Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 143 The road to immortality is long, but you are the only one who can bloom brilliantly

The glow is steaming and the auspicious energy is rising into the sky.

The Golden Crow emerges from the sea of ​​clouds!

In the garden, a vague vision flickered past, and when the extremely rich foundation-building aura filled the air, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Even Mr. Pei, who has the ability to transform into gods, is stunned.

Because, in the previous situation, when the Golden Crow Yang Qi continued to overflow and fill the air... everyone thought that Fang Che was going to fail in building the foundation.

He was even prepared for Fang Che's foundation building to fail.

However, in the end, the situation took a big turn, and all the Golden Crow Yang Qi suddenly retracted into the training room, and then filled the air with a strong breath of foundation-building mana.

"This...is this foundation building?"

The sound effect of Master Ma sighing is stuck in his throat, neither rising nor falling, like a burp that cannot be burped or swallowed. It is extremely uncomfortable.

But this discomfort could not hide the surprise on his face.

He was really surprised.

Something is wrong.

The Yang Qi of the Golden Crow is overflowing...

According to the records in the "Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra", once this situation occurs, it means that the foundation building has failed, which is an irreversible situation.

The overflow of the Golden Crow's yang energy is a sign that the Golden Crow is furious and unwilling to be suppressed.

It is tantamount to saying that it is a visionary riot, which will cause quite serious injuries.

At a lighter level, the monk's body will be burned and the meridians will be damaged.

To be more serious, even the monk's physical body will be burned to coke by the Golden Crow Yang Qi, and his spiritual consciousness will suffer serious and irreversible damage...

After all, Golden Crow Yang Qi... can be said to be a very advanced type of energy.

The Golden Crow is a mythical creature. This is also recorded in the ancient ruins of the Immortal Cultivation Sect excavated from the Immortal Continent floating above the Blue Star.

This is also the reason why the "Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra" can become the best foundation-building method.

The best foundation-building methods are actually well-founded.

It was created and written by many great immortal cultivators from Blue Star, drawing on the top immortal cultivating classics in the Immortal Sect Continent.

"Teacher...what is going on?"

Master Ma and many powerful men looked at Mr. Pei in confusion.

They all couldn't understand this situation, why Fang Che, whose Yang energy from the Golden Crow was all overflowing, could still succeed in building the foundation.

This is not in line with immortality.

Yafei, who worshiped the Immortal Sect, also widened her beautiful eyes, her long eyelashes trembled, and her heart was filled with shock.

As a practitioner with the best foundation-building techniques, she never imagined that she could actually reverse foundation-building when the Golden Crow Yang Qi overflowed.

There was a deep look on Mr. Pei's face, he was stroking his beard, and his eye sockets were sunken, making his gaze even deeper.

He stared at the training room, seemingly thoughtful.

A satisfied and appreciative smile appeared on the corners of his lips.


Mr. Pei doesn't understand either.

Even for the Reverend Transformation God, the road to cultivating immortality is long and vast. Transformation Soul also has many problems in cultivating immortality that he does not understand. Obviously, what happened to Fang Che...should be problems in cultivating immortality that he did not encounter.

However, Mr. Pei didn't care about these things. He was very satisfied with Fang Che.

This young disciple restored his sense of belonging to his invincible son-in-law, the Dragon King.

"To be able to counterattack under such circumstances is simply amazing..."

Mr. Pei lowered his head and shook it slightly.

"Teacher, what do you say?"

Master Ma couldn't help but ask when he saw Mr. Pei just shaking his head incomprehensibly.

Mr. Pei's face turned pale, and he began to change the subject. Why don't you, little pony, mention which pot to open?

Is he going to say directly in front of everyone that he, as the Incarnation Lord, does not understand the current situation?

Damn it, this little pony is useless and needs to be remade!

"Pony, eight hundred more times!"

Mr. Pei said profoundly.

Master Ma was dumbfounded.

Why add it eight hundred times?

Do you think his pony is easy to bully? !

ah! I'm going to explode!

