Learn on the spot, use on the spot?

Yafei was a little confused by Fang Che's operation.

On the one hand, she sensed the breath of the same kind from Fang Che, but on the other hand, Fang Che's novice performance made her wonder if she had an illusion.

After all, the talisman maker who planned to learn to deal with animal skins on the spot was really funny like a husky.

There were also several talisman makers around who were close to Fang Che and couldn't help laughing.

It was a kind of superior laughter.

In fact, it can be regarded as a kind of ridicule.

However, Fang Che ignored them at all. In his opinion, this was not a big deal. I didn't know it before, so why can't I learn it on the spot?

I didn't ask you to teach me. You can handle your own things. I can learn it. It's my ability.

So Fang Che's face was normal, just looking at the girl Yafei.

"Then you... watch it carefully." The girl Yafei reminded Fang Che in fluent Daxia language.

Fang Che grinned.

"Don't worry, I'll be quick."

Facing Fang Che's brilliant smile, the girl Yafei pursed her lips.

Handling animal skin... is not easy, it is a subject. The reason why first-level talisman makers are basically not recommended to learn is because it is difficult.

Fang Che just wants to learn to handle it after just one look...


If Fang Che really does it...she will eat the animal skin on the spot!

Yes, eat it!

The girl Yafei laughed silently in her heart.

Then, she shook her head, and her soft golden hair spread on her fair cheeks, which was quite stunning.

She began to handle the animal skin. She had been trained by a talisman maker since she was a child, and she had shown amazing talent in talisman making. Although handling animal skin was difficult, it was nothing to her.

The white fingers flipped and jumped, and the white skin glowed with a hazy white light under the light of the workbench.

Every step of her processing reached an extremely perfect level.

The strength of the beating of the animal skin, the speed of the several times of extradition of mana pressure, etc. are all controlled extremely accurately.

This is actually a process of practice makes perfect, and it takes hundreds of trainings to reach this level perfectly.

Yafei is extremely talented, so naturally she doesn't need so many trainings, but she has also handled many animal skins, so she is at ease.

Fang Che saw it clearly, staring with his eyes, and the pupil of the king of light opened, reflecting everything in the invisible vertical pupil between the eyebrows.

Everything was quiet, and it seemed that only he and the girl who was processing the animal skin were left between heaven and earth.

The girl's beautiful face became blurred, leaving only a human-shaped frame, with countless meridians and veins in the frame, and traces of mana flowing in the veins.

In the process of beating the animal skin and pressing the animal skin, how much mana the girl used and from which meridian it was transported were all presented in Fang Che's eyes.

The girl... in Fang Che's eyes, there is no secret at all.

After about 20 minutes, Yafei finished processing the first animal skin. Fang Che closed his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows.

Yafei pursed her red lips and smiled softly when she saw Fang Che's headache.

She began to process the second animal skin. An excellent talisman maker must prepare more than two animal skins. In case the first drawing fails, she can immediately take the second animal skin to continue drawing and stabilize the inspiration and mentality that just appeared.

Ensure the continuity of the talisman making process.

After about 15 minutes, the second animal skin was processed.

The girl Yafei looked at Fang Che and said softly: "Have you learned it?"

Fang Che rubbed his eyebrows and smiled gently at the girl's question: "I understand it. Let's try it."

Yafei's eyes showed a strange color, stopped the action in her hands, and was not in a hurry to make the talisman.

After all, the time given by Mr. Pei to make the talisman was sufficient. Yafei was confident that she could complete the replica of the talisman nearly 80% in the remaining time.

She looked at Fang Che with a bit of expectation in her eyes.

What was she expecting? Perhaps she was expecting this young man who gave her an inexplicable feeling to bring her some surprises.

Fang Che stood in front of the workbench, closed his eyes slightly, and activated the Eye of the King of Light. Almost all of the process of Yafei processing the animal skin began to replay in his mind.

In particular, the movement and flow of each magical power in the meridians were captured very vividly by him.

Almost a minute later, Fang Che suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a slight golden light flashing in his eyes, like a touch of Buddha's light being captured in his eyeballs.

He took a piece of animal skin that had never been processed and began to imitate Yafei's actions in processing the animal skin.

Yafei's eyes condensed slightly, held her breath, and stared at Fang Che's actions.

As she watched, the corners of her lips pursed more and more deeply.


How come this processing method... is exactly the same as hers.

Is Fang Che really imitating her animal skin processing method?

Just watching it twice, can you learn it completely?

However, Yafei calmed down because she knew the highlight was yet to come. The simple processing in the early stage was not difficult. The greater difficulty was the mana transmission of the animal skin and some special techniques for animal skin processing.

It was not much easier than learning a physical skill.

The amount of mana output would affect the quality of the animal skin, and the proficiency of the technique was the key to whether the animal skin processing could be completed.

This was the most important thing.

Fang Che didn't have much to worry about. His level 5 talent for making talismans gave him absolute confidence in making talismans.

Everything under the gaze of King Ming, including the flow of mana fluctuations, was perfectly presented before his eyes.

Even which meridians transport mana were clearly observed by Fang Che.

All it takes is perfect imitation.

According to the mana output of the meridians, Fang Che quickly completed the process of turning the animal skin.

Next is the processing of the hide, which requires some unique processing techniques.

This difficulty is greater than mana transfer, because...

When it comes to techniques, sometimes the brain knows it, but the hands don't. It's like this if there is no matching proficiency.

Practice makes perfect, and it often comes down to this kind of test.

Fang Che certainly didn't have the proficiency to match it.

Therefore, Fang Che chose another method.

"Supernatural power...hand of magical talisman!"

Fang Che spoke softly.

Then, his hand seemed to glow slightly, and with the movement of his five fingers, he imitated Yafei's method of treating animal skins almost exactly the same.

The familiar and flexible beating of those five fingers dealt with the flaws on the animal skin, and every step was perfectly executed, full of pleasing continuity.

Yafei on the side, the more he looked at it, the more shock in his eyes became stronger.

This...how is this possible? !

The delivery of mana, the practice of techniques, and even some of the personal habits of handling animal skins are all exactly the same as hers, without any difference.

Not only that, Fang Che also optimized and made up for some of the flaws in her technique during the processing!

What is this...

What kind of monster is it? !

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