As Chi Chengyan was beaten up on the big screen, it meant that the fourth round of the national team competition of this fighting game had completely come to an end.

Even, everyone can know in advance who the champion of the national competition will be.

Six star players teamed up to deal with Fang Che at the same time, but they were beaten one by one, almost in a crushing manner, with broken chests and headshots...

Extremely brutal.

All the viewers watching the scene were... excited.

That was the excitement for the rise of the dark horse.

At the beginning of the competition, who was more optimistic about Feilei Immortal City, a third-rate Immortal City in Great Xia?

However, in an almost arrogant way, Feilei Ergao tore a hole and squeezed into the perspective of all the audience.

He crushed every dark horse in the past, and in this fourth round of the French Fight, he crushed six star players from top fairy cities such as Imperial Capital and Shuangshen...

Fang Che, the chest-breaking monster... became famous in one battle!

Perhaps, even the winner of the individual battle in the martial arts competition has already been determined.

The chest-crushing demon Fang Che fought against six star players by himself, and crushed them with a crushing hammer. Such a record, in a personal battle, is almost an invincible gesture that overwhelms everything.

What else is there to compete with?

There was silence for about a few seconds, and then Fang Che's figure on the big screen turned into a purple-green thunder, crisscrossing the ground of the temple battlefield like thunder, crushing one contestant after another.

The scene was extremely bloody.

Even the six star players were no match for them, and the other players couldn't even last two seconds against Fang Che...

Explode, or explode...

Rich blood filled the entire temple battlefield.

In the alloy arena shrouded by the phantom formation, contestants were constantly being thrown out. The first time they woke up, they touched their heads and then their chests...

It was obviously a psychological shadow caused by the chest-breaking maniac.

There are a total of twenty-three teams and more than sixty players.

Fang Che crushed more than a dozen of them in one round.

"I can't bear it anymore..."


Fang Che, who had a tall body and almost perfect muscle lines, was suspended in the air, frowning and murmuring.

It goes on for too long.

Climbing the stairs and maintaining the Sword Immortal state together, he really couldn't bear it.

He even felt the limit of his physical body and was about to quit climbing the stairs and the sword fairy state.

"One minute and twenty-five seconds, it seems... the limit of climbing the tower sword immortal state is about two minutes."

Fang Che's lush hair undulated behind him like a cloak.

After you feel certain in your mind.

There was no further hesitation.

He opened his hands and his body slowly floated into the air, suspended five meters above the ground.

Golden Crow Nine Yang Body!

Climbing the stairs to the sword fairy state!

The Golden Crow is born, the flames soar into the sky, the limit of climbing the building, the body of a sword immortal, the sword energy is as deep as the abyss!

The sword energy of the Red Scale Sword was densely intertwined between heaven and earth, like a sandstorm dancing wildly!

Fang Che opened his hands, raised his face, his hair was flying and dancing, and the bright eyes between his eyebrows were also stimulated to the extreme by him.

Although he closed his eyes, the eyes of King Ming saw everything again.


All the remaining contestants were locked by him.

Three thousand swords and thunder?


Fang Che opened his eyes, sword light revealed in his eyes.

"This pose is for ascending to the gods."

"When you see me, it's like seeing God."

boom! ! !

Fang Che clenched his fist, pushed it horizontally, and smashed it into the sky full of sword light.

In an instant, countless sword lights suddenly flowed down like a waterfall three thousand miles, rushing towards all the remaining contestants in the temple battlefield...

Puff puff!

All the contestants had horror in their eyes.

What is this... a monster? !

The blazing sword light was so dazzling that the temple battlefield... only left a dazzling bombing area bombarded by the sword light.

Almost three seconds.

The bombing area finally regained its clarity.

Only a mess of ruins was left. The ruins of the original temple were directly reduced to rubble under this bombardment...

On the battlefield, scalding heat is rising, and the aftermath of the raging sword energy is also stirring.

Fang Che fell weakly from the sky.

He sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

His eyes were a little dull, and every inch of flesh and blood in his body was trembling slightly. This was a side effect of activating the Climbing Sword Immortal State.

The pressure was so great that he could hardly bear it.

If he hadn't successfully broken through to foundation building, Fang Che even felt that if he had only refined his Qi before, he would probably explode and die if he dared to use this move.

Of course, there is a greater probability that it is impossible to use the Climbing Tower and Sword Immortal state at the same time, and you can only choose one.

"it's over."

A smile appeared on Fang Che's weak face.

He let out a long breath.

Because the fight was so chaotic, Fang Che didn’t know which teams those contestants were from. He was afraid that after he exited the Climbing Sword Immortal State, there would be more than five teams remaining. When the time came, he would be able to cope with it, which would eventually lead to Feilei Ergao was eliminated...

That would be such a joke...

Therefore, Fang Che could only choose a solution that would last forever.

Eliminate all contestants.

In this way, we can ensure that Feileixiancheng's second-highest team can successfully advance to the fifth round of finals.

Fang Che smiled brightly.

Beside him, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli, who had no sense of their presence, stared blankly at the cleared temple battlefield.

The two of them were a little confused.

Especially Jia Shengli, who raised his arms and rolled up his sleeves, revealing an exquisite diamond-encrusted watch.

His watch seems to be useless...

How do you time this?

Isn't this difficult for Jia Shengli?

"We...well...seem to have won?"

Jia Shengli suddenly realized that all the teams had been cleared. Doesn't that mean they advanced to the finals?

Luo Liuli's long eyelashes trembled slightly, her red lips pursed, her expression extremely complicated.

Hearing Jia Shengli's words, even as cold as she was, she couldn't help but say, "No... specifically... we might even miss the finals."

after all……

The six star contestants were all taken away by Fang Che, and the rest of the contestants were swept away.

With this gap in strength, there is no longer any suspense in this national competition.

The champion...must be the second highest ranked player in Feileixian City.

Because, even if there is another final, who can solve Fang Che?

If Fang Che cannot be eliminated, then no one can shake the title of the second highest champion in Feilei Fairy City!

"I won the championship."

Luo Liuli held up a strand of black hair hanging from her forehead.

Whispering softly.

The National Tournament of the Daxia Immortal Sect Fighting Competition... the second high school student in Feilei Immortal City... unexpectedly won the championship.

Even though she was from the Luo family, she never thought that such a result would happen to them.

Who is more optimistic about them when they participate in a martial arts competition?

Even the principal, Zhai Ke, was just letting them gain experience in this national competition.

Luo Liuli's eyes fell on the boy who was sitting on the ground, panting heavily, smiling brightly, and shirtless...

As all the contestants were wiped out by Fang Che in one move.

The phantom formation began to slowly retreat.

It's like a curtain opened on the left and right.

Brilliant rays of light hung down from outside the opened formation, and the sunlight poured down on Fang Che, who was sitting on the ground.

Fang Che's body seemed to be glowing with light.

Reflecting the young man who single-handedly defeated all the players in the national competition...

Just like this moment...

Ascend to the gods.

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