Zhuo Banxiang didn't know that her love had been sealed with cement before it even began.

She was still secretly happy, isn't it just hard work?

As a physical cultivator in Northern Xinjiang, she was not afraid of anyone when it came to hard work. She was also extremely hardworking in the many immortal high schools in Northern Xinjiang. She could spend eight hours a day practicing!

Fang Che didn't say much and gave Zhuo Banxiang a complicated look.

Perhaps... this was another kind of rejection.

This girl was of a high enough level.

She rejected his kindness without saying a word.

Sure enough, women were not as interesting as practicing.

Zhuo Banxiang's injury was not serious, and she didn't even ask the medical monk to help. She just bandaged it simply, swallowed a pill of healing medicine, and then continued to watch under the ring.

The next contestants came on stage one after another.

First was Rong Xiong, who was undoubtedly defeated. Although he turned into the Earth Bear, he had no way to perfectly control this magical power.

However, Rong Xiong was not worried about what would happen if he lost, because Fang Che took action as expected.

He easily defeated the extremely ferocious prisoner of war.

That was the fourth level of foundation building, and in front of Fang Che... he had no resistance.

Rong Xiong was shocked. Only by sensing it at close range could he truly understand how strong Fang Che's fighting power was and what kind of monster he was.

Perhaps Fang Che had held back and been gentle to him during the previous team competition.

Rong Xiong scratched his head and thanked Fang Che.

However, Fang Che did not say much, he just treated everyone equally.

Of course, it was also to brush up on diligence. Every time he defeated a prisoner of war, he would get hundreds of points of diligence. How could he waste it?

After Rong Xiong, Quan Yan took action. Quan Yan, who was known for his absolute defense, was indeed good at defense. His magical power of turtle and absolute defense made it impossible for the prisoner of war to break through even if he tried his best.

The battle between the two took a lot of time, and it was long... and boring.

At the very end, Quan Yan suddenly burst out. In the absolute defense, he suddenly attacked. The switch between defense and attack was extremely natural.

Perhaps it was the battle with Fang Che that made Quan Yan upgrade and organize his own defense.

Quan Yan became one of the few players who advanced.

A roar announced the transformation of Quan Yan's soul at this moment.

As long as he didn't meet Fang Che, he... would be the absolute defense!

In the next game, Gong Yanghuo appeared. The Flame Phoenix was the best. The opponent he met was not strong. He was just a prisoner of war at the third level of foundation building.

In this battle, Gong Yanghuo turned into a phoenix and burned and killed the opponent.

There was no chance for Fang Che to continue to attack.

After Gong Yanghuo, it was Chi Chengyan.

This woman who opened the blue and white divine pupils and even brought a sense of threat to Fang Che was a star player of the Imperial Capital High School with extraordinary strength.

Her opponent was not weak either, being at the fourth level of foundation building, but he was still directly annihilated by Chi Chengyan who had opened his blue and white divine pupils with all his strength.

One glare, and everything was gone!

The horror of the blue eyes was real!

The atmosphere of the audience was completely aroused, and the result of the second round was much more satisfying and refreshing than the first round.

The contestants all showed their excellent strength. After Fang Che's strong attack to suppress the prisoners, the contestants seemed to have awakened, and each of them became more and more ruthless!

The confidence that had been lost seemed to have returned at this moment!

On the big screen, Fang Che's face was reflected. The photo was sunny, showing the standard six teeth, smiling gently, harmless to people and animals.

When Fang Che's head portrait appeared on the big screen, the whole square was completely blown up.

Fang Che's current popularity has already surpassed all the contestants, reaching an unprecedented first!

The well-deserved top star!

"Here it comes! Finally!"

"Finally it's Fang Che's turn to officially appear. Who will be his opponent?"

Everyone stared at the big screen, extremely excited.

Commentator Zhao Gonghe slapped his desk and laughed, the haze in his heart had long been swept away.

They would not worry about Fang Che's record, because Fang Che used his strength to show the world that he is invincible in this fighting competition, and he will be the well-deserved king of fighting!

So, there is no need to worry about his battle.

The only thing is to win.

Fang Che stepped onto the alloy arena, he exhaled, it was finally his turn, don't say, I really look forward to it.


