On the rostrum, the atmosphere suddenly became a little strange.

Su Shangxing's eyebrows were about to take off, and his whole body was exuding excitement.

He got it, he actually got it!

Feilei's second high school will face Shanhai's fifth high school in the third knockout round of the national competition!

Accurate, so accurate!

His Su Shangxing is really accurate!

I'll draw whoever I say, no one!

The corners of Su Shangshang's lips rose, and many of the leading teachers in the field who were watching the excitement expressed surprise. They did not expect that these two opposing Xiangao teams could actually compete in the first place in this way. Three rounds of encounters.

The third round of eliminations... gets interesting.

Even some of the leading teachers from Imperial City, Shuangshen and Five Elements Immortal High School showed expressions of joy.

After all, Feilei's second high and Shanhai's fifth high... are really not weak.

They all have the opportunity to become a dark horse in the national competition and challenge the seed qualifications of the top Xiancheng Xiangao team!

Fang Che, the second most powerful person in Fei Lei, the Qi Refining Realm monk who is famous for his broken breasts, attracted the attention of the whole audience and became the biggest conspicuous person in this national competition of fighting skills.

He invented the timed insult method, so many weak Xian Gao teams were not willing to encounter Fei Lei Er Gao at all. After all, if they did, they might make headlines.

He became the stepping stone for Feilei's second-highest chest-breaking maniac, and became the target of being timed.

But now, Shanhai No. 5 and Feilei No. 2, teams with old grievances, meet together. There is no doubt that this battle will definitely become the focus of the battle, which is very interesting.

Shi Qi was also stunned.

How could it be such a coincidence?

This is impossible!

However, watching the duel on the big screen, Shi Qi had to admit...this is the power of fate!

"Sure enough... destiny has us meeting each other in this knockout round."

Shi Qi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Su Shangshang glanced at him and grinned to the sky.

"Bullshit fate, who has a fate with you... It's just that God can't bear to look down on you and wants Fei Lei Er Gao to suppress you."

"We'll see."

Su Shangxing was too lazy to talk to Shi Qi and turned around and left.

Shi Qi stood there, his fists clenched and covered with veins.

"Suppression? You have no idea how strong my team members are!"

"After going through the devil's special training, they are even qualified to compete in the top five in the national competition!" Shi Qi roared in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

He just looked at Su Shangshang's leaving figure coldly.

When the results of tomorrow's knockout round come out, Su Shangshang will pay the price for his arrogance today!

"Our opponent tomorrow... is the top five of Shan Hai! I'm really lucky. I get whatever I want."

"So, you have to cheer up tomorrow and you must not lose."

Su Shangshang returned to the lounge, told what happened on the rostrum, and gave his final solemn speech.

Losing is not terrible, but losing to a team led by someone like Shi Qi is terrible.

His thin skin, Su Shangshang, couldn't stand such a failure.

At night.

Fang Che returned to Mr. Pei's manor. After thinking about it, he went to look for Mr. Pei.

Pei Laozheng was lying on his side on the soft couch in Tingyuxuan's leisure pavilion, holding his mobile phone and flipping through the pages, showing a meaningful crooked smile from time to time.

While I was deep in reading, I lay on the bed and listened to the sound of rain.

Fang Che couldn't bear to disturb Mr. Pei.

But after thinking about Master Ma's words to tell him to be diligent, Fang Che mustered up the courage to ask Mr. Pei for advice.

Mr. Pei looked at Fang Che blankly.

"Why are you here again?"

The corner of Pei Lao's mouth twitched: "Aren't you going to have a battle with Shanhai Wugao tomorrow?"

"Didn't the teacher ask me to defeat the opponent in five seconds? So, I'm here to find my trump card and ask for advice on how to make a talisman."

Fang Che grinned.

Really... so diligent.

Pei Lao sighed, this student...if he doesn't become a big deal in the future, all the energy his Lao Pei has wasted during this period will make him extremely heartbroken.

"Tell me, what's your problem?"

Mr. Pei closed the page of his son-in-law's article and said calmly.

"Teacher, I would like to ask, I am a fire-based spiritual root. If I want to draw talismans with other attributes, how can I maximize the power of the talisman with non-spiritual attributes?"

Fang Che masters the sword talisman of the Five Elements Talisman Sword.

He successfully drew the Binghuo Xuanyang Sword Talisman, but there is definitely not just one type of Five Elements Talisman...

Fang Che wanted to try to successfully gather the Five Elements Sword Talisman.

"Oh? This question is interesting..." Upon hearing this, Mr. Pei raised his eyebrows slightly, becoming interested.

After thinking for a while, he began to discuss and research on this topic with Fang Che.

Unknowingly, the seeds of diligence were sown in Mr. Pei's heart.

The next day.

Fang Che ended his discussion with Mr. Pei and gained a lot. His face was radiant and full of knowledge.

"Thank you teacher, I'm going to participate in the national competition of martial arts competition."

Fang Che said goodbye with a smile.

In the extended car prepared by Master Ma, Fang Che meditated on the angry-eyed King Ming to replenish his lack of energy after staying up all night.

When they arrived at the Yigao Fighting Arena in the Imperial Capital, the third round of eliminations had already begun.

The audience was ignited with enthusiasm and kept shouting.

The conspicuous ones who performed well in the national competition can easily become popular star monks.

After all, this French competition is broadcast live simultaneously by the entire Daxia Xianmen.

Fang Che came to the lounge.

Su Shangxing, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli were waiting early.

"Fang Che, you are late."

Luo Liuli said coldly.

"Sorry, I stayed up all night yesterday to pester the teacher about the knowledge of talismans, so I came a little late." Fang Che apologized.

Luo Liuli paused... He was diligent alone without me.

Su Shangxing was a little speechless. Can you give a little respect to the opponent in the next round?

Not studying the opponent is fine, but studying talismans...

"The players of Shanhai Five High School are not weak, Fang Che should not be careless. Shi Qi... that is, their team leader, has taken them for secret special training this month, and their overall strength has greatly improved."

"I suspect that the strength of each of their players should have broken through to the second level of foundation building."

Su Shangxing said solemnly.

"So, let me arrange some tactics for you..."

In the lounge, Su Shangxing played the role of a team leader and arranged tactics.

On the other side.

Shi Qi's eyes were filled with excitement and anticipation of revenge.

He looked at the three students enthusiastically.

"I wanted you to hold back until the top ten competition, and then burst out your strength completely... But now you can't hold it back. In the next round of opponents, I allow you to burst out with all your strength..."

"Torture them severely, don't leave any spare strength, crush every bone of the Feilei II high players! Let them soak in the taste of failure on the ring!"

"I took you to the fragment world affiliated with the Immortal Gate for so long, and let you fight with crazy monsters again and again... This battle is the time for you to make a name for yourself!"

As Shi Qi's words fell.

The three students raised their heads one after another, and the depths of their pupils suddenly burst out with crazy light!

"Finally... don't have to suppress your strength?"

A student laughed softly.

Then, the other two students also laughed softly.

The low, creepy laughter immediately lingered in the lounge of Shanhai No. 5 High School.

It was as if a terrible monster had made a low roar.


When the referee announced the start of the seventh game of the third round of eliminations.

The players waiting and preparing in the contestant channel on both sides raised their heads, their eyes burst into bright light, and their momentum rose steadily.

Almost at the same time, figures walked out of the contestant channels on both sides.

This long-awaited battle.

Let all the audience cheered loudly.

In the cheers that almost overturned the roof of the venue...

This battle with clear grudges and everyone's attention...

Feilei No. 2 High School vs Shanhai No. 5 High School...

Officially kicked off!

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