Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 179 The Purple Fire Lion of Eight Desolations Ascends the Tower!

Two figures as big as small mountains confronted each other on the alloy arena, as if they were both beings with their bodies developed to the extreme, and the blood and qi bursting out were intertwined and entangled, as if dragons and snakes were roaring.

The cultivator of the Demon Spirit Clan gradually changed his gaze from looking down to looking straight.

His body reached two meters and five, in fact, it was a little taller than Fang Che's two-meter body.

In terms of oppression, he should have brought more oppression than Fang Che.

However, what the cultivator of the Demon Spirit Clan did not expect was that his oppression was strongly swept away before it even invaded Fang Che's body.

It was as if two tigers in the mountains encountered each other.

But there must be a fight between the two tigers in the mountains, and one is destined to be defeated and leave.

"Blue Star... There is actually a physical cultivator like you..."

The cultivator of the Demon Spirit Clan narrowed his eyes with astonishment and admiration.

He felt a different feeling from Fang Che's body, but more of it was fear.

"If all the physical cultivators on Blue Star are like you, then the Demon Spirit Clan... is in danger."

The cultivator of the Demon Spirit Clan sighed.

The next moment, he took a step forward, and his huge body suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Bang! ! !

Fang Che's body pressed down slightly.

The huge alloy arena suddenly sank, and the terrifying power exploded from where Fang Che was standing. This force was even more terrifying, exploding outside the arena, causing the gravel floor outside the arena to begin to break, roll, and fly!

Fang Che raised his hand covered with the scales of the Nine Flames Blazing Sun Dragon, and blocked it with his arm. The cultivator of the Demon Spirit Clan, with his thick arm, chopped down vertically, and was just blocked by Fang Che's arm.

Fang Che looked at him indifferently. He was in the state of climbing the stairs, and only the original intention of fighting remained.

Golden smoke curled up and spread from his pupils, as if spreading from the depths of the universe.


"It seems that he is not just a show-off..."

The demon monk narrowed his eyes, and the fighting spirit in his eyes surged wildly.

Such a Blue Star genius... must crush him!

While Fang Che has not yet risen, he is only at the first level of foundation building, and must... blow him up!

Bang! ! !

However, he just had this idea.

The whole person flew backwards like a sandbag, pulling out a black smoke on the alloy arena.

With a thud, his feet stepped hard on the edge of the alloy arena. On his burly body, black lines wriggled and emerged. He roared, and the wriggling blue veins jumped, and the black demonic energy rolled more and more.

Fang Che stood in place and twisted his neck.

Activating the climbing tower and the second transformation of the dragon, the body stretched out wantonly, the bones collided, like steel hitting each other, with a pleasant sound.

The terrifying pressure spread out like waves in the vast ocean, and the air was shaken and twisted.

"If you are just like this... then the misfortune will only belong to you."

Fang Che spoke lightly, and as he spoke, he took a step and walked towards the place where the demon monk landed.

The body of the demon monk was shrouded in black demonic energy, and a pair of cold and crazy eyes stared at Fang Che. His burly body stood still, and the air around him began to become sticky, and the invisible pressure came over.

The black demonic energy continued to accumulate, and finally, it turned into a huge demon phantom!

It was as if an almighty existence walked out of the long river of time and space, overlooking Fang Che, like overlooking a tiny ant.

Fang Che tilted his head and looked at the huge demon phantom behind the demon monk. A sincere smile appeared in his pupils with golden smoke.

"Not bad."



On the stands of the audience.

There was a silence. All the audience seemed to be holding their breath. They were sweating profusely and staring at the battle on the alloy stage without daring to breathe.

The battle between the two huge monsters was like monsters fighting each other.

The visual effect was full and full of impact.

However, one side was Fang Che and the other side was a cultivator of the Demon Spirit Clan. The audience's worry about Fang Che was instantly pulled to the extreme.

No matter how much they believed in Fang Che, the opponent was the Demon Spirit Clan after all.

Many viewers knew that the Demon Spirit Clan was a race from the No. 1 Origin Immortal Gate Fragment Continent, and they were ranked as the strongest in the No. 1 Immortal Gate Continent!

The commentators had long stopped talking and no longer explained this competition.

The audience... just needed to watch to know the severity of this battle.

On the other side.

Su Shangxing, Nan Lihuo, Luo Liuli, Jia Shengli and others were also sitting in the audience, their bodies tensed, staring intently.

