Beat them.

Obviously, Fang Che felt very unhappy with the players of the Shanhai No. 5 High School.

Since the other party was provoking him, Fang Che would naturally fight back.

Of course, what annoyed Fang Che the most was that they chose to impose their provocation on the players of the Ji Yan High School who were also from Feilei Xiancheng.

They were innocent. Such a tormenting and humiliating defeat was simply a mental torture and an insult to personality, and it would even have an indelible impact on the future of every cultivator.

Su Shangxing looked at Fang Che and could feel the anger erupting from Fang Che.

It was normal for a young man to be energetic and have a temper, and Su Shangxing was very pleased.

In the face of provocation, what should be done is not to escape, but to take the initiative... beat them hard.

"I know what you think, but you seem to be insulting me..."

Su Shangxing said with a smile.

What do you mean by being able to draw Shanhai No. 5 High School without Jia Shengli?

What you said...

Even if you bring Jia Shengli, you can still draw Shanhai No. 5 High School!

"Don't worry, I will try my best."

Su Shangxing restrained his smile and became serious.

The lounge soon became quiet.

As the night gradually rose, the moonlight shone coldly on the earth, and the second round of the national competition of the fighting competition officially ended.

The next step was the draw for the third round of the elimination.

After the second round, the 110 participating teams were reduced to 52.

Originally, there were 55 teams, but the players of three teams fought too fiercely, and the victory was a tragic victory. Even if they recovered from their injuries with Xiuxian medical treatment, it would be difficult for them to play in the third round of the elimination tomorrow, so they chose to abstain.

After the third round of elimination, there will be 26 teams left.

The third round of elimination is also the last elimination match, and the new competition system will be entered from the fourth round.

The specific competition system has not yet been announced, so everyone is now paying attention to how to stand out from the third round of elimination.

As the schedule progresses, the strength of the players of the major immortal high fighting teams who can stay is getting stronger and stronger.

The favorites to win the championship are still the six teams from the Imperial City, the Double Gods, and the Five Elements Immortal City.

You know, they are extremely strong overall because they can fight out of the many immortal high teams from the top immortal cities such as the Imperial City and the Double Gods.

Even the immortal high teams that were eliminated from the top immortal cities can basically crush the immortal high teams from other immortal cities in terms of strength.

But the competition rules stipulate that each immortal city can only have two teams, so the immortal high teams from the top immortal cities have already experienced extremely fierce competition.

On the rostrum.

The teachers leading the immortal high teams gathered one after another.

Su Shangxing had a cold face, carrying a sword box on his back, and his robes fluttering, with the unique elegance of a sword cultivator.

He... sure enough, he still didn't choose to bring Jia Shengli.

After all, he was still influenced by Fang Che and chose to believe in a little bit of metaphysics.

"Hahaha, Su Shangxing, you guys from Feilei High School really stole the show this time."

"That contestant Fang Che actually created a timer for the fight, which really set a precedent for the fight competition. It's very creative, but unfortunately... I don't know if it will become a laughing stock later."

Just when Su Shangxing had just entered the rostrum to draw lots.

A slightly wild voice rang out.

Su Shangxing looked over and saw a middle-aged man wearing a black robe and a hooked nose as sharp as a falcon.

His eyes stared at Su Shangxing sharply, with a bit of coldness.

Su Shangxing was stunned for a moment, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "You are... a little familiar?"

The hooked-nosed man heard this, and his face suddenly became more gloomy.

"Don't you recognize me? I'm Shi Qi, the one who lost to you in the individual competition of the fight competition."

"This is the shame of my life, and I remember it to this day!"

The hooked-nosed man gritted his teeth and shouted coldly.

Unexpectedly... Su Shangxing even forgot his name. This guy... is as arrogant as ever!

"Oh! You are that Shi Qi... I remember, the one I defeated with three swords?"

The hook-nosed man Shi Qi clenched his fist, then released it again: "Su Shangxing... just wait, in this competition, my students... will definitely defeat your students!"

"Which immortal high school are you from?"

Su Shangxing asked.

"The fifth high school of mountains and seas." Shi Qi grinned.

Su Shangxing heard the words, and a sharp sword energy suddenly burst out of his body, and a terrifying sense of oppression instantly oppressed Shi Qi's body.

Shi Qi's hair was flying, and the black robe on his body was fluttering. There was also a fierce look in his eyes, and the golden elixir aura burst out. The two collided, forming a ripple-like continuous spread.

"Since I took over the role of the special training teacher for the fighting competition of Shanhai No. 5 High School, I have been waiting every day. I have given the three contestants of Shanhai No. 5 High School a devilish special training. In this fighting competition, I will definitely crush the contestants of your Feilei No. 2 High School! Just like crushing the contestant of Ji Yan High School... crushing the bones of the No. 2 High School contestant inch by inch!"

Shi Qi smiled hoarsely under the pressure of Su Shangxing.

Su Shangxing restrained his breath and his face became calm: "Do you want to fight with me?"

Shi Qi looked at Su Shangxing as if he were a fool: "You, Su Shangxing, are a well-known fighting genius in Daxia Xianmen, and you are also an elite member of the guarding fighting team... I will only fight with you because I have a trick in my head!"

"I just want to use my students to complete my revenge!"

Shi Qi crossed his chest with his hands, which were so high that he couldn't press them down. He liked to see the way Su Shangshang wanted to hit him but couldn't.


It's okay to be angry. When his dark horse with the second highest level of flying thunder is crushed by his students, Shi Qi can slowly appreciate Su Shangshang's wonderful angry expression.

When Su Shanhang heard this, he was too lazy to talk nonsense and turned around and headed in the direction of drawing lots.

"Shall we start drawing lots?" asked the monk in charge of drawing lots.

"Smoke it."

Su Shangxing said calmly.

It seems...that the root cause of the disaster that Ji Yan High School player suffered is not Fang Che, who is pretending to be cool, but him.

Okay, okay, let's play like this, right?

On the big screen, the names of Xian Gao began to change.

On the left is the second high school student from Feileixian City, and the name on the right is like the names that are constantly scrolling on a slot machine. Slowly, the speed begins to slow down, and the opponent in the final draw is announced.

Su Shangshang looked at the opponent Feilei Ergao was about to face on the big screen.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then the arc that was raised was difficult to suppress at all.

He, Su Shangxing, is just lucky...

Fang Che also said that he had bad luck...

Isn’t this the case of getting whatever you want?

On the big screen, the third round of eliminations.

The battle between the two high-ranking officials in Feileixian City...

The five highest places in the fairy city of mountains and seas!

In the lounge.

Fang Che was holding his cell phone and making a call.

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Pei's lazy voice came out.

"Okay, the draw is over. Don't worry. The small hidden changes do not break the rules of the knockout rounds. This happened in previous years. Except for the seeded players who will not encounter such secretly acquiesced rules in advance, other teams , it is possible for anyone to meet anyone in the knockout round.”

"The top five in the mountains and seas want to meet you. You want to meet the top five in the mountains and the sea... If you can't slap me, I will help you."

"Okay, I'm going to have a cup of tea and read. From now on, just ask Xiao Ma for such small matters. Don't nag me anymore, otherwise it will affect my sense of immersion in the story about my son-in-law."

"Oh, by the way, to maintain my sense of invincibility as my son-in-law, remember to blow up that Shanhai No. 5 Middle School."

"Five seconds, no more."

"Haha, the little mountains and seas are so ridiculous."

Fang Che: "..."

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