Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 164 Reward yourself with a wave of thunder tribulation

Dan is done!

Xiaodanjie... has arrived!

Even if it is just a small pill calamity, it is a huge threat to any foundation-building practitioner.

After all, it is a pill tribulation, and being involved with a thunder tribulation is not an easy thing to deal with.

In the alchemy room.

The atmosphere is dull, the temperature is hot, and the rich fragrance of red pepper is billowing.

Fang Che's body and clothes were fluttering, and his hair was constantly swaying in the wind. There was a strange color in his eyes as he looked at the three pills spinning in the pill furnace. Each pill was Contains majestic and explosive energy.

But this energy hit the air, causing the air to fluctuate like ripples, thus causing a small pill disaster.

"Dan Jie..."

Fang Che's expression turned serious.

He never thought that the second-level elixir... could actually trigger an elixir of calamity. This... wasn't taught in the textbooks? !

However, Fang Che now has the strength as a basis after all, and his expression has not changed much.

But his eyes are much sharper.

He knew that the situation at this moment must have attracted the attention of many people and must have angered Mr. Pei and Master Ma.

However, the elixir tribulation is also a kind of immortality catastrophe. It is impossible for others to help him cope with the catastrophe. Therefore, Fang Che can only deal with this small elixir tribulation by himself.

Even if the small pill tribulation is the weakest tribulation, it is still a thunder tribulation.

For immortal cultivators, thunder tribulation is something that is very taboo.

From the foundation to the Nascent Soul, from the Nascent Soul to the God Transformation, Tribulation Thunder is an unavoidable disaster, and every year, how many powerful monks fall under the Tribulation Thunder, turned into fly ash, and covered with Taoism and conduct are all empty.


Above the Blazing Yang Cauldron, light flows, golden flames wrap around the Lion Heart Purple Flame, and the purple-gold flames surge in the alchemy furnace.

The strong fragrance of elixirs billowed out, vaguely forming a shadow like an angry dragon.

Although it is inside the house, Xiaodanjie will not be restricted and will fall down.

The air became anxious and stagnant, and a terrifying aura was spreading. Even Fang Che felt that his heart was beating too fast, and the blood and energy all over his body were stimulated, and a trembling emotion spread. open-minded.


"It's a bit exciting."

Fang Che raised his head.

The three elixirs were spinning around, but they did not belong to Fang Che at this moment because the calamity thunder had not been overcome.

boom! ! !

There was a roar, like a thunder behind the clouds during heavy rain.

The thunder fell, tearing open the sky and breaking through the darkness, but it brought with it the reality that cut off all illusions.

If Fang Che cannot survive this calamity, it will be an illusion and he will be killed by the calamity thunder!

The temperature in the alchemy room suddenly rose steadily.

Fang Che stood up and planted his legs on the ground.

The Eyes of King Ming!

The shadow of the angry-eyed King Ming vaguely appeared behind him, and his spiritual consciousness spread out and stirred in the void.

Climb the stairs!

Sword fairy state!

The second transformation of the divine dragon, the nine-flame blazing sun!

Boom boom boom!

The aura on Fang Che's body exploded in an instant, and the energy and blood were violently released, impacting the surroundings and surging endlessly.

The body is taller, the perfect muscle lines are visible through the clothes, and the hair is longer and falls down to the waist.

Fang Che clenched his fist, pushed it sideways, and punched Jie Lei, who appeared directly across the roof of the alchemy room.

They were streaks of blue thunder, extremely gorgeous, as if in the moment of blooming, all the light in the world disappeared, leaving only the only dazzling light!

Pushing horizontally with a punch, it collided with a thunder!

Even at this moment, Fang Che, who had activated all the auxiliary magical powers, at this moment, the bricks and stones under his feet were constantly broken by the bombardment, and fine cracks spread like spider webs.

This alchemy room... has no formations prepared to deal with the alchemy tribulation.

Therefore, the small pill calamity fell and directly tore open the masonry ground. The formation that originally enveloped the alchemy room began to become unstable and began to explode...

