Jia Shengli was confused.

What does "I surrounded them" mean? Is this human language? How should it be understood?

How can one person... surround so many team members? !

Isn't he going to be beaten?

However, when he saw Fang Che bursting out with the purest foundation-building aura like an extremely excited husky and swooping out.

Jia Shengli shook his head helplessly.

The fear that was originally oppressed by so many foundation-building masters in his heart slowly dissipated.

What should he worry about?

Anyway... he was lucky enough to reach the fourth round of the national competition, and he was already called the king of lying. What should he be afraid of and gain or lose?

He just lied down as Fang Che did.

With Fang Che's words "look at the watch", Jia Shengli's blood suddenly boiled, and with a sharp whistle...

Raised his hand, pulled his sleeves, looked at the watch...

All in one go.

Timing... start!

On the other side, Luo Liuli was a little confused. The floating frost and snow around seemed to be melted by the passion of Fang Che and Jia Shengli.

Why... Fang Che and Jia Shengli cooperated so well?

She shouldn't be in the car, but under the car?

Didn't she and Fang Che agree to perform a combined attack spell?

Luo Liuli pursed her lips, as if her heart was pierced by an invisible arrow for no reason. That was... sour.

It was so uncomfortable. She felt like there was a green on her head.




Fang Che did not use the Eight Desolate Explosion, but relied on pure physical strength to burst out speed.

After breaking through the foundation building, his physical body was much improved. He was like a black lightning, crossing the temple battlefield.

The bricks and stones on the ground were trampled and broken by his heavy steps, and the broken fragments flew everywhere!

"Come on! It's getting hot!"

"You guys... don't let me down!"

Fang Che's eyes were getting more and more crazy!

A diligent person should fight against a hundred with one person. He should use these 23 teams to train himself and test the results of his own cultivation. This is the romance that a diligent person should have!

Swish, swish, swish!

The smoke and dust rolled, and the light column of the foundation-building aura seemed to have set off the black clouds in the sky.

Suddenly, a figure stopped, and a strange look appeared on his face.

Rong Xiong, the second tallest man in the imperial capital, was burly, with scars all over his bronze skin. He turned his head and showed a suspicious look.

Then, the suspicious look disappeared, his pupils gradually dispersed, and a look of shock emerged.

"What the hell... What the hell?!"

"Why did he rush over alone?!"

Rong Xiong roared, his voice like thunder.

Beside him, the two teammates at the second level of foundation-building were also confused.

"Isn't he afraid?"

"Not only us, but the other teams seem to have decided to besiege him. Shouldn't he just turn around and run away?"

As the trump card of the second high school in the imperial capital, the star player Rong Xiong narrowed his eyes: "Playing hard to get? Planning to scare us away with courage? Or... planning to lose heroically instead of living miserably?"

"No matter what... if he dares to come, let's meet him!"

Rong Xiong got excited.

As a star player in the imperial capital who has stepped into the third level of foundation building, his foundation building method is of high quality, plus his family's innate talent and magical powers...

He has long wanted to meet this dark horse chest-breaking demon who has emerged in the national competition!

"Besiege you... lest everyone say that we won unfairly."

"I'll meet you first!"

Rong Xiong laughed.

Feeling that he has stepped into the first level of foundation building, the fire of fighting spirit in his body is also burning.

If the original Fang Che was only at the ninth level of Qi Refining... He himself had doubts about his teacher's tactics and even planned to slack off and encircle him.

But he didn't expect that the Chest-Breaking Demon actually broke through and entered the Foundation Building stage...

In this way, he can go all out!

Perhaps, this Foundation Building Demon can give him a hearty fight!

"Come on!!!"

Rong Xiong roared.

His body also expanded and grew taller, directly to about two meters and two meters tall. The highly elastic battle suit on his body continued to stretch, showing the muscles as dense as a dragon.

Under each muscle, there is a terrifying power.

His face even changed strangely, like an ancient war bear, extremely ferocious and hideous!

Under the sharp fangs, sticky saliva was stained like spider silk!

"Chest-Breaking Demon, here I come!"

With a roar.

Rong Xiong stomped the ground hard with his big feet like bear paws.