Master Ma: "꒰╬•᷅д•᷄╬꒱!"

Can this world get better?

"Okay, teacher, I'll check it with you after I finish copying it." Master Ma nodded respectfully.

Pei Lao glanced at it, and then took a deep look at the training room.

Although he didn't understand the principle, but...

With his powerful spiritual consciousness, he could sense that when Fang Che's Golden Crow Yang Qi overflowed, there were vaguely majestic fluctuations of spiritual consciousness, as if some indescribable existence had arrived at that moment.

"This kid...is there someone behind him?"

Mr. Pei narrowed his eyes.

"Not necessarily, maybe this kid has some great opportunity."

Mr. Pei was thoughtful.

Then he looked at the people who were waiting for his answer. He felt that he should give an answer to maintain his status as the enigmatic Lord Transformation of Gods.

So he thought for two seconds and said calmly: "Why was Fang Che able to counterattack and build the foundation in a desperate situation?"

"That's because of his daily diligence and hard work, and God will not let him down. Those who work hard will not be let down."

After Mr. Pei finished speaking, he disappeared directly.

Everyone was left behind who were deeply shocked and impacted by Pei Lao Qinxin’s theory.

As expected of the Reverend God Transformation, he really saw through the illusion at a glance.

That makes sense.

There was silence in the training room, except for the steaming heat and the sound of "chichichichi".

The ground was littered with melted spirit stone residue.

Fang Che was breathing heavily, and large drops of sweat dripped from his cheeks, making a pattering sound.


Fang Che slowly raised his head and exhaled.

His eyes were extremely bright, and uncontrollable excitement surged into his body and mind.

He finally...

The foundation is established!

From today on, he Fang Che... will also be a distinguished foundation-building monk!

Fang Che clenched his fist and punched the air excitedly. With a whoosh, the air seemed to make an exploding sound, and a blazing fire suddenly appeared.

"My body..."

Fang Che's eyes lit up, a little surprised.

His physical body... seemed to have undergone different changes.

"Physique has changed! It seems that... I am more friendly to the fire attribute, and... I have a kind of fire-attribute power."

As soon as Fang Che's mind moved, he felt a hot surge in his body, which began to gather in the palm of his hand.

Then, starting from the palm of his hand, blazing golden lines slowly spread. Fang Che looked carefully and found that the blazing gold pattern actually looked like a golden crow!

"Spirit body?" Fang Che murmured.

He knew that there was a special physique in the world of immortality, called a spiritual body.

It is very difficult to appear. Most spirits are innate spirits, and there are basically no acquired spirits.

People like Fang Che transformed into a spiritual body after building a foundation...

Naturally, this is unheard of.

Spiritual body is a rarer talent than Heavenly Spiritual Root, because after thousands of years of development, Spiritual Root Theory has developed very maturely, and with sophisticated scientific instruments, it can even increase the birth rate of Heavenly Spiritual Root.

But the spirit body cannot do this, because the spirit body is not like a spiritual root, and almost every immortal cultivator will have a spiritual root.

There are too few samples of spirits to do research.

Fang Che only occasionally saw records about spiritual bodies in ancient books.

"This is another good news besides foundation building. The physical body transforms into a spiritual body... which means the upper limit of immortality is higher!"

Fang Che took a deep breath and exhaled it again. The air whizzed out like a sword blade, slashing dozens of meters through the air.

at the same time.

Suddenly, a welcome panel prompt popped up in front of Fang Che's eyes.

"Ding! You work hard and persevere, don't give up in the trough, don't sink in despair, successfully counterattack, and officially enter the realm of foundation building. Wherever you are sincere, gold and stone will open."

"Ding! You have obtained the innate spirit body [Golden Crow Nine Yang Body], a random treasure box +1, and a fixed double of your diligence."

"Ding! You're so diligent and you've finally gotten stronger. You're no longer full of clumsiness. I'm optimistic about you. Keep working hard, Saonian."

"May the road to immortality be long, but your flowers will bloom brightly."

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