Fang Che's score came out, ninety-nine.

And he was appointed by Mr. Pei.

It can be said that in this small competition among Talisman Makers, a little-known young man won with an absolute crushing attitude.

Even the descendants of the Ross family of the Baiting Immortal Sect were suppressed, and they were suppressed to death.

"Little one, are you willing to practice talisman with me?"

Mr. Pei looked at Fang Che with a smile.

The boundary-breaking talisman previously gave him a big surprise, but he was not sure that the boundary-breaking talisman was drawn by Fang Che, but now, it can be seen from the same brushwork on the talisman just now...

The Realm Breaking Talisman came from this young man's hand, and Pei Lao's love for talents was immediately born.

A venerable deity who is willing to teach.

With such an opportunity, is there anything to hesitate about?

"I do!"

Fang Che cupped his fists and bowed, performing the disciple's ceremony.

Faced with such a choice, hesitating for even a second would be disrespectful to the Reverend God Transformation...

That's the transformation of a god!

How many monks dream of a realm that is difficult to reach, and how many people spend their entire lives trying to reach a height that is out of reach!

"Hahaha! Good boy, you are decisive enough, but I am about to go to the Xianmen Fragment Battlefield. The time I will stay in Blue Star will only be about two or three months. In these two or three months, you can follow me to practice the talisman. If you have any questions, you can ask me.”

Mr. Pei smiled and stroked his beard, his eyes twinkling with stars.

When Fang Che heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Really? Any time, any time, is it okay?"

Mr. Pei stroked his beard and smiled. He was a dignified god-transforming venerable, a top-notch sixth-level talisman maker from Blue Star. Answering difficult questions from a mere second-level talisman maker was nothing at all.

"Come here as you like, you can let it go as much as you want here."

Mr. Pei is very confident.

Suddenly, Mr. Pei turned to look at Yafei, a girl from the Immortal Sect, and narrowed his eyes: "Girl, your talisman is actually very good, but it's a pity that you met the monster Fang Che."

"Let's do this. In the future, you can also come and ask me. If you bring one, it's okay. If you bring two, it's okay."

Mr. Pei said with a smile.

The girl Yafei was still immersed in the shock brought by Fang Che's talisman. At this moment, she felt like she was hit by a surprise.

"Ah? Senior...really? Can I do that?"

Yafei covered her mouth, extremely surprised.

Mr. Pei nodded and smiled: "By the way, does your Ross family still need a son-in-law?"

Yafei: "(⊙_⊙)?"

"Junior brother, when you are in the imperial capital next, you should stay in the teacher's manor, and don't stay in that hotel."

"The teacher's manor is located on the fifth level of the imperial capital's spiritual veins. It also has a fourth level Qi gathering array. It is an excellent paradise."

"It will be much better for you to practice here than in that hotel. You can also ask the teacher about making talismans at any time."

Master Ma took Fang Che and walked in the quiet Daxia style garden.

The green shade is secluded and the pond water is calm.

Master Ma directly called Fang Che his junior brother. Although Mr. Pei only had two or three months to teach Fang Che, he could still be considered a formal introduction.

"Your teammates can also come and live in the manor. If the national competition starts, senior brother, I will arrange a special car escort for you."

Master Ma smiled gently.

Master Ma can be sure that Fang Che should be the last disciple accepted by the teacher.

After all, Mr. Pei is about to go to the Xianmen Fragments battlefield and sit in the Xianmen Fragments. He may not return for hundreds of years.

It is basically impossible to accept another disciple in Blue Star.

Therefore, Fang Che's identity must be very special.

The youngest is always the most favored and favored.

Fang Che quickly thanked Master Ma.

"There is no need to be polite. You and I are senior brothers. You have just started, and it is always your duty as a senior brother to guide you."

"Teacher doesn't have much time to stay in Blue Star. Junior brother, you should use this time to ask the teacher more questions about making talismans. Don't waste this time. You can better communicate with the teacher while living in the manor."

"Junior brother, you must be diligent and don't waste the teacher's precious time."

Master Ma said solemnly.

When Fang Che heard this, his expression suddenly became solemn.

