The uproar tore through the clouds, smashed the clouds in the sky, and echoed over the entire venue.

Every audience stretched their necks, widened their eyes, and made incredible sounds in their throats.

The clouds were torn apart, showing the picture on the big screen.

The picture showed everything that happened in the Phantom World. Because of the transmission of mana, the picture on the big screen was actually a little delayed.

But the high-altitude bird's-eye view of the Phantom World shown by the torn clouds just now came into view, which made people exclaim.

In the audience, Su Shangxing and Nan Lihuo also sat on chairs and looked up. Because the fourth round of the national competition used a formation, the specific situation could only be seen through the big screen with mana transmission.

Therefore, almost all the teachers who led the team sat in the audience.

Cheng Shi was holding a photography magic weapon, his whole body stiffened, staring at the picture on the big screen, and couldn't help but take a breath.

"This... this is a bit too much?"

"There is a conspiracy, there is a conspiracy!"

Cheng Shi came back to his senses, and his hair stood on end, and he roared in anger.

The fat on his cheeks was shaking, and he couldn't stop the anger flowing all over his body, because this scene really shocked his mind.

In the picture, the small world of Huanling showed a dilapidated temple, with bricks and stones scattered all over the ground, broken walls and walls constantly collapsing, and all kinds of collapsed statues, covered with spider webs and dust...

The temple was very huge, and according to the bird's-eye view from the audience's perspective, everyone saw that the Feilei Xiancheng team composed of Fang Che, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli had landed in the center of the temple.

And around the temple, there were powerful fighting teams one after another.

Just a careful count, it was found that the number of these fighting teams exceeded ten!

The ten teams seemed to have discovered Fang Che's Feilei Xiancheng team, and they all surged, like flowing water, and gathered towards Fang Che and others' Feilei team.

Among these ten teams, there are three teams from top-level Xiancheng.

They are the Imperial Capital Second High School from the Imperial Capital, the Double Gods Ten High School from the Double Gods, and the Yanhuo Xiancheng team from the Five Elements Live...

The reason why the audience gasped and exclaimed, and Cheng Shi blushed and couldn't help shouting angrily is...

These three teams from top-level Xiancheng all have star players in charge.

For example, Rong Xiong from the Imperial Capital Second High School, Quan Yan from the Double Gods Ten High School, and Gong Yanghuo, the soul representative of the Yanhuo Xiancheng of the Five Elements Xiancheng...

These three people are the star players of this year's Doufa Competition National Competition.

They have not participated in the trial of Yunxiao Town, so they have never had any intersection with Fang Che.

But they have watched Fang Che's performance in the national elimination round, and these star players have begun to fear this dark horse boy from Feilei Xiancheng from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, as if they had reached a consensus, the many star players who entered the battlefield of the temple of the Phantom World almost instantly set their siege target on the Feilei Xiancheng team where Fang Che was.

Watch from the audience's perspective.

It can be seen that after a short pause, these teams began to have a common goal and rushed towards the location where Fang Che and others were.

It was like a hundred rivers flowing into the sea, and a large net was slowly collected. Therefore, the location where Fang Che, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli of Feilei Xiancheng were located became the most central position!

Because they were guarded...

So they became the center!

"What are they going to do?"

"That's too much!"

"Isn't this a foul?"

Even Nan Lihuo couldn't help but get angry and let out a low shout.

Su Shangxing shook his head: "This is the rule of the group melee... You can form cliques, you can cooperate, you can fight... You can choose to hide, but... others can also choose to besiege you."

"There are a lot of uncertainties..."

"The competition system is actually very cruel, because only five teams can advance, so even teammates will turn against each other in the end, and a brutal war will break out, and only one side can survive in the end."

Su Shangxing let out a breath.

When he learned about the competition system of the fourth game, he analyzed the pros and cons of this group melee to Fang Che and the others.

However, even Su Shangxing did not expect...

The top immortal city teams such as the Imperial City, the Double Gods and the Five Elements Immortal City would be so shameless that they chose to jointly besiege the team where Fang Che was.

"Too shameless!"

Some audiences cursed.

Even the home audience who supported the Imperial City Immortal High fell silent, thinking that such behavior was too shameless and a little embarrassed to cheer.

Therefore, the whole venue was filled with rustling sounds. It was rare that there was no thunderous cheering when the contestants appeared.

In the audience.

Yafei from Baiting Xianmen also came. Her skin was white and glowing. In the sun, she looked as crystal clear as white jade.