Countless lights intertwined, that was the picture formed when the formation was circling.

Afterwards, in the formation, a burly figure slowly walked out.

The extremely dense demonic energy, surging, like a suppressed black gas, agitated and spread, the whole sky suddenly darkened, and the entire fighting venue became dark and invisible!

The cheers of the audience gradually weakened.

On the commentary platform, Zhao Gonghe stood up with his eyes wide open, revealing an expression of disbelief.

"This breath... is the Demon Spirit Clan! The number one fairy gate fragment is a prisoner of the nine origin fairy gate fragments!"

The commentator Guan Yuan was knowledgeable and immediately began to popularize relevant knowledge.

Just by sensing this pure demonic energy, it can be basically inferred that the fairy gate fragment this prisoner came from.

The nine fairy gate fragments continent is also called the origin fairy gate fragment continent.

Blue Star is among them, number six.

And the Demon Spirit Clan occupies... is number one!

In the battlefield of the Immortal Gate Fragment, the other eight strong men from the Origin Immortal Gate Fragment Continent are the real opponents and enemies of Blue Star!

Moreover, they are different from the cultivators of Blue Star who have acquired the cultivation resources.

The Demon Spirit Clan... is a race born on the fragments of the Origin Immortal Gate Continent. They are natives and have a great fit with the fragments of the Immortal Gate Continent. Every strong man of the Demon Spirit Clan is born with magical powers!

"Blue Star..."

The thick black air rolled out, and the hands and feet were all wrapped with cold magic chains that suppressed the magic power.

The burly body was like a hill, with red hair flying on the top of the head, and the grinning mouth was full of ferocious fangs.

As the Demon Spirit Clan cultivator completely walked out of the cage, the cage disappeared, and the chains that suppressed the cultivation on his hands also disappeared completely.

Then the majestic mana fluctuations swept like a storm.

Under the alloy arena.

All the contestants changed their colors.

Chi Chengyan and Jing Zhengqing, two star talents at the fourth level of foundation building, trembled.

"This is... the fifth level of foundation building!"

"And it's the fifth level of foundation building of the Demon Spirit Clan!"

"As we all know, except for the No. 6 Origin Immortal Gate Continent floating above the Blue Star, the cultivators from the other eight Origin Immortal Gate Continents are all extremely powerful and cannot be underestimated..."

"No... How could Fang Che meet such an opponent!"

"Is this luck a little bit bad?"

The contestants all took a breath.

If they met such a player, they basically didn't have to fight.

Because they knew there was no suspense.

Not to mention the crushing in cultivation, the identity of the opponent as a Demon Spirit Clan alone put them under great psychological pressure.

On the alloy arena.

Fang Che also looked at the opponent with a majestic aura who had reached the fifth level of foundation building with some surprise.

Fang Che looked at the opponent with a surging spirit, and the arc of his lips curled up higher and higher.

If all the prisoners were as fragile as the Red Horned woman...

Then the battle would be meaningless and not challenging at all.

So, Fang Che felt that the opponent he had chosen was really good.

The prisoners of the Demon Spirit Tribe also understood their situation at this moment, and their eyes were fixed on Fang Che.

"Are you using me to sharpen you?"

"It seems that your luck... is very bad."

The prisoners of the Demon Spirit Tribe stared at Fang Che, looking down at him, full of oppression.

However, what made his eyes stagnate slightly was...

Fang Che stared at him and grinned: "No, my luck is really good."

After the words fell.

Fang Che's body began to grow taller and stronger.

Eight Wasteland Explosion...Fourth Heaven!

The body grew like a hill, slowly rising to 1.9 meters.

Nine Flames Blazing Sun!

Fang Che's hair flew, and his body rose again, reaching 1.95 meters directly!

The arms were covered with black dragon scales, shining in the darkness of demonic energy!

Finally, Fang Che uttered two more words.

"Go upstairs!"

Instantly, golden smoke filled his pupils.

It was like golden lightning tearing through the endless darkness!

The perfect body rose again, completely surpassing two meters, and the blood was gushing out, like golden smoke rising to the sky.

On the alloy arena.

Two figures, one black and one gold, looked at each other from a distance.

The storm was coming!

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