The bricks and stones on the ground of the temple battlefield also instantly formed fine cracks, and steaming hot air and whistling wind and waves surged out from the cracks!

Bang! ! !

On the ground, another black line burst out straight!

Many teams that chose to encircle and suppress Feilei High School stopped one after another. They recognized Rong Xiong's identity.

Rong Xiong, the star player of Imperial Capital High School, who once showed his domineering style in the Immortal Gate Fragment Trial Ground...

Perhaps, this battle... will be very interesting.

It is a fight between dragons and tigers.

It can also allow them to observe the specific strength of the Breast-Smashing Demon more clearly.

How strong is this Breast-Smashing Demon?

Although it is a dark horse, why can their team leader formulate a tactic to kill the dark horse first in the fourth round?

Bang bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

In the temple battlefield, the land on both sides was filled with roars and bangs.

The two figures were both talented physical foundation cultivators. One was a dark horse in the national competition, a chest-breaking maniac, and the other was a star player in the second high school of the imperial capital, a talented descendant of the Rong family!

This collision might be like Mars hitting the earth, or it might attract a lot of attention!

Both of them were galloping towards their opponents fearlessly.

The speed was extremely fast!

Neither of them gave in!

So, in just five seconds, the two crossed a distance of nearly a kilometer and collided fiercely!

Rong Xiong roared, and punched out horizontally, showing his physical skills, which was the second-level physical skills of the Rong family, Tyrant Bear Kill!

"Break it for me...!"


The fists of the two collided with each other, not like two immortal cultivators at all, and were even more domineering and fierce than any other physical cultivators.

It was just a simple and pure physical confrontation!

The first punch collided...

Fang Che felt the obstruction!

His eyes were shining, and his excitement was surging!


Fang Che's blood was boiling, this opponent... is interesting!

Eight Desolations Exploded!

Fang Che roared.

Boom boom boom!

The breath rose steadily, spanning three heavens!

With one punch, four levels of strength burst out one after another.

In terms of body size, Rong Xiong, who was two meters and three meters tall, was more oppressive than Fang Che.

But at this moment, Rong Xiong's face trembled slightly.

Four powerful forces, layer by layer, followed the colliding arms and exploded into his body.

"What kind of weird physical technique is this?!"

Rong Xiong exclaimed!

The next moment, his eyes were red, his blood seemed to be burning, and his innate magical power...

Earth Fierce Bear!!!


With a roar, the earth was shaking, and countless rocks and earth suddenly exploded. Behind Rong Xiong, a huge earth bear that was three meters tall gathered!

The bear roared, and punched Fang Che as fast as lightning!

With great force and power, it smashed down like a mountain!

Fang Che laughed.

"Good, good, good!"

The Nine Yang Body of the Golden Crow!

The Innate Spirit Body!

The Eight Desolate Explosions!

Rong Xiong only felt a sudden bright light in front of him, and countless flames erupted. Then, it was like two scorching suns rising from the end of the world, and birds spread their wings in the scorching sun, and the birds cried to wake up the world!

The Golden Crow was born!


The left and right chests of Rong Xiong's earth bear were instantly pierced by the two golden crows, and two huge pits were melted in the stone chest...

Rong Xiong's fierce face suddenly froze.

Then, a big hand suddenly covered his ferocious face that looked like a millstone.


With five fingers clasped together, Rong Xiong felt as if his face was crushed.

Then, he felt as if his face was being treated as a bowling ball, and his body was spinning with the world...

Fang Che suddenly spun him around in place, and finally threw him out fiercely.


Boom! ! !

While everyone was still at a loss.

Rong Xiong, like a mountain, shot back to the two teammates. The two teammates at the second level of foundation building suddenly reacted, and then subconsciously activated the spell to take over Rong Xiong's body.

However, the spell was broken, and the two were desperately and confusedly hit by Rong Xiong's body.

The two were almost blown to blood, and were pressed to the ground by Rong Xiong, and by the way... smashed the ground into a deep pit with a diameter of about 20 meters...

"Thirteen seconds!"

The moment the deep pit appeared.

In the distance, Jia Shengli raised his hands, pulled his sleeves, looked at his watch, and so on in one go.

His face flushed, and he roared, almost breaking his voice!



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