It is really appropriate to describe Fang Che at this moment as a husky mixed in with wolves.

Nan Lihuo, who was sitting on the chair, touched his nose and felt that Fang Che at this moment... was really suppressed.

There were talisman makers under the age of 20, and even two quasi-third-level talisman makers...

In such a lineup, Fang Che, wearing a simple T-shirt, did not seem to have much temperament.

However, Nan Lihuo had confidence in Fang Che, or rather... confidence in Fang Che's talisman making level.

Although he had only started learning talisman making for a month, the talent he showed surprised Nan Lihuo.

Pei Lao stood up with a gentle smile on his face, without the terrifying pressure of a powerful incarnation.

His eyes swept over every boy and girl standing in the field.

Then he smiled and said, "I have a talisman here. It is a talisman I just created. It has never appeared on the market..."

"You can observe this talisman, draw talismans inspired by it, and finally judge by your finished products."

"Of course, I never judge by the grade of talismans. If your talisman is unique enough, you can also get extra points."

"There are ten third-level talisman makers here... They will score your talismans, and finally I will score and take the total score."

"The one with the highest total score can follow me to learn the way of talismans for the next period of time."

Mr. Pei said with a smile.

After the words fell, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense.

The competitive situation broke out immediately.

The eyes of the young talisman makers were all full of unwillingness to admit defeat.

In fact, it is true. If you are able to be brought by the teacher to attend this banquet and want to become a disciple of Master Pei, you dare not show it if you don’t have the ambition and talent.

After Master Pei announced the rules, Master Ma walked over respectfully, took the talisman, and distributed it to each young talisman maker standing in the field.

Each talisman maker has ten minutes to observe.

Fang Che also got a talisman, and what surprised him was that this talisman... was not drawn with Xuanhuang talisman paper, but... animal skin!

It was very smooth to touch, and you could feel the majestic energy contained in the animal skin just by touching it.

Of course, the highlight is still the pattern and brushwork of the talisman.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Suddenly, a strong wave of mana burst out around.

Fang Che turned his head subconsciously and saw that each young talisman maker seemed to show his magical powers.

Some had golden eyes, some had a flower on their foreheads, and some had rune patterns all over their bodies...

These young rune makers were really good.

Fang Che saw Yafei, the young genius from Baiting Xianmen. He had met her in the hotel lobby before and had an inexplicable connection with her.

At this moment, the holy girl had flying golden hair, and behind her seemed to be a pair of fuzzy wings of light, with flying feathers constantly floating, clean and flawless.

"Is this one of the three great magical powers of Baiting Xianmen... the sacred wings?"

"This girl's background is not simple."

Old Pei sat on the chair and his eyes fell on Yafei.

Master Ma said respectfully: "This girl's name is Yafei. She is the individual fighting champion of the Baiting Immortal Sect Fighting Competition and a member of the champion team."

"From the Ross family."

Old Pei nodded: "The Ross family, one of the three major families in Baiting... Why does this girl come to visit me with such a background?"

"Maybe, she wants to learn from the strengths of all families... The teacher's ability to make talismans is first-class in the entire Blue Star. It's no problem to learn from the teacher."

Master Ma was very respectful.

Old Pei saw Ott and nodded in understanding, and said nothing more.

Magic power...

It's really dazzling.

The imperial capital is indeed extraordinary. These young people can all show magical powers.

It's suffocating.

Fang Che exhaled, and his heart was also aroused by a fighting spirit.

He raised his hand and tapped the Niwan Palace between his eyebrows.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly shone brightly, as if Buddha's light burst out from his eyebrows, and a hole was torn in his eyebrows, and an eyeball emerged from it, spinning around.

"Magic power... the pupil of the king of light!"

Boom! ! !

Under the observation of the pupil of the king of light, the pattern of the animal skin talisman in his hand seemed to come alive, constantly imprinted in his mind.

Hmm? !

When Fang Che activated the pupil of the king of light.

The old man Pei, who was sitting on the chair, was shocked and his eyes fell on Fang Che.

"Magic power? Acquired pupil magic power?"

A strange color flashed in the old man Pei's eyes.

Thinking of the two talismans sent by Nan Lihuo, the strange color in his eyes became more and more intense, and even brought a bit of expectation.

The ten minutes were over quickly.

The young talisman makers around also stopped their actions, and Master Ma took back all the talismans.

He led everyone to the talisman making area.

The talisman making area is in another room. It is very spacious, with alloy workbenches on which there are talisman ink materials that have not been prepared, and... animal skins that have not been processed.

"Each of you chooses a workbench. Each workbench is the same. There are talisman ink materials and animal skins on it. The talisman ink needs to be prepared, and the animal skins have not been processed. You need to process them yourself. The higher the level of the talisman, the more important it is to process the animal skins and prepare the talisman ink."

"You have just touched the talisman. Handling the animal skin is also a test for you."

Master Ma looked at the young and energetic faces and said with a smile.

However, when the words fell, they caused a commotion.

Fang Che also scratched his head, but he didn't have any animal skin paper prepared to deal with...

Nan Lihuo never taught him how to handle animal skins...

After all, most Talisman Makers can just buy their animal skin paper directly online. They are all intact and processed animal skin paper.

Fang Che didn't think too much and found a workbench.

The girl Yafei stared at Fang Che. After Fang Che chose a place, she immediately followed him and chose the workbench on Fang Che's right.

Fang Che was startled and glanced at the other party. The girl's eyes curved into crescent moons and she smiled sweetly at Fang Che.

"Ya Fei, the immortal sect of the court, please give me some advice."

The girl said.

She speaks fluent Daxia dialect.

Fang Che also nodded: "Da Xia Immortal Sect Fang Che, please give me your advice."

After finishing speaking, the two of them began to study and process the materials on the workbench without much interaction.

"You have a total of three hours. After three hours...regardless of whether it is a finished product or not, you will stop what you are doing."

Master Ma glanced at everyone and said.

Then he took out a gold hourglass from the storage ring.


"let's start."

The hourglass was turned upside down, and golden gravel flowed down from the narrow place with a fine rustling sound.

boom! ! !

Huge fluctuations of spiritual consciousness suddenly burst out from one work table after another.

Each Talisman Maker released his spiritual consciousness with concentration and began to enter the state of making Talisman, processing animal skins, preparing Talisman ink, and blending Talisman ink...

Yafei also rolled up his sleeves, revealing his white and tender arms, and handled the animal skin.

However, as soon as she started to move, she felt a gaze.

She subconsciously turned her head and looked over.

But she found that Fang Che was standing on the workbench, not doing anything, just staring at the movements in her hands...

Yafei was stunned...

Then he looked weird: "Have you never learned how to handle animal skins?"

Fang Che nodded sheepishly: "It has been more than a month since I learned how to make talismans, and Teacher Nan has not yet had time to teach me this skill."

Learn how to make talismans... for a month?

Yafei pursed her plump red lips.

After that, he didn't say anything more, he already gave up hope on Fang Che.

This guy……

Sure enough, it's just a husky, here for fun.

Watching her handle the hides...

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