Playing with fire in front of me?

Is it worthy?

Fang Che's words were very cold, without any emotion, as cold as the cold water dripping from the glacier.

It makes people's hearts feel chilly.

As for Gong Yang Huo, whose cheek was pinched by Fang Che, his head was almost crushed.

His eyes seemed to explode out of his head.

The pain spread throughout his body, and the tremendous pressure impacted his soul.

However, Fang Che’s words...

Gongyang Huo still heard it clearly.

He, Gongyang Huo... is a direct descendant of the Gongyang family, one of the three fire-related families in the Five Elements Immortal City. He has a high-grade fire attribute spiritual root, and he has the innate phoenix bloodline belonging to the Gongyang family!

He was actually said by Fang Che...that he was not worthy of playing with fire?

How humiliating is this?

Of course, Fang Che might not be humiliating, but just stating a fact coldly and emotionlessly.

But Gongyang Huo felt that he had been humiliated, and he was humiliated severely.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Gongyang Huo's head was shaken by Fang Che's fingers. He struggled violently and let out a thundering roar.

"Is it worthy?!"

Gongyang Huo's eyes turned red, and the next moment it seemed as if flames were shooting out of his eyeballs.

boom! ! !

The loud cry of the phoenix came from behind Gongyang Huo. Even though he was in a desperate situation, Gongyang Huo was also at this moment using all his strength to activate the phoenix shadow awakened by his own bloodline magical power.

He wants to tear Fang Che to pieces and make this arrogant guy... pay the price!

A roaring sound burst out from the ram's body of fire.

That's not from the mouth...

Rather, it comes from deep within the body, like a resonant sound coming from all the cells vibrating!

Fang Che's face was indifferent, and he still held Gong Yang Huo's head with his five fingers. He raised his head numbly and looked at the flaming phoenix formed by the blazing flames. The phoenix was extremely dazzling, and its hanging tail was dreamlike, like meteors and fireworks in the night sky.

Fang Che stared at the flaming phoenix, and the breeze slowly started to stir, blowing his seaweed-like hair, which was constantly floating, and the faint golden smoke seemed to be blown away.

boom! ! !

The fire was strong, and the terrifying flames engulfed Fang Che and Gong Yang Huo in an instant.

The huge heat flow was like a waterfall of falling flames. The moment it swallowed up Fang Che and Gongyang Huo, it hit the ground hard. The blazing high temperature almost burned a big hole in the ground.

The four people around them, Chi Chengyan, Jing Zhengqing, Zhuo Banxiang and Miao Zirui, could not help shaking their bodies, and their eyes showed deep astonishment.


Miao Zirui, who had cold white skin and slightly parted red lips, couldn't help but ask.

No one answered her.

Everyone was staring at the place where the flaming phoenix engulfed and impacted.

There...the floor tiles were melted, turned into liquid, and flowed everywhere.

The thick heat wave rolled in again.



A wisp of sword energy spread wildly, blowing away all the white heat waves.

The scene in the field immediately caught everyone's eyes.

Even all the spectators watching the battle on the big screen were staring at the scene in the thick smoke rising from the heat wave burning through the big screen.

They all wanted to know whether Fang Che would be incinerated by this sudden burst of terrifying Phoenix power!


In the commentary box, someone swallowed.

"This is the most elite bloodline magical power of the Gongyang family. With the strength of the Gongyang Huo player, it is still a bit difficult to fully activate it, but maybe it was pushed to the extreme by the player Fang Che, and it was actually sublimated at this moment... "

"As expected of the star player of Five Elements Fairy City, this method... is indeed amazing."


Commentator Zhao Gonghe couldn't help but said.

"No! No maybe, no!"

However, before the words could even be finished, Lin Miaomiao, the neutral commentator, loudly denied it.

"How can such a flame burn out classmate Fang Che! It's impossible!"

Lin Miaomiao...she is really too neutral. Her only central position is Fang Che!

However, the commentators did not talk for too long, because when the smoke and dust were billowing, it only took three seconds for the smoke and dust to begin to disperse.

Three seconds passed by in an instant, it seemed so short, yet so long.

Slowly, the smoke and dust dispersed.

The screen is revealed.

In the picture, Fang Che's pupils were filled with golden smoke, and his face was still expressionless, as cold as a piece of ice.

