boom! ! !

It was a sound like a balloon exploding.

Zhuo Banxiang, as the genius of Beijiang Xiangao, has perfectly inherited Beijiang Xiangao's most famous physical skills.

He is extremely talented in physical arts, and has even cultivated the top foundation-building physical arts in his family, which can stimulate the limits of the human body and unlock treasures in the human body, which is the "body hidden technique".

This is where Zhuo Banxiang is most confident.

Even if it is four levels of foundation building, five levels of foundation building...

Zhuo Banxiang is confident to fight.


Zhuo Banxiang felt that he had just received a punch from Fang Che, and his head was split open unexpectedly, and his whole mentality collapsed.


Why is there such a monster?

In terms of physical skills...

Zhuo Banxiang clearly understood that she was no match. She was definitely no match. The gap was too big.

This guy is a physical demon!

Strength, speed, and explosion, Fang Che has mastered all three of the most important things for a physical martial artist, and he has performed them all extremely well, reaching an extremely perfect state!


Yes, this is Zhuo Banxiang's judgment on Fang Che's physical skills, which is perfect...

Can't find any flaws in performance.


Zhuo Banxiang's fear arose in his heart like a demon, spreading its fangs and claws, instantly covering his soul, and he no longer had the courage to fight...

boom! ! !

Zhuo Banxiang practices physical skills, and his bones are naturally much tougher.

Her head was punched by Fang Che. Although it slowly shattered during the transformation, it was not directly crushed and exploded like Gongyang Huo.

Zhuo Banxiang opened her mouth, she wanted to ask for a waiver, she wanted to admit defeat.

She admitted that Fang Che was... better than her in physical skills.

So, let her leave here!


However, her cry had not yet begun.

There seemed to be an afterimage that blurred for a while, chasing after him.

Zhuo Banxiang's head was full of cracks, and his eyes were filled with blood. It was difficult to see clearly the black figure pressing down on her, flying backwards and leaning against Zhang Lv's figure.

With a cold face, a body that is 1.9 meters tall, every inch of muscle is almost perfect, like a finely crafted work of art.

Such existence...

He actually stuck with her...

The atmosphere seemed a bit charming, and Zhuo Banxiang's bloodshot head suddenly blushed.

Fang Che's face was expressionless, emotionless, and cruel.

Golden smoke overflowed from the pupils.

Looking at the shy Zhuo Banxiang indifferently, something seemed to slowly pop up in his mind...


What is she shy about?

Fang Che, who was like a swordsman climbing the stairs, was cold and ethereal, and seemed a little confused.

But he didn't need to think about this.

Don't guess about a woman's heart, because you can't figure it out, just... just blow it up.


Fang Che chose simplicity, directness and roughness...

Raise your fist and smash it down.

boom! ! !

Zhuo Banxiang's flying body came to an abrupt stop in an instant, and his whole body was directly smashed into the ground of the temple battlefield. A wave of smoke and dust spread in ripples around him.

Her back hit the ground hard, denting the masonry and causing countless spiderweb-like cracks to appear.

Zhuo Banxiang's eyes protruded, his mouth opened, and he kept coughing up blood.

A big hole burst out of his chest, and heat waves continued to spray out from the big hole.

In Zhuo Banxiang's protruding eyes...

There were two tears, flowing down sadly.

This breast-breaking monster...

Wrong payment.

After all, the wrong payment was made.

However, Zhuo Banxiang's two tears had not yet fallen to the ground.

A golden sword light burst out instantly.

Zhuo Banxiang's head was directly chopped off by the raging sword energy, and his tough bones could not withstand the madness and rage of the sword energy in the sword immortal state.

It exploded directly into pieces.


Zhuo Banxiang's voice seems to be floating in the air...

"twenty one."

Fang Che's pupils filled with golden smoke, and his 1.9-meter tall body was suspended in the sky above Zhuo Banxiang's "corpse" with his head shot and chest broken.

He spat out a number calmly.

In another three seconds, a star player was eliminated.

Nowadays, the star player in the field...

There were only three left.

