Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 177 Comparing diligence with the hardworking emperor?

Fang Che walked down the stage. With his powerful attitude, he defeated the prisoners from the battlefield of the Immortal Gate Fragment, which gave everyone a great sigh of relief.

The audience, who were very depressed, suddenly became clear and comfortable.

The cheers of the audience could not stop at all. Everyone was extremely excited, screaming and celebrating. The whole audience was shouting Fang Che's name.

After smiling, Fang Che comforted Miao Zirui and returned to his position.

Under the alloy stage, the contestants took their positions. Miao Zirui was taken away by the medical monk to recuperate, but in fact, her injuries were not serious. The insects she raised quickly made her cut and bitten flesh recover quickly, and she regained her beautiful and tender appearance of cold white skin.

"Next, the second contestant will appear."

"Let's see who the second contestant will be!"

In the loud cheers.

Everyone's eyes were looking at the big screen, even Fang Che was no exception.

On the big screen, photos flashed quickly, and finally stopped at a photo of a gentle boy wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

"Jing Zhengqing! The second contestant is Jing Zhengqing from the Twin Gods!"

On the commentary platform, the neutral commentator Zhao Gonghe spoke loudly, and there was even a little relaxation in his tone.

As long as the second contestant is not Fang Che, it is good news.

This also means giving Fang Che enough time to rest.

Jing Zhengqing has a delicate face, not the handsome type, but wearing gold-rimmed glasses, the whole person's temperament is somewhat gentle and elegant.

He wore a delicate little suit, slowly stood up, and his eyes under the glasses swept over everyone.

Finally, his eyes met Fang Che's, smiled gently, and nodded.

Fang Che was startled and smiled back.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Fang Che said softly.

Jing Zhengqing's smile became brighter and brighter.

Then, Jing Zhengqing stepped onto the alloy arena.

As the second contestant, he actually didn't have too much pressure. Perhaps he had thought it through, or perhaps it was because Fang Che's attitude of still going to the stage even if his own state would decline made him relax.

Of course, the biggest reason was because of Fang Che's guarantee.

The alloy arena had been cleaned up, but the dent made by Fang Che had not been paved yet. It was not a big problem and did not affect the fight.

Jing Zhengqing stood on the arena and began to choose his opponent.

Countless formations intertwined, and the last cage emerged, and Jing Zhengqing's prisoner opponent finally appeared...

The prisoner's strength was not weak, and he was also at the fourth level of foundation building.

Jing Zhengqing fought fiercely with the opponent. Maybe he was slightly inferior in fighting, but Jing Zhengqing's own combat power was obviously higher than the opponent. He was a genius with double immortals, and among the double gods, he was a child of the Jing family, so his foundation was naturally extraordinary.

This battle ended with Jing Zhengqing's victory.

Although Jing Zhengqing looked very miserable, his straight suit had been torn, his shirt was full of cracks, and his glasses had spider-web-like cracks, with one lens broken, which was very tragic.

But he was the winner after all.

Jing Zhengqing walked down the alloy ring with his head held high, facing the cheers of all the audience. He was like a victor who had returned from the battle, full of ambition and pride, step by step, with great ambition.

He did it, he did not lose face!

The Great Xia Xianmen Fighting Competition... It's not just Fang Che, he Jing Zhengqing can also defeat the prisoners!

Under the alloy ring, many contestants stood up and applauded Jing Zhengqing.

This is a baptism, a transformation on the spiritual level.

Jing Zhengqing has already realized why the Great Xia Xianmen wants to reform the fighting competition.

Instead of suffering blows and tests on the battlefield, it is better to be exposed to the pressure brought by the prisoners of war in the Xianmen Fragment Battlefield before going to the battlefield, so that they can grow and transform faster.

In the third match, the star player Zhuo Banxiang from Beijiang Xiancheng appeared.

She was also very beautiful, and she was a different style of beauty from Miao Zirui, hot, healthy, and full of vitality.

Before she appeared on the stage, she looked at Fang Che with burning eyes.

The beautiful girl from Beijiang who was good at physical skills naturally admired Fang Che, who was strong in physical skills.

"Fang Che, what do you think of me?"

Zhuo Banxiang asked with a smile.

Fang Che was stunned, as if he didn't expect the girl to suddenly ask such a question.

Fang Che didn't have a high impression of Zhuo Banxiang. During the team competition...

Zhuo Banxiang seemed to be defeated by him in seconds, and the impression was not very deep.

So, facing such an inquiry, Fang Che could only give a compromise answer: "It's okay."

Zhuo Banxiang felt Fang Che's perfunctory attitude, and couldn't help but pursed her lips and clenched her fists, with bandages tied on her fists.

