Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 120 A first-level talisman opens the door to the transformation of the spirit

Fang Che didn't know who Su Shangshang and Nan Lihuo were going to meet together.

However, it must be unusual to be treated so seriously by the two. Fang Che followed him out.

Half a day later, the vehicle stopped in front of an antique manor, and upon entering the manor, what came into view was the obvious garden style of ancient Daxia.

The carved beams and painted buildings, the nine-winding corridor, and the rippling blue waves give it a unique feel.

Once inside, the whole person's mind seems to be at peace.

However, after walking through several wooden corridors, the breeze blew on my face, and the figures in front of me suddenly became more graceful.

"These people should all be here to visit Mr. Pei."

"There are many other monks from the Immortal Sect. Sure enough, Mr. Pei's status has become more and more noble."

Su Shangxing carried the sword box on his back and looked at the dense crowd of people, with a look of amazement on his face.

"How can that not be noble? A newly promoted venerable... You must know that in every immortal sect, there are only two or three god-transforming venerables. One god-transforming venerable is enough to become the leader of the standing Blue Star. The existence of the top.”

Nan Lihuo's eyes were burning, full of expectation and envy.

The two of them have good talents, but if they want to achieve the goal of becoming gods, it may be difficult for them to have the opportunity in this life.

Fang Che was shocked when he heard this.

"Venerable God Transformation?"

Fang Che took a breath.

Nan Lihuo nodded: "Mr. Pei has not only reached the level of god transformation, but his status is also among the first-class existence in the world of Daxia Talisman."

"He alone promoted the stable and correct development of Daxia Zhifu, and that is why the Daxia Zhifu world is now extremely prosperous."

"And Mr. Pei himself is also the former president of the Great Xia Talisman Masters Guild. Although he has resigned from his position for decades, in order to devote himself to attacking the gods, his status in the Talisman Making Industry is as high as Mount Tai and Beidou."

Nan Lihuo looked at Fang Che with stern eyes: "I brought you here this time to pay a special visit to Mr. Pei. If you can be accepted by Mr. Pei as a talisman-making disciple... that will be your great opportunity to soar into the sky. "

After Fang Che heard this, his heart couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Become a disciple of the Reverend Huashen?

Damn it... This thing feels extremely fantasy and impossible when I think about it.

You must know that the Masters of Transformation are basically all sixth-level Talisman Makers. Their understanding of Talisman Making has already reached an extremely high level.

Fang Che couldn't help but feel yearning in his heart.

Everyone entered the hall together. The hall was really big and vast.

In the hall, there are tables one after another, more than sixty tables in total. The tables are also covered with red cloth, and there are all kinds of delicacies that are full of color, fragrance and flavor.

"This is the last celebration banquet to celebrate Mr. Pei's breakthrough in becoming a god. If he has nothing to do with Mr. Pei, people who are not familiar with him will not even be qualified to enter this manor."

Nan Lihuo looked serious and introduced Fang Che in a low voice.

Afterwards, the three of them found a table and sat down. The guests at the same table seemed to be old acquaintances with Nan Lihuo and Su Shangxing, and greeted them with a smile.

"This is the champion of this year's martial arts competition in our Fei Lei Fairy City, and he is my proud student." Nan Lihuo introduced to the guests.

Many people's eyes flashed with strange colors. It was obviously something extraordinary to be praised so much by a talented Talisman Maker like Nan Lihuo.

"This time, Mr. Pei has achieved the breakthrough of transforming into a god and has become a venerable person. He wants to join Mr. Pei's sect, and more and more Talisman Makers are getting guidance from Mr. Pei."

"Mr. Pei said by name that he only accepts young Talisman Makers under the age of twenty. These days, there are too many people bringing students to visit Mr. Pei."

one guest said with a smile.

The subtext in his words was actually very obvious, and he was not optimistic about Fang Che, who was not even an official Talisman Maker.

On this occasion, if you want to become the disciple of Mr. Pei, how can you not wear the talisman maker's robe with stars embroidered on it?

It's an attitude, a weight.

Fang Che didn't wear it... The only possibility is that Fang Che doesn't have this robe.