One of his hands was still holding the ram fire, and the other hand was slowly raised, with his five fingers spread out. On the five fingers, the remaining golden flames of the phoenix were beating...

Gongyang Huo went all out, igniting the power of his bloodline, and unleashed the flaming phoenix bursting out from his innate magical power...

It didn't cause any harm to Fang Che!

as if……

Just a breeze blowing by, bringing the quiet elegance of time.

" could...this happen?"

There was a deep look of exhaustion in Gong Yanghuo's eyes, and his throat was hoarse. Looking at the scene at this moment through Fang Che's fingers holding his head, despair was revealed all over his body.

Despair indeed...

"Now do you know whether you are worthy or not?"

Fang Che tilted his head.

The words are finished.

The five fingers pinched violently.


Gongyang Huo's head... was crushed directly!

It exploded.

Broken flesh and blood, split and bloody bones, flying endlessly, scattered all over the ground...

The whole place was silent, as quiet as death.

In the temple battlefield...

The strong and pungent smell of blood rolled up like a strong wind and waves.

Fang Che let go of his hand expressionlessly. After starting to climb the stairs, he was extremely cold and had no emotions. His only goal was to defeat his opponent and climb high to see far.

At this moment, Fang Che's cruelty shocked everyone.

After all, even if it was a foundation-building cultivator, if his head was crushed...with the help of today's immortal medical treatment, it would be difficult to recover intact.




Gong Yanghuo let out a shrill and terrified roar.

He suddenly opened his eyes and collapsed on the ground, constantly touching his head, stroking it up and down.

He looked at the ring, and there was no figure on the ring, which meant that he died in the temple battlefield.

Fang Che crushed his head and crushed it without any suspense...

Fortunately, this was not real, but a false picture created by the phantom array.

However, Gong Yanghuo was still sweating coldly.

When he recovered from the fear, Gong Yanghuo felt a huge weakness sweeping over him.

His mind was dizzy, and he collapsed to the ground, his spiritual consciousness completely exhausted...

The medical monk brought a stretcher skillfully, put Gong Yanghuo on the stretcher, and ran away while shouting "Let go".

However, no one paid attention to this scene.

Everyone was shocked and attracted by the battle that continued to break out on the big screen.




Fang Che, who crushed Gong Yanghuo's head, raised his chin coldly, and his indifferent eyes swept out and fell on Zhuo Banxiang and Miao Zirui, two third-level foundation-building monks.

Facing a beating, the best way is to defeat them one by one, which is also the only way.

After defeating Quan Yan and Gong Yang Huo, Fang Che's target was Zhuo Banxiang of the Northern Frontier and Miao Zirui of the Southern Frontier.

Zhuo Banxiang was a girl, but at this moment, she didn't look like a girl at all.

When Fang Che defeated Gong Yang Huo, the momentum was too great, and the fire phoenix was so hot that it was impossible to distinguish between friend and foe. Zhuo Banxiang could only watch from afar.

At this moment...

Zhuo Banxiang's skin was blood red, and blue veins spread from under her skin, which was very hideous.

The healthy beauty with wheat-colored skin turned into a blood-red female Rakshasa!

Being stared at by Fang Che, Zhuo Banxiang felt a huge pressure.

However, she was the best at Northern Frontier physical skills, and her fighting spirit was not reduced at all.

She even looked at Fang Che provocatively.

Her body bounced in place, as if warming up, but her body contained a terrifying and explosive power.

"Come on, hit me!"

Zhuo Banxiang touched the ground with her toes and jumped.

She spoke provocatively.

However, the words fell.

Her eyes suddenly shrank.

But she saw Fang Che, who was originally standing at the position of the "corpse" of the ram fire, suddenly disappeared.

Before she finished speaking, she became a straight and black line.

Bang! ! !

The sound of the explosion in the air slowly resounded at this moment.

And Zhuo Banxiang was still thinking about counterattacking.

A sharp pain had already come.

Fang Che's fist covered with the scales of the Nine Flames Blazing Sun Dragon...

Has hit Zhuo Banxiang's face.

Zhuo Banxiang widened his eyes that flew out of his eye sockets, and felt his head bit by bit... Under Fang Che's punch...

Gradually deformed...




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