Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 144: Ming Wang points his finger, Blazing Sun Golden Tripod

In the training room, the heat was thick.

Fang Che sat cross-legged, but his eyes were extremely bright.

The panel prompt had slowly dissipated, but his mood could not calm down for a long time.

"The road to immortality is long, but my flowers are blooming brilliantly..."

That's really well said.

Fang Che pursed his lips and smiled gently.

Foundation building... maybe it's just a small and insignificant realm on the long road of immortal cultivation, just a starting point to open the road of immortal cultivation.

However, for Fang Che now, it has a very different meaning.

In the past, he was troubled by the virtual spiritual root. Even if he put in ten times more effort than ordinary people, the gains he got were still few.

All kinds of blows were like thousands of arrows, piercing people's fighting spirit and confidence, but he still never gave up, and walked on the road of immortal cultivation unremittingly, until his death.

Exhaling a breath, Fang Che's heart became more and more determined, and he wanted to see the scenery from a higher place.

The road to immortal cultivation is long, and he can't stop.

He wants to be the most brilliant flower on this road!

His mind moved, and the rewards indicated on the panel came to mind.

First of all, it was the innate spiritual body [Golden Crow Nine Yang Body]. Fang Che had already sensed this reward, and he was aware of the transformation of his physical body.

However, he did not expect that this physical reward... was actually an innate spiritual body!

You know, the distinction between innate and acquired in spiritual bodies is very strict.

The acquired spiritual body is always much worse than the innate spiritual body, and that is the difference in quality.

But the innate spiritual body exists at birth. Fang Che did not expect that he was no longer pink, but he could still have an innate spiritual body...

It really makes people inexplicably shy and excited.

"The power of the innate spiritual body is reflected in future cultivation and affinity with attribute spells... I will study this slowly later."

"The other rewards are random treasure chests and fixed doubling of diligence..."

"Hmm? Fixed doubling of diligence... What does that mean?"

Fang Che showed a puzzled look.

This time when he broke through to the foundation building stage, he did not directly receive the diligence energy reward, but got this strange reward.

After careful study, Fang Che's eyes lit up slightly, and a look of surprise emerged.

[Fixed doubling of diligence energy: The diligence energy you get for each hour of diligent practice is fixedly increased by ten times]

Fang Che's breathing suddenly accelerated.

Is this the fixed doubling of diligence energy?

Doesn't this mean that he used to get 10 points of diligence energy for practicing diligently for an hour, but now he gets 100 points for practicing diligently for an hour? !


In that day, in twenty-four hours, wouldn't he get 2,400 points? !

Combined with the passive characteristics of the Soul-Bundling Sandbag, occasionally there will be a three or four times multiple burst...

Fang Che felt that he was about to ascend to immortality!

Although it takes 100,000 diligence energy to upgrade from lv5 talent to lv6, but... at this rate of acquisition, Fang Che can save a lot of time compared to before!

In the practice room, Fang Che smiled happily.

Oh my god, diligence... can really make you immortal!

Fang Che's body could not help but get excited, and he wanted to start practicing in seclusion immediately, and work hard for three days and three nights first!

However, before that, Fang Che needed to wash his hands and open the treasure chest.

Every major breakthrough in cultivation can get a random treasure chest, and this breakthrough to the foundation building stage is no exception.

So Fang Che was a little curious about what the foundation building treasure chest would open this time.

"Ding! Do you want to open the random treasure chest?"

When Fang Che's mind moved, the panel prompt suddenly popped up.


Fang Che took a deep breath and made a decision.


Suddenly there was a light lingering and flickering in front of his eyes, it was a silver light!

This time... it was a silver treasure chest that was opened!

"Congratulations on obtaining [Suppression of the Gods: Ming Wang Yizhi], [Magic Weapon: Chiyang Ding]..."

The panel prompt appeared.

Fang Che suddenly felt that there was a message of a spell in his mind.

It is a spiritual consciousness spell similar to [Heart Eye Divine Knife], but it is more domineering than the Heart Eye Divine Knife and has more stringent requirements on the spiritual consciousness of the practitioner.

It is a spell that is connected with the visualization diagram of the angry Ming Wang.

"Spirit consciousness spell... is not bad. In the process of fighting, the suppression power of spiritual consciousness spell is absolutely strong."

"However, my spiritual consciousness has just stepped into the late stage of the spiritual platform. It may be a bit difficult to perform this Ming Wang finger." Fang Che thought, and planned to find time to practice the Ming Wang finger successfully later.

Then, he rubbed his hands.

"The third-level lower-grade magic weapon Chiyang Ding has been issued to the storage ring, please check it."

The panel prompt gradually dimmed.

Fang Che's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Three... third-level magic weapon? !

The overwhelming wealth, is it so sudden?

Fang Che took a deep breath, and he was rich...

Diligence is indeed the best way to get rich. With this third-level magic weapon, Fang Che's wealth doubled!

A third-level magic weapon, and a tripod-type magic weapon, can be exchanged on the resource website for 50,000 merits!

After all, a third-level magic weapon... is already a magic weapon that can only be used by Jindan cultivators!

With a thought, the storage ring vibrated slightly.

Then a brilliant treasure light bloomed, and the bright light flowed continuously. A palm-sized fiery golden tripod floated, which was engraved with mysterious patterns and was very delicate.

The first feeling was heavy, and the second feeling was hot...

This treasure tripod can produce a great resonance with his innate spiritual body.


This time the panel is really generous. As expected, good luck will bless diligent people!

In the training room, Fang Che couldn't put it down and played with the blazing golden tripod.




Everyone dispersed one after another, and each of them showed surprise on their faces.

Many of Pei Lao's disciples looked at the training room with a bit of admiration, because as Pei Lao's last closed disciple, Fang Che's information had long been circulated by everyone.

They all knew Fang Che's diligence.

Being able to counterattack from a virtual spiritual root to the current level is really... extraordinary.

Yafei's beautiful eyes trembled, pursed her red lips, and her heart was very shocked.

She has built a foundation...

And she successfully built a foundation with the Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra.

You know, she spent a lot of resources from the family to build a foundation.

Although she was not practicing the family's top-grade foundation-building method, she relied on her strength and talent to exchange the top-grade foundation-building method from the Baiting Immortal Gate Resource Network.

But those foundation-building resources were actually provided by the family.

Without these resources...

Yafei didn't know how long it would take her to complete the foundation-building, maybe it would take another year or two.

"Ache, a man who changed his fate by hard work."

Yafei, with her beautiful eyes trembling, couldn't help but admire her.

I also learned a lot, maybe what Pei Lao said when he left was right.

Even if you have a strong talent, you can't relax. After all, the road to immortal cultivation is long, and only hard work can make it happen.

"I have to work hard too! As hardworking as Ache!"

Yafei clenched her snow-white fists and nodded solemnly.



At the same time.

In the lounge of the fighting field of the Imperial Capital No. 1 Middle School.

With the end of the last fighting competition, the third round of the national elimination round of the fighting competition came to an end.

Su Shangxing woke up from his training, and the official called on all the teachers of the twenty or so teams that advanced to the next round to go to the rostrum.

Because the fourth round of the national competition is about to be announced...

A brand new competition system and rules!

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