The ultimate foundation-building method is very precious.

Fang Che saw on the resource website that there were only four top-quality foundation-building methods in total, belonging to the four major spiritual root attributes.

Every top-quality foundation-building method has the possibility of directly leading to the Nascent Soul Realm. Basically, there is no need to switch to other methods in the middle, which can save a lot of practice time.

Therefore, every top-quality foundation-building method is very precious.

Fang Che looked at the girl, and the waves of the collision of their gazes spread layer by layer in the air.

It turns out that the best foundation-building methods... actually have an inexplicable connection with each other?

In Niwan Palace, on the spiritual platform, King Ming glared angrily, severing this unique connection.

Fang Che began to look at the girl.

The girl wore a milky white exotic robe, which was very roomy, but it could not hide the girl's tall and plump figure, which was different from most girls from the Daxia Immortal Sect.

Coupled with the girl's angular appearance, but with a unique aura of ethereal appearance, it is easy to recognize her as an alien from other immortal sects.

"Contestants from other immortal sects?"

Fang Che raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing a strange color.

"Participant? No, no, it should be the champion team of the national competition in the Baiting Xianmen's martial arts competition."

Su Shangxing's spiritual consciousness was so powerful that he could sense the unique mana fluctuation caused by the collision of Fang Che's and the girl's eyes.

"Blessing to the Immortal Sect..." Fang Che took a deep breath.

"Today's Blue Star has experienced the opening of the fragments of the Immortal Continent, triggering the craze of the Immortal Cultivation Era, and giving birth to many Immortal Countries, but the most powerful ones include five Immortal Countries."

"There are two major immortal sects in the east, namely the Daxia Immortal Sect and the Dongli Immortal Sect. There are three major celestial sect countries in the west, namely the Federal Immortal Sect, the Baiting Immortal Sect and the Alat Immortal Sect."

Su Shangxing informed Fang Che about the current situation of Blue Star.

In fact, this is not a secret. Fang Che will mention it when he enters Xiuxian University.

"If we win the national championship, we will definitely encounter them."

"This is why I say that this fighting competition is very special, because this reform of the fighting competition is the beginning of our Daxia's integration with the entire Blue Star Continent's Xianmen countries."

Su Shangshang's eyes flickered. He seemed to value this fighting competition more than Fang Che.

"So, don't waste time and do your best. If you can represent Daxia and win the Xianmen championship... there will definitely be great benefits, great merits, and even greater good deeds." Su Shangxing originally wanted to start from his feelings. Encourage Fang Che.

But he had gradually understood Fang Che's temperament, and knew that just talking about feelings was a hooligan, so he hurriedly told the good things.

Fang Che's eyes lit up as expected.

His weakness really cannot withstand much testing.

The members of the Baiting Xianmen champion team on the opposite side also left one after another. Surrounded by the crowd, the blond girl lost sight of Fang Che.

"Yafei, what's wrong?"

The leading teacher of the Baiting Immortal Sect felt the fluctuation of the girl's mana and couldn't help but frowned and asked.

"Teacher Ultra, didn't you say that the Great Xia Immortal Sect doesn't pay attention to the fighting skills competition of the younger generation? Now it's your first time to participate in the Blue Star All Immortal Sect Fighting Arts Finals?"

The girl Yafei took a deep breath, and her tall chest could not help but bulge under her robe.

"That young man just now... also practiced the best foundation-building method, and he posed a great threat to me. My magical power... seemed to have glimpsed an indescribable existence!"

The girl's whole body was shaking.

It was as if there was an angry supreme being, glaring down his eyes, breaking the connection between the best foundation-building techniques.

The teacher leading the team frowned: "A contestant who practices the best foundation-building method? This is normal. After all, the Daxia Immortal Sect is one of the five major Immortal Sect countries. Although... it does not pay attention to the fighting competition, it is also very important to give birth to some geniuses. normal."

"The Daxia Immortal Sect is a country with the largest number of aristocratic families. Many aristocratic families have top-notch foundation-building methods."

The teacher leading the team didn't take it seriously.

It's normal to have geniuses, but it would be strange if Daxia Xianmen didn't have geniuses...

"No, it's not the top-notch foundation-building method that can't sense attributes. What that young man practiced... is the top-level foundation-building method with five basic attributes that can be exchanged for merit on the resource network."

The girl Yafei pursed her moist lips and frequently looked back at the maverick young man who sat cross-legged in the hall again and practiced with his eyes closed.

There was a solemn look in his eyes.

"Oh? The best foundation-building method on the resource network? Then this boy is interesting, you can focus on it."

"In a few days, there will be the national competition of Daxia Xianmen's fighting skills competition... If you really want to pay attention to this boy, you can go and have a look, but I am going to take you to visit my teacher when I studied abroad in Daxia Xianmen. Make your own decision."

Ott said.

The girl Yafei's long eyelashes trembled: "Teacher, I want to see him."

Otto smiled: "My teacher has just broken through to the Venerable, and will soon set off to fight for the Immortal Gate Fragments... If you miss it, you will never have the chance again."

The girl Yafei was startled, then pursed her lips: "Teacher, I don't think fate should be rushed, so I'd better go visit the Venerable."

Indeed, in the hearts of girls...

How to choose between a worthy opponent and a high-ranking sage who is about to go on an expedition?

If you hesitate, that would be disrespectful to His Holiness.

After completing the check-in procedure.

Fang Che took his luggage and found his room.

He pushed the door open and the surging spiritual energy rushed out. Fang Che felt that all the pores on his body were dilated and opened: "Oh~"

In such a room, it would be a shame not to do something.

Fang Che put his luggage in place and immediately sat cross-legged to practice.

Even the good deeds in the practice room can be saved. The gathering array in this room has almost reached the peak of the second level.

With the surging spiritual energy of the capital, the power of this gathering array is almost comparable to the third level!

Fang Che is like a 30-year-old young woman, eagerly squeezing the spiritual energy in the room.

In the dantian, a red foundation-building mana droplet condensed into shape again. In the mana droplet, it seemed that there was a golden crow phantom spreading its wings.

"Ding, you have been practicing immersively for 18 hours, the props are added, the diligence is doubled, and the diligence is +360. Young man, control yourself, don't show too much thirst, young people should be restrained."

When Fang Che woke up, the panel prompt popped up immediately.

Fang Che pursed his lips shyly.

Who can resist facing these coquettish spirits? Who can restrain themselves?

Fang Che stood up and took a bath in the luxurious hotel room.

After feeling refreshed, the doorbell rang.

Fang Che opened the door, and Su Shangxing and Nan Lihuo stood outside.

"You kid... you can't have practiced until now in one breath, right?"

Su Shangxing looked at the scorching mana fluctuations in Fang Che's room that had not yet dissipated, and his face twitched slightly.

Do you have to be so hard?

You just left the trial base, right?

"Fang Che, pack up, I'll take you to visit a senior."

Nan Lihuo was dressed very solemnly, in a fiery red robe, with three golden star patterns embroidered on his chest, indicating his noble status as a third-level talisman maker.

Su Shangxing was also dressed meticulously, with thick and shiny hair gel on his hair, and his beard was shaved clean, sweeping away the decadent temperament of a sharp sword cultivator, as if he was going to have ninety-nine blind dates in one go.

Fang Che was stunned for a moment, what kind of senior...

Actually made the two of them show such coquettish and solemnity.

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