Chi Chengyan never thought that Fang Che would actually take out a cauldron to deal with her fatal blow.

How could she have such great confidence in this cauldron?

Although she was confused, Chi Chengyan did not have any time to think about anything at this moment. Using this move was already her limit.

She also had no ability to continue to control this move. If she continued, she would lose control immediately.


As her eyes slowly closed, the space within her sight seemed to be annihilated.

It was like closing her eyes, and everything she saw was destroyed.

This was a very terrifying magical power.

It was the most powerful killing move among the blue and white divine eyes of the Chi family in the imperial capital.

This move was difficult for even many inheritors of the blue and white divine eyes to perform, and it required extremely high-quality spiritual roots and talents.

As a natural spiritual root, Chi Chengyan did have the ability to perform this move.

Although it was difficult, she was able to perform it after all.

She had never even thought that she would be forced to use this trick in this national competition. She thought that no one in the team of the competition would force her to reveal her trump card.

But she still misjudged the strength of the world.

She didn't expect that there would be a monster like Fang Che in the national competition.


"Destroy it for me...!"

In Chi Chengyan's blue eyes, the blue light was strong, but the blood vessels around the eyelids could not bear the heat and majesty of this energy, and began to burst one after another. Countless blood oozed out from the skin around the eye sockets and flowed out...

Her appearance became hideous and miserable in an instant.

She tried hard to close her wide blue eyes and annihilate everything in her sight, including the tripod that Fang Che took out, including Fang Che...

But she was shocked to find that.

No matter how hard she closed her eyes, the big tripod was still filled in her eyes.

The power of the blue and white divine pupils... actually failed to annihilate this three-legged bronze tripod...

What on earth is going on?


Chi Chengyan thought of something...

"Three... third-level magic weapon?"

Chi Chengyan murmured.

Third-level magic weapon, already belongs to the treasure of Jindan realm.

Jindan realm...

No wonder.

Chi Chengyan smiled bitterly...

How come this monster even has a third-level magic weapon?

How can they fight with such a foundation?

It's not that they can't take out the third-level magic weapon, the family behind them can take it out, but...the most important thing is that their cultivation is not qualified to operate the third-level magic weapon.

If the third-level magic weapon is used once, it may drain all their mana.

Even if the power of the explosion is terrible, what does it matter?

If you can't kill the opponent in one blow, then you will die.

So, for a cultivator in the foundation building realm who has not stepped into the late stage of foundation building, it is a foolish act to use a third-level magic weapon.

But at this moment, Fang Che used it.

Chi Chengyan's blue and white eyes that could not be closed were filled with pain. She stared at the big cauldron that kept enlarging in her eyes.

Suddenly came to his senses...

The big cauldron is getting closer!

Chi Chengyan's blue eyeballs shrank to the size of mung beans.

After seeing the big cauldron, Fang Che had already raised his fist, and the terrifying energy stirred the air to different degrees of distortion.

Fang Che looked at Chi Chengyan indifferently in the state of the sword fairy.

He admitted that Chi Chengyan's blue eyes gave him a lot of pressure.


That's all.

The blue eyes... have too many limitations.

Everything can be annihilated as far as the gaze can reach.


It's just in theory. Chi Chengyan's cultivation is too low, only the fourth level of foundation building. If this move is used by Pei Lao, a master of the transformation of the spirit, it will be the real annihilation of everything.

And with Chi Chengyan's cultivation, a blazing sun cauldron just drawn from the treasure chest is enough.

Fang Che didn't even need to fully activate the Chiyang Ding. He just needed to enlarge it and use the third-level material of the Chiyang Ding to completely block Chi Chengyan's blue eyes.

In that case, Chi Chengyan's blue eyes would be as good as nothing.

Chi Chengyan smiled bitterly.

"Be gentle."

Chi Chengyan said softly.

"Okay." Fang Che nodded seriously.

With a punch, purple and blue lightning burst out, instantly annihilating Chi Chengyan's body.



Chi Chengyan felt her eyelashes tremble and her eyelids opened. She looked around blankly.

She found herself waking up under the alloy arena, lying on a stretcher, and being taken away by the medical monk.

"Take a good rest. It's not too shameful to lose. You have tried your best."

Next to the stretcher, the leader of the Imperial Capital High School comforted Chi Chengyan softly.

"I... I'm not dead?"

Chi Chengyan exhaled, feeling a little relieved.

She thought she had died in the temple battlefield.

"That's just an illusion. All the contestants whose heads were blown up were only blown up in the illusion. They are still intact in reality." The teacher in charge explained.

"The Phantom Spirit Formation is a fourth-level formation after all. It's normal that you can't detect it because your cultivation is not enough."

Chi Chengyan's lips trembled slightly when she heard it.

She looked at the alloy arena that was completely covered by the Phantom Spirit Formation, as if she saw the figure who was killing people in the formation...

"He...did he know it a long time ago?"

Chi Chengyan asked with a trembling voice.

The teacher leading the team was startled, but he quickly understood something and nodded: "He must have discovered that at first the opponents were shot to pieces with chests, but later... in order to pursue efficiency, they were all shot directly to the head... "

"That guy's spiritual sense is very sharp, so he shouldn't be underestimated. Feilei Immortal City... This third-rate Immortal City really has a monster."

"I heard that he was just a commoner, not a child of a noble family, and his parents were just employees of a puppet factory... How could such a monster son be born..."

"Cultivating immortals... is really incredible."

The leading teacher was filled with emotions.

The teachers who lead the team must all have a copy of Fang Che's information, and they naturally know Fang Che's origins.

Chi Chengyan fell silent. She lay on the stretcher and looked at the blue sky with a very complicated mood.

However, slowly, her eyes gradually became firmer.

"I heard that Fang Che's original spiritual root talent was not good, but a low-grade virtual spiritual root. He never gave up and practiced hard for nine years. In these nine years, he only reached the third level of Qi refining..."

"With his pure heart that perseveres in cultivating immortality, he has been persevering and working hard..."

"Finally, when the moon shines brightly, the flowers bloom. His virtual spiritual roots have transformed, and he has achieved what he is today. But even though his spiritual roots have transformed, he is still persistent and diligent to the point of numbness."

Chi Chengyan closed his eyes.

She concluded the reasons why she was not as good as Fang Che.

She is a child of the Chi family and has the extremely huge cultivation resources of the Chi family, so she can surpass Fang Che in terms of cultivation.

However, she is far inferior to her in terms of fighting spirit and diligence in training.


"In the days to come, I will be as diligent as Fang Che. Only in this way... can I stand at the same height as him in the future!"

Chi Chengyan suddenly opened his eyes, his fighting spirit high.

She has to be diligent and she has to be successful!

She is better than Fang Che...

More diligent and more volume!

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