Perhaps the moan was too gentle, too... flying.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

The air was filled with a stiff and awkward smell.

"Oh~ I am so impressed."

Fang Che narrowed his eyes, as if he had experienced a technical massage with no dead corners on his body, and the technician's technique was the best in the world.

It made Fang Che linger and never forget.

However, all good things must come to an end, and the small pill tribulation... eventually subsided.

Old Pei stroked his beard, his face trembling slightly.

Listening to the gentle moan, he knew that Fang Che, that kid, must be fine. This kind of comfort was simply, just listening to it made him want to hit someone.

Master Ma breathed a sigh of relief, it's good that he's fine, it's good that he's fine...

Yun Shengshou said that Fang Che would be disabled if he didn't die, and he described the Qianchuan small pill tribulation so horrible that Master Ma was so scared that he had already imagined the miserable appearance of his junior brother in his mind.

Unexpectedly, the junior brother actually used the thunder to cultivate diligently... With this diligence, it seems that there is no problem.

"As expected of the junior brother, he is really diligent. Even when he is overcoming the tribulation, he does not forget to cultivate diligently... He really deserves the title of the second most diligent emperor in Feilei Immortal City!"

Master Ma praised.

Yun Qinglian's red robe fluttered, and a strange look appeared on her beautiful face.


What is going on?

That pill tribulation... is indeed Qianchuan's small pill tribulation? !

The top three thunder tribulations in the small pill tribulation are very scary. If a foundation-building cultivator encounters them, he will basically die...

But why can Fang Che, a cultivator at the first level of foundation-building, block them intact?

Could it be that the thunder tribulation is flawed?

But Yun Qinglian, as a master of alchemy, has a good eye, how could she be wrong?

She is a fifth-level alchemist. She has withstood more thunder tribulations than Fang Che has taken pills. How could she be wrong?

Then the problem is not with the pill tribulation, but with the person who is going through the tribulation.

"Is he... so tough?"

Yun Qinglian saw the problem, and a look of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Junior brother... is a physical cultivator, with a very domineering physical skill. He made a big splash in this national competition of the fighting competition and was called the strongest dark horse. His name as the chest-crushing maniac is even more famous in the imperial capital. In the fourth round of the national competition, junior brother fought against the star players of the top fairy cities such as the imperial capital, the two gods, and the five elements alone, and completed a six-kill."

"Student Fang, the chest-crushing maniac."

"One battle will make you famous all over the world!"

Master Ma always pays attention to the news about Fang Che, and now he can easily bring it up.

Old Pei listened with relish. He really didn't expect that such an interesting thing would happen in the fourth round of the national competition.

Yun Qinglian was also stunned for a moment: "So domineering?"

"Then this physical skill is indeed worthy of praise... Could it be that this time, only the flesh body resisted the power of the thunderbolt?"

After all, Mr. Pei is an incarnation venerable, with a sharp eye, and said with a smile: "It's magical power, it's magical power."

"This kid used his magical power to withstand the Qianchuan small pill tribulation, there is nothing special about it."

"It's this kid who regards the thunderbolt as a tool for diligent cultivation. It's a bit beyond my expectations. This kid... is really enough."

The corners of Mr. Pei's mouth twitched, thinking of those nights dominated by Fang Che's diligent spirit.


Fang Che slowly opened his eyes and dissipated the tower-climbing sword fairy state on his body.

However, he did not feel tired, but felt that his flesh body was full of powerful power. The wandering arc seemed to be absorbed by his flesh body into the metal with a slurp.

The Golden Crow Nine Yang Body exuded a glittering light, and the energy of thunder and fire surged.

Two golden crows of thunder and fire appeared around him, and strange phenomena appeared.

"Spiritual body..."

Yun Qinglian's eyes lit up slightly.

She may have figured out the main reason why Fang Che could easily survive the pill tribulation.

It's not just the magical power, but also the spiritual body.

"Acquired spiritual body? Acquired spiritual bodies are really rare. Did you condense a spiritual body by practicing the Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra?"

Yun Qinglian sighed.

This is a natural alchemy seedling!

The alchemy not even inferior to her when she was young!

Fang Che put away the Chiyang Ding and nodded to the three people.

Three purple-gold pills floated on his palm, and the pills were spinning, exuding a rich pill fragrance.

On the pills, there was a cloud-like pill pattern.

Yun Qinglian raised her hand and waved, and one of the three pills was missing.

Old Pei also raised his hand and waved, and one of the remaining two pills in Fang Che's palm was also missing.

Master Ma was about to raise his hand, and Fang Che immediately got angry.


Leave one for me!

Fang Che swallowed the pill without saying anything.

The Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill that was finally refined... As a pill refiner, how could he not even taste it?

Yun Qinglian looked at the Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill.

"It's a very strange way to refine the Body Tempering Pill. They all use powerful medicinal materials, plus the magic vine juice... If the body is not strong enough, once swallowed, the only fate is to explode."

"But it is undeniable that this Body Tempering Pill has never appeared on the market."

"Did you research it yourself?"

Yun Qinglian looked at Fang Che.

However, she did not wait for Fang Che's response.

But she saw that Fang Che had already sat cross-legged on the ground after swallowing the Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill.

"Eat it?"

Yun Qinglian was stunned. Just like that... she took such a powerful pill that could cause her body to explode at any time without any protective measures?

This pill is a pill if used well, but it is a human bomb if used badly.

"Don't worry, I'm here. This kid won't die. Let him do whatever he wants."

Old Pei said with a smile, and then put the pill away.

This pill has never been tasted before, so you can try it. It feels... quite nourishing.

As for compensation... Old Pei smiled. He personally gave Fang Che protection, which was the biggest compensation.

"Old Pei..."

Yun Qinglian looked at Old Pei, her red robe fluttering, and her plump and charming figure was basically uncontrollable. She pursed her lips with some excitement.

"Let's talk... Don't tempt my old bones."

Old Pei said righteously.

Yun Qinglian smiled gently, and she felt a strange feeling like volcanic rock melting.

"Mr. Pei... your disciple... is really wasted in making talismans."

"With a spiritual body like the Golden Crow Nine Yang Body, it would be a waste of his talent if he doesn't make pills!"

Yun Qinglian said.

Mr. Pei sneered: "You woman, do you want to steal my girl?"

Yun Qinglian took a deep breath, and her towering chest suddenly swelled. She was about to say something to persuade Mr. Pei.

However, the next moment, Mr. Pei sneered even more, raised his hand and waved: "Steal, steal... Steal quickly."

"You can teach if you can! You must teach sincerely. This is my little disciple. You must not hide your knowledge. If you want to teach him, you must teach him day and night and empty yourself."

Mr. Pei said very straightforwardly.

Yun Qinglian was stunned.

What does it mean?

How... so straightforward?

For such a good seedling, Mr. Pei is so generous and willing to give?

Old Pei stroked his beard and looked at Fang Che, who had swallowed the Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill and whose skin had turned red with a surge of blood and energy...

He didn't look away, fearing that Yun Qinglian would see the smile in his eyes that he couldn't suppress at all.

Want to teach Fang Che a lesson?

With this kid's liver emperor spirit...

As a venerable incarnation, his body was hollowed out.

He wanted to see...

How many nights can Yun Qinglian, this woman, hold on?

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