Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 160 The consumption is a bit high, I need to practice hard

Today, the young man becomes a god!

The second-highest team in Feileixian City slowly appeared on the alloy arena where the formations were dispersed, as if they were gods ascending to the altar.

The entire auditorium fell into silence.

Everyone looked at the alloy arena that was gradually becoming clearer, and at the only three figures left on the alloy arena.

A graceful and cold girl, her whole body seemed to be surrounded by snowflakes.

A chest-crushing madman who looks weak but no one dares to underestimate him.

There is also a young man who looks like a nouveau riche who pulls up his sleeves to reveal a diamond-encrusted watch...

The expressions and postures of the three people were different, but they all undoubtedly attracted the attention of the audience.

Because everyone knows that the champion team of this year's national competition must be this little-known team.

It may be the first time for the three of them to participate in the national competition of martial arts competition, but they have reached the highest position with an extremely domineering attitude.

The cheers suddenly exploded, followed by a huge wave of madness, sweeping and agitating, emanating from the mouths of every spectator in the auditorium.

Everyone was extremely excited. This scene of witnessing the new king's ascension to the throne really brought a great sense of excitement.

Witnessing the dark horse who was never expected to win the championship in one fell swoop was so exciting and gave them a strong sense of involvement, as if they were following Fang Che and the Feilei Second High Team, constantly defeating powerful enemies and reaching the top.

The cheers surged like waves, the gongs and drums roared, and firecrackers blasted.


Three figures landed on the ring. They were the three Jindan Sword Master referees. Their eyes looked at Fang Che speechlessly.

It's really... quite speechless.

After all, this is the fourth round of the national competition. According to the rules of the fourth round... there are a total of five teams that can advance to the fifth round of finals. At that time, the five teams that have advanced to the finals will compete together.

But now...

Fang Che's last sword move wiped out all the players in the team.

This makes Feileixiancheng undoubtedly the only team to advance to the fifth round...

This is quite stable.

The three golden elixir sword cultivators didn't know how to judge the outcome of this moment.

And in the commentary box.

Neutral commentator Zhao Gonghe's face was already flushed with excitement, and he kept patting the case, telling the situation at this moment.

Lin Miaomiao, another commentator with a firm stance, congratulated Zhao Gong in front of the young man who had successfully become a god in front of everyone.

Commentary: Guan Yuan’s face was turned sideways, and under the light, he looked extremely lonely.

It seems to confirm that sentence, people's sadness is not connected, I just feel noisy.

Guan Yuan even had some doubts about whether he had really become a poisonous milk commentator who insisted on contradicting his words.

In the audience.

Cheng Shi held up the magic weapon of photography, and his fat face was trembling with excitement. He won!

Feilei Xiancheng's second high school became the only team to advance to the finals, which means that Feilei Xiancheng's second high school...

Win the championship directly!

How do other teams compare with the second highest team in Feileixian City?

They don't have the qualifications at all!

Even Chi Chengyan, the star player of Imperial No. 1 High School, lost, and top teams like Imperial No. 1 High School lost all hope of competing.

How can the other Xian Gao teams make waves?

Cheng Shi's excited shouts were transmitted through the magic weapon of photography to the screens of all the classrooms of the Second High School in Feileixian City, and reached the eyes of many viewers in Feileixian City.

The national competition of fighting skills is a program with many loyal viewers, and it is extremely popular among Daxia Immortal Sects every year.

Su Shangshang smiled brightly, crossed his arms, and sat back on the chair with a sigh.

He knew that with Fang Che here, how could he lose?

Fang Che, who was at the ninth level of Qi Refining, could defeat the Foundation Establishment Stage, let alone Fang Che whose cultivation had broken through to the Foundation Establishment stage.

Therefore, this is why Su Shangshang felt completely relaxed after learning that Fang Che's cultivation had broken through the foundation building.

Because Su Shangxing knew that Fang Che would definitely win.

This is a kind of intuition, but also a kind of trust.

On the ring, the three Jindan sword cultivators discussed for a long time.

It wasn't just them, the competition team of the national competition had a short meeting to discuss what decision should be made in this special situation.

Feileixiancheng's second high school team successfully broke through in the fourth round of the national competition and won the first prize in one fell swoop.

And with the attitude of crushing all other teams, the places originally given to other teams suddenly became chaotic.

In desperation, he had no choice but to use special magic weapons to conduct surveys for a period of time, estimate the players of the four teams that were finally defeated by Fang Che's sword energy, and judge these four teams based on the time before and after they were defeated by Fang Che's sword energy. The ranking of the team.

It's all about luck.

As for the fifth round of the national competition, there is no need to continue.

The Feilei Second High School team won the championship of this national team competition without any suspense.

Fang Che, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli walked off the alloy ring and returned to the players' lounge.

Su Shangxing and Nan Lihuo had been waiting early.

"Well done!"

Su Shangshang was extremely excited, and the smile on his face could not be suppressed at all.

The second high school student in Feileixian City has basically never won a championship. The best result was just barely in the top ten, and that was many years ago.

It can be said that Fang Che and the other two have set the second highest record in Feilei Immortal City!

"Principal Zhai will definitely be very happy when he finds out."

Su Shangshang could already imagine Principal Zhai Ke's uncontrollable smile.

"It all depends on Ah Che, we... basically have no effect."

This time, Jia Shengli clearly understood the nature of his win. He scratched the back of his head and did not dare to take the glory.

Luo Liuli was as cold as ever, but the fighting spirit in his eyes was more obvious.

Fang Che turned pale and turned on the Climbing Tower and Sword Immortal state. He was spending a lot of energy at this moment and needed to... practice diligently.

Make up for your own deficiencies through diligent practice.

"Teacher Su, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it tomorrow. My condition is a bit bad and my energy consumption is a bit high. In this battle... I almost overturned. The star players are still a bit strong as expected. I have to practice hard to replenish my condition."

Fang Che exhaled and said.

Su Shangxing: "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

I'm not in a good condition, and I'm spending a lot of energy... Shouldn't I find a place to lie down and have a good rest?

Take care of yourself...

What's the idea of ​​practicing hard to replenish your state?

"Don't you need to take a rest?" Su Shangxing couldn't help but ask.

Fang Che grinned: "No, no, no, practice is the best rest."

The Gan Emperor is worthy of being the Gan Emperor, and practicing can be regarded as a rest...

Su Shangxing had nothing to say.

"Then go ahead. Tomorrow the individual competition of the martial arts competition will begin...but I guess there may be some changes in the format of the individual competition."

"After all, you alone have defeated all the star players in the team competition."

"If this human competition follows the original format, you will be the champion. Therefore, I will continue to pay attention to the situation of the competition system. If there are any changes, I will remind you immediately."

Su Shangxing said seriously.

He is actually a little curious about how the competition team will make changes to the competition rules for tomorrow's individual competition.

After all, Fang Che's performance today... was really too dazzling.

As expected, Su Shangshang had just finished talking about this topic.

He then got the news that he was going to the rostrum to discuss the rules of tomorrow's individual competition.

Su Shangshang smiled, nodded towards Fang Che and the others, and then walked straight towards the podium.

Fang Che got into the limousine and returned to Mr. Pei's manor. He didn't even pay attention to Master Ma who came to celebrate, and rushed into the training room without stopping.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Fang Che's mind moved, and the panel prompts suddenly appeared...

"Ding! The treasure chest challenge plan is completed and settlement will begin soon..."

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