Fang Che had a burly body, exuding scorching heat waves. After blocking the first tribulation thunder, his aura was majestic and he became more and more excited.


There were sizzling arcs of lightning moving around his body, which were the remaining power of the thunder from Xiao Dan's robbery. This power was moving between every inch of his skin, wreaking havoc on his flesh and blood.

If it were an ordinary monk, his flesh and blood would be torn to pieces by these tribulation thunders, completely killing his activity, and finally his vitality, and his complete demise.

But Fang Che was different, he actually felt a tempering feeling!

This Little Pill Tribulation is even more effective and enjoyable than any body tempering pill he has taken before!

It is an excellent body-tempering wonder!

"This feeling……"

Fang Che's eyes sparkled.

So... is this the benefit of alchemy?

Being able to stimulate the pill tribulation and use the pill tribulation to temper the body... wouldn't this be an excellent way to improve his physical body?


It turns out that alchemy...can actually be of such great help to cultivation!

Fang Che suddenly realized that he seemed to understand the greatest role of alchemy!

Inspire him to be diligent!

Cultivation is too hard, reward yourself with a wave of thunder!


Facing the second small pill calamity that fell again, Fang Che was not afraid and almost rushed out without screaming.

Outside the alchemy room.

Three figures stood with solemn expressions.

Mr. Pei and Master Ma looked solemn, while the face of the alchemy master Yun Qinglian showed a strange color.

The three of them just looked at it.

They saw the black cloud appearing over the alchemy room. In the black cloud, there were flashing arcs of lightning that kept moving, emitting terrible pressure that was unique to cultivators.

No cultivator would not be afraid when facing the thunder tribulation. That was the fear of thunder tribulation that cultivators were born with, deep in their souls.

Even a master of the transformation of the gods, such as Master Pei, could not escape such fear. However, because of their powerful cultivation, they could effectively curb this fear. Perhaps only the most terrible heavenly tribulation of the transformation of the gods could really make them throb in the depths of their souls.

"It's really a thunder tribulation..."

"Junior brother, but at the first level of foundation building... can you survive this kind of tribulation?"

Master Ma smacked his lips.

Watching the azure thunder strike down one by one, the entire manor was submerged by thunder at this moment.

They all sighed.

Although, for the three of them, the power of the thunder tribulation was really weak and pitiful, and even hitting them was not even a tickle.

However, they knew that this thunderbolt was a matter of life and death for Fang Che.

If he was not careful, he might even be struck to death by the thunderbolt.

"The thunderbolt... I can't help him, he can only rely on himself."

Old Pei sighed.

The alchemy master Yun Qinglian shook his head, and the strange color on his face became more serious, but more of it was regret: "What a pity, it turned out to be the most terrifying explosion of the small pill calamity, the 'Qianchuan Small Pill Calamity'. The pills refined by this little guy seem to be really good, but the Qianchuan Small Pill Calamity is notoriously terrible."

"This little guy... I'm afraid his body will be annihilated by the thunderbolt."

"Old Pei, prepare to save people."

"Save people immediately once the thunderbolt stops... Otherwise, it will be too late if the soul is scattered."

Yun Qinglian said.

Old Pei and Master Ma were both stunned... No... Why did it suddenly become so serious?

Just as they were talking.

The thunderbolt suddenly quieted down, as if the thunderbolt that was pouring down like a rainstorm finally stopped.

Yun Qinglian's eyes condensed.

Master Ma and Master Pei also released their consciousness.

The consciousness of the three people almost simultaneously fell into the alchemy room, which was in ruins with smoke and dust, lightning arcs and aftermath.

They were looking for Fang Che's "corpse".

However, their consciousness soon trembled slightly.

In the rolling dust and the waves of hot lightning arcs.

No corpse was seen.

Only a naked figure with his head raised was seen.

Standing in the sea of ​​intertwined lightning arcs, with long hair flying, bathing in thunder, diligently and unremittingly using the pill tribulation to temper his body.

Perhaps, because the pill tribulation was too comfortable.

Fang Che couldn't help but let out a gentle moan from his throat.

"Oh~ Shufu."

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