast, and the wind blew the grass low and saw cattle and sheep.

What came into view was a piece of green, blue sky and white clouds, and the breeze was blowing on the face. The grassland was in the breeze, and the green grass was waving, rippling layers of green.

And in the green control, there were one after another docile goats, eating green grass, contented.


Fang Che was admiring the beautiful scenery of the grassland, and the grassland on the ground suddenly turned over the soil, and a white jade tablet broke out of the ground.

The words on it slowly emerged.

"Please kill the sheep to obtain the horns (any means are allowed), and the level score is based on the number of horns."


Fang Che glanced at the docile goat and raised his eyebrows.

Is this the test of the second level of the God Training Tower?

That's it?

Don't say I'm bullying the sheep!

He, Fang Che, is now a half-step foundation-building figure. With one punch, a tough guy like Gu Detian would cry.

A mere sheep, not worth mentioning.

It's just taking the horns, easy.

Fang Che grinned, and under his feet, the power of the Eight Desolations burst out suddenly, turning into a straight line on the grassland, rushing towards the nearest white goat.

However, just when Fang Che approached the two-meter range around the goat.

The goat, which was chewing the green grass elegantly, glanced at Fang Che with a sneer, as if looking at a fool.

"Hey, look at me picking the horns with one hand!"

Fang Che suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the horns.

Without any accidents, Fang Che easily grabbed the goat's horn and exerted force suddenly...

However, Fang Che was stunned.


With his physical strength amplified by the Eight Desolations Explosion, he actually failed to tear off the goat's horn.

The goat even yawned leisurely and spit out a mouthful of saliva stained with broken grass.

Then, with a flick of the neck, the terrifying power was transmitted from the goat's horn, and Fang Che was actually thrown out directly.

Fang Che fell to the ground.

The whole person was still a little confused...

Suddenly, the whole grassland was shaking, and every green grass was swaying, as if mocking Fang Che.

Fang Che stood up blankly and turned around to take a look.

A white wave, countless goats turned into a flood that burst the embankment and swallowed everything, rushing towards Fang Che in an instant.

Fang Che's eyes narrowed.

"Dragon Transformation!"

Flames burn, dragon scales cover your hands!

Fang Che punched the nearest goat.


There is no wave yet.

Fang Che screamed, turned into blood mist, and became silent under the trampling of the goat wave.

A flat ace with great pride.

He screamed GG again and again.

When Fang Che opened his eyes again, what he saw was still warm and beautiful, and the goats did not start to trample and go crazy...

Fang Che took a deep breath.

This time he chose to restrain his breath and quietly approached a goat.

The palm of my hand just grasped the horn of the sheep...

The ground behind him shook, and the terrifying goat tide covered him, trampling and drowning him in an instant.

After trying ten times in a row.

In Fang Che's eyes...

There is no light.

After exiting the Divine Training Tower with ten consecutive defeats, Fang Che lay in the training room with blank eyes.

Sheep after sheep, all the sheep in front of Fang Che's eyes were sheep. It felt like he could feel the sheep running even if he closed his eyes.

"The devil is stunned."

Fang Che shook his head.

I exited the training room and went to the meditation room, visualizing the Angry Eyes of Mingwang to cleanse my mind.

After seeing too many sheep, Fang Che actually felt that the ferocious and angry King Ming seemed to have a much clearer face.

After meditating for three hours, he finally looked at the angry-eyed King Ming with his clear features and his ferocious eyes again. Fang Che finally understood that his mind had finally returned to the level of a normal person.

After walking out of the meditation room, the sky was already slightly bright.

Fang Che stretched.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the Yunxiao Town base had become much quieter.

Many senior high school students from Xian Gao returned after the trial, either to find other trial sites to practice, or to study their opponents and prepare for the college entrance examination.

The Yunxiao Town base slowly became deserted.

Fang Che returned to the house, packed his luggage, glanced at the room where he had stayed for a short time, and turned to leave.

The light of morning shines through the horizon.

Fang Che's body was reflected in a golden color.

Fang Che squinted his eyes, his eyelashes shimmering slightly in the sunlight, smiled, full of vigor and hope, and headed in the direction of the sunshine.

He will walk like this step by step, overcoming thorns and thorns along the way, overcoming all hardships, cutting off all the demonic cultivators that block his path, and step by step towards the highest level of cultivation.

Of course, the premise is to conquer the elegant sheep on the second floor of the Divine Training Tower first.

The smile on Fang Che's face froze.


Is he poisoned? !

Such a sunny, hopeful moment...

Why do these dark sheep come to mind? !

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