Chi Chengyan, Jing Zhengqing and Miao Zirui.

Miao Zirui's cold white skin became even paler. She looked at Zhuo Banxiang being killed in horror, her head exploded and her chest was broken...

So miserable...really miserable...

Sister Zhuo is so miserable!

Miao Zirui was a girl who loved beauty, but she didn't want to suffer Fang Che's domineering, fierce and strong impact.

It's going up and down... I can't bear it!

Miao Zirui raised her hand. She wanted to admit defeat, but...

Fang Che's eyes sternly glanced at the hand she had just raised, thinking that Miao Zirui was about to take action.

With a flick of the sword finger, dense red scale sword light roared out.

Miao Zirui's face turned pale and white...

My legs are clamped together, making it difficult to stand up due to trembling.


Brother Che, listen to my explanation!

But there was no time to explain, because Fang Che's sword light had already burst out very quickly.

Miao Zirui bit her plump red lips and was forced to fight.

Countless pitch-black bugs swarmed out of her sleeves, densely packed like a pitch-black cloud!

Fang Che clenched his fingers.

Three thousand swords and thunder!

Released through the air!

Three Thousand Sword Thunders!

Tyrannosaurus Green Thunder Evil... breaks out!

Cyan thunder intertwined instantly, looming among the black clouds formed by countless Gu insects...

Blah blah blah...

Under the impact of the thunder, the Gu insects lost their life breath and fell all over the ground.

Miao Zirui covered her heart, her heart ached extremely. Although these Gu insects could not control her life Gu, they were extremely important and reflected her combat power.

But when he met Fang Che, who had mastered the Thunder Sha, the power of the Thunder Sha exploded, which was simply unbelievable. It didn't look like the Green Thunder Sha at all.

Miao Zirui had no choice.

When the Gu worms were emptied, Miao Zirui had already fallen to the ground with her legs inside out, pursed her plump lips, a little blush appeared on her cold white skin, her eyes were filled with hot tears, and under her long eyelashes , Shui Lingling's eyes are full of grievances...

Maybe... I can only gain some mercy by acting cute.

Fang Che floated over in an instant, floating in the air like a banished immortal, with countless golden red scale sword energy floating around him.

Fang Che looked down and indifferently at the aggrieved and pitiful Miao Zirui.

"It's so pathetic. I'll send you away as soon as possible."

Fang Che said indifferently.

"twenty four."


Miao Zirui suddenly couldn't hold back her tears and said "Ah" in dumbfounded voice.


Miao Zirui shouted in fear.


In response to her...

There was only one fist that kept getting closer, getting bigger, and hot...a fist.

Miao Zirui's pitiful head was instantly punched until it exploded.

The world seemed to become quiet at this moment.

The blood of the pink skull is flying...

All that's deathly silence.


All the audience were stunned.

They stared blankly at the big screen, stunned, confused, surprised, speechless... Finally, they slowly turned into admiration.

"So cruel! This breast-breaking maniac... is really too fierce."

"Miaomiao, my Miaomiao! Ah! You damn breast-breaking maniac, how can you bear to attack?!"

"My heart hurts so much. That's Miao Miao, the most beautiful among the star players. How can she be destroyed like this?! My heart is dead. I died when Miao Miao was shot in the head..."

In the auditorium, there were wails and exclamations, and the bursting sound was louder and louder than the previous one, overwhelming and earth-shattering.

Temple battlefield.

Miao Zirui's "headless corpse" fell to the ground helplessly.

Countless blood mist drifted.

Fang Che's burly body stood next to her body.

With his back to the last two remaining star players.

Chi Chengyan, who is one tall in the imperial capital, and Jing Zhengqing, who is two gods tall.

Fang Che looked at Miao Zirui's body, with a hint of pity in his emotionless eyes...

"Such a beautiful girl will explode beautifully with one punch."

"Unfortunately, it's too brittle to break the breast."

Fang Che, who was in the sword fairy state, said calmly.

Jing Zhengqing: "..."

Chi Chengyan: "?!!!"

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