Fang Che didn't expect that senior Pei would ask so directly as soon as he opened his mouth.

The other party's eyes were scorching, even a little fiery, which made him blush and feel a little embarrassed.

"Senior...this is...I learned it from a certain senior."

After all, this is a talisman drawing technique learned from the panel. It is definitely not something he invented himself, and he is embarrassed to attribute this technique to his own creation.

But the existence of the panel cannot be exposed, so it can only be claimed in this way.

When Mr. Pei heard this, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

He smiled and nodded, indicating that he understood.

"I understand, I can create such a brushwork. Your talent is really good. Although the brushwork is a bit immature, it is very creative. It is simple and direct, but also full of spirituality."

"Some of the flaws in my talisman have been made up for by your brushwork."

"The processing of animal hides is almost exactly the same as that of the little girl from the Rose family. It's just that some of the techniques have been optimized. Your fingers... are very flexible, much more flexible than that little girl's fingers."

"So you have an advantage over her in dealing with the talismans."

"Have you also studied at the Ross family?"

Mr. Pei couldn't help but ask.

He admired this talisman, his eyes were full of smiles, and he was obviously very satisfied with this talisman.

Not only because of the brushwork, but also because of the animal skin treatment, the blending of talisman and ink, etc...

It can be said to be perfect!

No, it should be said that the talisman is infinitely close to being a replica, and even... at some levels, it makes up for the flaws in the original talisman.

This is a perfect replica!

"No, I have nothing to do with the Rose family. I just learned from that female classmate."

Fang Che quickly waved his hand. The Ross family... was one of the three major families of the Baiting Immortal Sect. It was even a family that had received textbooks on cultivating immortals. How could he dare to claim that he was from that family?

"Oh? That girl is from the Ross family."

"You learned from her? You two have such a good relationship? Could it be that... your boy is going to become the Ross family's son-in-law?"

"With such a good talent for making talismans, your boy will definitely be a fierce and cool son-in-law king in the future!" Mr. Pei's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he was stimulated to the point of interest.

Fang Che: "o((⊙﹏⊙))o..."

Senior, have you read too many articles about sons-in-law? !

"Teacher, he learned Yafei's method of treating animal skins on the spot."

Master Ma had seen clearly before, so he stood up and made it clear to Fang Che at this time.

There was a look of regret in Mr. Pei's eyes.

"Are you going to learn it on the spot? It seems that your talent in Talisman is truly outstanding. No wonder Xiaonan must recommend you here."

"Okay, okay."

Mr. Pei smiled with satisfaction.

Then, he handed the talisman to the other talisman masters around him.

With trembling hearts and trembling hands, the masters took the talisman handed over by Mr. Pei.

Their expressions were a little tangled at the moment. Mr. Pei was so impressed. Wouldn't it be better for them to be venomous?

If this is a venomous tongue, wouldn't it mean that Mr. Pei is not being given face?

This guy must have been brought by Nan Lihuo through the back door...

As expected, Mr. Pei still liked Nan Lihuo, a disciple.

However, when the first talisman master took the talisman and looked at it for a while, his eyes suddenly showed a look of horror. Then he rubbed his eyes and continued to look at it.


"The processing of the animal skin, the blending of the talisman and ink, the ink drop and the turning point... are perfect, really perfect!"

"Good guy, is this drawn by our younger generation of Talisman Makers in Daxia?"

"Although this method is still immature, once you gain more experience, I'm afraid... it will become a trend! Create a school! It's simple and direct, abandoning all beauty and directly pursuing efficiency!"

"While pursuing efficiency, although beauty is abandoned, spirituality is retained at certain turning points. Simplicity and directness coexist with spirituality... This style of writing creates a different kind of surprise. One hundred percent, must be one hundred percent. !”

The masters of talisman making were full of praise.

They can be called masters, and their vision is naturally extraordinary, so they can all see what is contained in Fang Che's talisman.

Not just to conform to Mr. Pei, but also because they were shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, at their level, if they want to go further, they often have to create their own brushwork.

Only with your own brushwork can you advance to a higher level of talisman making.

Under the overwhelming praise.

Fang Che's score for this talisman was finally released.

Ninety-nine points, one more point is really afraid of Fang Che being proud.

The final results were released, and for a moment, the entire work area fell silent.

All the young Talisman Makers were stunned.

Yafei was also shocked and his eyes widened.

She only saw a group of Talisman Makers surrounding Fang Che's workbench, exclaiming from time to time, and finally announced this almost outrageous score.

Her score was only ninety-two, but Fang Che's score was as high as ninety-nine...

How come this gap is so big?

Yafei bit her lip, feeling frustrated for the first time.

Fang Che's huge spiritual vortex previously put great pressure on her. Only after the comments from the masters did she regain some confidence.

But she never expected that reality would give her a wake-up call!

The two quasi-third-level Talisman Makers also had ugly expressions on their faces.

The one who defeated them was not Yafei, the talisman-making genius from Baiting Immortal Gate, but a teenager named Fang Che.

They were a little dissatisfied.

One was the descendant of the Ross family, one of the three major families in Baiting.

The other was an unknown talisman-making boy.

If it was the former, they could accept it, but the latter... the gap between their identities was too big, they couldn't imagine it, and they couldn't accept it.

Why did they receive excellent talisman-making training since childhood, but in the end they were defeated by an ordinary teenager from an ordinary immortal city with no resources? !

"We want to see why this person got 99 points, and we want to understand where the gap is."

A quasi-third-level talisman maker said.

Several masters glanced at them. After all, they were quasi-third-level talisman makers, and they were all well-known figures, so they didn't make things difficult.

Handed them the talisman drawn by Fang Che.

Let them endure the second mental whipping.

After the two quasi-third-level talisman makers finished looking at the talisman drawn by Fang Che, their faces were expressionless, but their emotions had already fluctuated violently, and their mentality seemed to be a little exploded.

They were both replicas of talismans...

Why did Fang Che take out an original talisman? !

When they learned that this was the talisman that Fang Che had copied...

They were suddenly speechless, and their hearts were horrified.

Yafei also saw this talisman, her golden hair fluttered weakly, her eyes were blank...

When she touched the animal skin talisman paper, her heart was trembling...

Because Fang Che was even better than her in animal skin processing!

Didn't that guy learn animal skin processing from her?

Why did he learn and surpass her original? !

When she finished looking at the brushwork on Fang Che's talisman, she was completely convinced.

As a descendant of the Ross family, she naturally knew what the brushwork on the talisman meant.

This means that the young man in front of him will definitely be able to reach the top level in the field of talisman making in the future.

At least... they are all at the level of fifth-level talisman making masters!

But Fang Che was extremely guilty at the moment. He was not overwhelmed by all kinds of praises and felt that he could beat the sky, the earth, and the air.

What kind of talisman making genius is he...

The so-called brushwork is nothing more than the talisman making skills rewarded by the panel.

He is just a carrier of skills and brushwork, not a genius at all.

Don't praise him anymore.

He Fang Che can achieve what he has today, all thanks to his own diligence and hard work!

He Fang Che...

has nothing but diligence!

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