"How about we make a bet?"

Zhuo Banxiang said.

"What bet?" Fang Che was slightly stunned, a little puzzled.

"If I defeat my opponent, you will be my Taoist partner...how about that?"

Zhuo Banxiang's eyes were fiery and full of aggression.

Women in Northern Xinjiang are like this. They will not hide their emotions and admiration. When they see it, they will express their love directly.

There was an uproar all around.

Not only the contestants, but also the audience in the audience seats were boiling.

Is this something you can watch with just one ticket?

The audience liked this the most. They shouted loudly and made a noise.

However, Fang Che smiled and shook his head: "You shouldn't bet on this with me."

"Whether you can defeat your opponent or not is your responsibility. There is no point in betting on it."

When Zhuo Banxiang heard this, she was not surprised at all, because she seemed to have already known what kind of person Fang Che was.

She smiled confidently: "I know you won't agree, and I didn't expect you to agree..."

"But I will let you know my attitude."

"This is the attitude of our northern Xinjiang women. We dare to love and hate, and we will never be sloppy."

Zhuo Banxiang raised his fist, lightly hit Fang Che on the shoulder, and then walked on stage casually.

Her opponent came out soon, also a prisoner of war from the fourth floor of the foundation building.

Zhuo Banxiang's long hair was spread out, and his healthy and perfect body was full of explosive power.

She performed physical skills, and her body instantly turned red. The bandages in her hands were untied one by one, and wrapped around her like ribbons.


Zhuo Banxiang roared angrily.

Like a wild beast, it rushed towards the opponent!

A storm of energy and blood was sweeping across the alloy arena, and terrifying punches were constantly intertwined. Zhuo Banxiang's fighting spirit was boiling, and the surrounding atmosphere was darkly stirred.


Zhuo Banxiang was inferior to her opponent in terms of overall combat power, but her fighting spirit was as surging as thunder.

The prisoner opponent of the Immortal Sect Fragment was actually suppressed.

This was also the first time that Fang Che saw Zhuo Banxiang's strength. Compared with Zhuo Banxiang, who was instantly defeated by him in the team competition, at this moment, she really showed herself to the fullest with her full strength.

Unfortunately, Zhuo Banxiang fell short in the end. After all, her cultivation was only at the third level of foundation building...


The prisoners of war in the Xianmen Fragment battlefield, with red eyes, seized this opportunity, with a ferocious smile on their faces, and wanted to blow Zhuo Banxiang's head off on the spot in front of everyone.

Although he knew that he couldn't kill the player this way, he still wanted to make the players of Daxia Xianmen feel despair and fear.


The head exploded.

However, it was not Zhuo Banxiang who exploded, but the prisoner of war.

Fang Che stood on the spot, and after opening the Bahuang Explosion, his body reached a height of 1.9 meters. With a fist of five fingers, he exploded the prisoner of war's head.

Zhuo Banxiang fell to the ground, clenching his fists and tears rolling down his face.

"I lost...I can't win, I don't have the qualifications for you to be my Taoist companion..."

Zhuo Banxiang sobbed.

Girls from Northern Xinjiang, I am willing to admit defeat...

Her love died before it even began.

She was so much in love.

Fang Che was speechless...

Why do you feel that this blow is bigger than Zhuo Banxiang being defeated by a prisoner of war?

Fang Che felt that he had to comfort Zhuo Banxiang, otherwise this girl would have serious psychological problems.

"How about we change the bet?"

Fang Che asked.

Zhuo Banxiang had tears on his face and raised his head: "What bet?"

Fang Che thought for a while and said hesitantly: "As long as you are half as diligent as me?"

When Zhuo Banxiang heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, seeing the light of hope.

Her love has not withered!

"No! How can I be worthy of you like that? I am more diligent than you. As long as I am more diligent than you and get a foothold in the golden elixir before you, you will be my Taoist companion!"

Zhuo Banxiang clenched his fists, fighting high.

Fang Che looked at the high-spirited Zhuo Banxiang and immediately smiled with satisfaction, which inspired him.

The conversation between the two had already spread throughout the venue.

Everyone exclaimed in amazement. Such a picture was so harmonious. They seemed to be witnessing the birth of a beautiful love.

However, those who were sober were already covering their faces at this moment, mourning for Zhuo Banxiang's dead love.

Su Shangxing raised his hands and covered his face.

"Women from Northern Xinjiang...are single based on their strength."

What's not good about comparing you to the Gan Emperor in terms of diligence?

This is a rhythm where it is not enough to weld the door to your love, you must also pour cement to seal it.

Than diligent...

Fang Che, I am invincible.

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