This was the first time he heard someone telling him to work harder...

For the first time, Fang Che felt the feeling of being urged to be diligent.

A little touched.

For this hard-won touch.

He must be twice as diligent!

"Senior Brother Ma, I understand!"

"I will never let the teacher down!"

Fang Che clenched his fists and looked extremely solemn.

After a while, after passing through a tree-lined path, the house that Master Ma arranged for Fang Che and others suddenly appeared, and it felt like a village with dark flowers and bright flowers.

There are floating droplets of spiritual energy floating in the air, like misty water vapor. The rich spiritual energy makes people's pores almost burst open, and they can't help but swallow it in big mouthfuls.

Nan Lihuo, Luo Liuli, Jia Shengli and Su Shanhangxing also appeared in the manor.

Su Shangxing was still confused.

what's the situation?

What's going on?

How could Fang Che become a disciple of the top talisman-making master of the Great Xia Immortal Sect just after having an affair with Nan Lihuo?

How did this status soar to the sky? !

Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli were also confused. Even Luo Liuli could not calm down for a long time.

Mr. Pei...

The venerable god!

The high and mighty existence in the imperial capital, even the head of the Luo family had to be respectful when seeing this old senior.

Unexpectedly, Fang Che could actually catch the other party's eye.

When everyone arrived at the manor, they saw Fang Che sweating profusely in the training ground of the manor.

Under the practice of the Eight Desolate Explosive Body Technique, Fang Che's speed was extremely fast, and the explosive power made the air roar.

"Ding! You have completed the simple and unpretentious physical training, which lasted for one hour, and the diligence was doubled, and the diligence +100..."

Take a towel to wipe off the sweat on his body, Fang Che greeted everyone who entered the manor, and then left in a hurry.

Su Shangxing, carrying the sword box on his back, stood with Nan Lihuo, and looked at Fang Che's departing back with some confusion.

"Why is this kid in such a hurry?"

Su Shangxing couldn't help asking.

The corners of Nan Lihuo's lips twitched.

"Hardworking...what else can he do..."

"He has been practicing since he came to the manor all day."

"In addition to practicing, he would find Mr. Pei to ask questions about talisman making whenever he could..."

"About fourteen hours a day he was asking questions about talisman making, the remaining five hours were spent practicing physical skills, and the remaining five hours were spent practicing skills and meditating on spiritual consciousness..."

Nan Lihuo's eyes were filled with horror.

If he were to put himself in the shoes of others, he really couldn't stand such a high level of practice.

He would go crazy.

In addition to practicing diligently, shouldn't life also have a little bit of compromise?

"This kid...the name of the Liver Emperor is well-deserved."

Nan Lihuo took a deep breath.

Su Shangxing: "┓( ´∀` )┏..."

"Sure enough, the Liver Emperor is the Liver Emperor wherever he goes."

After hearing this, Luo Liuli on the side couldn't help but clench her fists. She had been practicing hard in the hotel these days and only slept five hours a day.

But now it seems...

She is too lazy!

Compared to Fang Che, she is a lazy pig!

No wonder she was always surpassed by Fang Che.

Silently, Luo Liuli went directly to the training ground to practice.

Jia Shengli thought about it and joined in the practice.

He wanted to be lazy, but there was no way. Everyone was so diligent, and he would feel very guilty if he was lazy.

Tingyu Pavilion.

In an idle pavilion.

Old Pei sat on a chair, quietly listening to the sound of rain falling and hitting the elm.

The breeze blew, blowing the bead curtain hanging down from the pavilion, rustling.

The curling tea fragrance floated up, lingering in the air, and lasted for a long time.

"Teacher! I'm here!"

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps destroyed this elegant scene.

Old Pei opened his eyes bitterly, which had just been closed.

Turning his head, he saw Fang Che walking quickly on the stone road of Tingyu Pavilion with a thick talisman-making notebook.

What kind of monster did this old man take in...

I can't stop at all.

I just came to Tingyu Pavilion to rest for a while, and Fang Che came to ask for more again.

I am a dignified and dignified master, I am not going to be squeezed dry, am I?

Fourteen hours a day...

My body can't bear it.

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