He has not yet been recognized by the Talisman Makers Guild.

Although Nan Lihuo had studied talisman making with Mr. Pei for a period of time, it was difficult for Mr. Pei to open the door for a high school student who was not even a formal talisman maker.

Nan Lihuo smiled at the banquet who spoke, but did not explain much.

There is no need to explain.

After everyone sat for a while, Nan Lihuo suddenly pulled up Fang Che who was diligently cooking: "Let's go, follow me."

Fang Che's mouth was full and he was slightly stunned, but he simply cleaned up and followed Nan Lihuo.

Passing through the banquet area, we quickly entered the back hall of the hall.

In the back hall, there is a cave of its own. It is a huge living room, where a beautiful female tea master is brewing spiritual tea with rich spiritual energy.

When Nan Lihuo was about to enter, he was stopped by someone.

"Xiaonan, long time no see. It's rare to come to the imperial capital."

The person who stopped Nan Lihuo was a man wearing a blue mandarin jacket, and he said to Nan Lihuo with a smile.

"Senior Brother Ma, I want to go in and visit Teacher Pei."

Nan Lihuo smiled.

As a third-level Talisman Maker, Nan Lihuo did have the qualifications to smile without flattery.

"Is there any salutation?" Senior Brother Ma asked.

Nan Lihuo nodded and took out a talisman from the storage ring.

"First-order talisman?" Senior Brother Ma was stunned for a moment. Moreover, this first-order talisman still has traces of being used. It is a second-hand talisman. Is this considered a salute?

A speechless look flashed in Senior Brother Ma's eyes.

This kind of operation is explosive among many guests.

Many monks gathered around the door and wanted to enter the hall to meet Mr. Pei. They also saw Nan Lihuo's operation.

Although they had undergone professional training, they still couldn't help laughing at this moment.

Take a second-hand first-level talisman as a door-knocking invitation...

Does this mean you don’t regard the Reverend Transformation of God as a human being? !

It's almost insulting.

"Xiaonan...you are really..."

Senior Brother Ma shook his head, with a bit of regret in his words, and even his eager attitude became much weaker.

There is no need to continue contacting such a person who has no sense of proportion.

After taking the talisman handed over by Nan Lihuo, Senior Brother Ma entered the house.

"Teacher Nan...this talisman..." Fang Che couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, this is exactly the talisman you drew. It was moved by me. It is considered a second-hand talisman, but... I saw something in this talisman..." Nan Lihuo looked at Fang Che with burning eyes. .

"You will compete with many young and outstanding Talisman Makers later...to perform together, so you must show your talent."

"Cultivating immortals and cultivating immortals, everyone is striving to cross over. Showing your talent is also a process that speeds up your struggle to cross over!"

Nan Lihuo looked at Fang Che and said in a deep voice.

He was even very confident in this second-hand boundary-breaking talisman.

Even though many monks around him even made undisguised ridicule at his behavior.

There were even joking looks from many people.

Nan Lihuo was extremely calm, and his inner self-confidence was burning like a raging fire.

Fang Che scratched his head. He, the talisman painter, didn't have any confidence here.

After all...it's just a first-level talisman.

Nan Lihuo is actually more confident than him.

Almost ten minutes passed.

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

The tight door suddenly opened.

Senior Brother Ma's face showed surprise. After seeing Nan Lihuo and Fang Che, Lian Shang immediately showed a bright smile that seemed to come from the bottom of his heart and walked over in a hurry.

"Junior brother Nan, oh, Xiaonan... senior brother made the mistake of blaming you."

"Come on, hurry in. The teacher asked you to hurry in."

Senior Brother Ma had a bright smile on his face.

Nan Lihuo was not surprised at all. Only a truly discerning Talisman Maker would understand the meaning of the Realm Breaking Talisman.

Nodding towards Senior Brother Ma who smiled eagerly, Nan Lihuo pulled Fang Che, who was still a little confused, into the house.

And the monks around...

Watching Nan Lihuo and Fang Che enter the house grandly and pay homage to Mr. Pei.

Suddenly, he fell into a deathly silence.

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