Her golden hair fluttered gently, and her long eyelashes fluttered. She sat in the audience and looked at the big screen in the field.

"In fact, monks are often like animals. They are sensitive and can directly sense the targets that pose a great threat to them."

"Just like the national finals of our Baiting Xianmen... It was also this kind of competition system, but even in the Baiting Xianmen national competition, it was extremely rare to see a team under siege like this."

Yafei sat on a chair, her legs under her white skirt were delicate and white, slightly overlapping.

Next to her sat her teacher Otto.

Otto was wearing a white robe, with fluffy brown curly hair, and was also a little stunned and surprised at this moment.

After all, such a scene... is indeed rare.

Yafei's eyes sparkled.

At the beginning, her team was besieged by five teams of many top immortals from Baiting Immortal Gate.

She and her team members tried their best and fought to the end.

Only Yafei was left standing, and she finally led her team to advance.

Therefore, she was very clear about the pressure brought by this situation.

Yafei took a deep breath.

"What's more, Ache is facing... not just ten teams."

"Instead, all the immortal teams... their target is Ache!"

However, Yafei soon narrowed her eyes, her eyes curved like crescent moons.


"They may not know."

"Ache has already built his foundation, and has become a monster who built his foundation with the ultimate foundation-building method..."



Bang bang bang! ! !

In the Phantom World.

Fang Che, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli had just recovered. They looked around and saw only the ruined temple battlefield.

The collapsed statues, the broken official road of the gods, the broken walls and broken walls...

The scene was quite real, making it difficult to perceive that this was actually a Phantom World.

"This is at least a third-level high-quality formation, right? Such a real small world... can almost be said to be superb."

Jia Shengli took a breath. Although he had not studied the formation too much, he could see the magic of this Phantom World at a glance.

Luo Liuli nodded and looked around in a strange way.

On the other side, Fang Che just looked around and lost interest.

After all, he has the God Training Tower, and the reality of this phantom world is not even as real as the first level of the God Training Tower.

Fang Che's spiritual consciousness has been upgraded to the late stage of the spiritual platform, how powerful it is.

His spiritual consciousness swept through the broken stones on the ground, and he could see that the broken stones under the ruins were shaking slightly, as if someone was using the earth as skin and beating a drum.

Fang Che narrowed his eyes, and in his eyes... there was a touch of excitement like thick makeup, which became more and more perverted.

Waves of powerful and solid cultivation and spiritual power were approaching rapidly.

Even Fang Che couldn't help but take a breath.

Su Shangxing said that they might be beaten up...

But he didn't expect that they would be beaten up by all the national competition teams...

Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli finally sensed it.

The faces of the two became completely ugly.

Especially Jia Shengli...


Do you still have martial ethics?

In the fourth round of the national competition, he seems to... not be able to lie down!

He had clearly done psychological counseling for himself and endured the belief of winning without effort that he shouldn't have endured at his age.

As a result...

He was besieged by the entire team of players participating in the national competition.

It was outrageous!

They were just the ordinary team of Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School!

Why didn't they besiege the players of the top teams of the Imperial Capital No. 1 and No. 2 High School, Shuangshen No. 10 High School, Five Elements Flame and Fire, etc.?

Isn't this bullying?

Waves of foundation-building auras gradually approached like a mountain torrent.

The beam of light burst out and rushed into the clouds, making the sky of the Huanling Small World suddenly dark.

There was a terrifying sense of oppression as if there were dark clouds pressing down on the city and destroying it.

Luo Liuli was ready to activate the magical power [Snow Cruel Wind Gluttony].

Jia Shengli's lips were fighting up and down, that was the instinctive trembling under huge pressure.

"A Che... We... We seem to be surrounded."

Jia Shengli said in horror.

There was a faint anger and unwillingness in his eyes.


The words fell.

He found that Fang Che shook his head and grinned, revealing a smile that was difficult to suppress.

"Old Jia."

"Look at the watch!"

Fang Che let out a long breath.

The bones all over his body made a crackling sound like frying beans, and his body kept rising and rising...

Finally, his body was burly, and he shot out like a demon.

The oppressive foundation-building aura poured into the sky, breaking a big white hole in the dark clouds!

The brick and stone floor of the temple was completely exploded, and countless fragments flew between heaven and earth.

Then Fang Che's voice came.

"Old Jia..."

"It's not that we are surrounded."

"It's that I...surrounded them."

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