"The cultivators of the Demon Spirit Clan... have extremely strong bodies. Most importantly, they are not only strong physically, but also have made great achievements in magic. Many evil magics of the demon cultivators on Blue Star originated from the Demon Spirit Clan."

"If Fang Che were at the same level, we wouldn't have to worry. This guy... has unparalleled combat power and is invincible at the same level, but... his opponent is at the fifth level of foundation building."

Su Shangxing took a deep breath.

Even though he had always been very confident in Fang Che, he felt a sense of pressure at this moment.

The main reason was that the opponent was too strong.

"Sure enough, the reform of the fighting competition system this time has too many variables. Who would have thought that there would be a demon spirit among the prisoners of war."

Nan Lihuo also shook his head and secretly lamented Fang Che's luck.

Fang Che is the champion of the individual competition of the fighting competition, but it would be a pity if he was eliminated because of bad luck.



In the audience backstage.

The admissions teachers of the three top universities also narrowed their eyes.

Li Huaixian took a deep breath, his face changed slightly: "This Fang Che, his luck is not good, he actually met a cultivator of the Demon Spirit Clan. Although he is a prisoner of war, although he is not a top genius of the Demon Spirit Clan... he is not easy to deal with."

Bei Danqiu, the admissions teacher of Xiaju University, took a deep breath: "Five-level foundation building against one-level foundation building... If this can win, I, Bei Danqiu, will sell everything I have to enroll this kid in Xiaju University!"

Ouyang Su narrowed his eyes: "Don't say it... In this situation, Fang Che may really have a chance to win."

The eyes of the three admissions teachers were very poisonous.

Because in the first wave of collision, Fang Che... was not at a disadvantage.

"But the Demon Spirit Clan... is not only strong in the flesh, but also in their spirits!"

Li Huaixian murmured.

Fang Che's real test has just begun.



The Demon Spirit Clan cultivator looked at Fang Che indifferently.

A thick black demon spirit rose behind him, like an ancient god and demon, overlooking the changes in the mountains and rivers of the world!

The terrifying pressure, like a venting tide, the invisible field froze everything on the alloy arena.

Fang Che felt this sense of oppression, and his eyes were full of fire.

The fourth level of the Eight Desolate Explosion, plus the Nine Flames Blazing Sun, plus... climbing the tower!

With the three major foundations, Fang Che's physical condition has never been better.

But at this moment, he still felt a little pressure. Although it was only a little pressure, it made Fang Che very excited.

As expected of a demon cultivator of the Demon Spirit Clan at the fifth level of foundation building...

Fang Che felt his body getting hot!

The demon cultivator, feeling Fang Che's joy, was inexplicably angry.

Why would he feel happy when feeling the pressure of his breath?

What are you... happy about? !

The demon cultivator held up the demon spirit behind him, feeling the infinite power, and was about to make a move.


A loud noise.

That was the sound of air exploding, and a huge fist had appeared in front of him.

White air waves exploded beside the fist, the air twisted and fluctuated, and the violent fist wind blew the demon spirit monk's demonic energy backward, and the red hair stuck tightly to his scalp.


It was like a huge lake of air was thrown into a boulder.

Fang Che's punch missed, pressing the twisted air, exploding an invisible shock wave, and a huge pit was hit where the demon spirit monk stood.

That was an alloy arena, extremely tough, but it couldn't withstand the impact of this punch.

Fang Che was not surprised at all. If he couldn't block a punch, this demon spirit monk would disappoint him too much.

The demon spirit monk avoided Fang Che's punch like a flash and appeared in the distance.

His eyes were cold.

"You kid... you are very brave."

"Let me let you feel the real power of the demon spirit!"

The demon spirit monk took a deep breath, and the black mist rolled.

The demon spirit behind him suddenly punched out, and the terrifying black demon spirit roared and rushed out, and the sand and rocks flew in an instant, just like an ancient god and demon, in the starry sky with broken stars, punched out a shocking punch that shattered the stars!

That is...

The spirit of the fist!

Fang Che's breathing suddenly stagnated, and at this moment, his spiritual consciousness trembled violently.

The pupil reflected the punch, and felt such a spirit, as if... I realized something!

"I... realized it."

Fang Che murmured.

The demon spirit monk was stunned for a moment.


Fang Che's thick black hair, which was as long as his waist, danced wildly, and the whole person began to run towards the demon spirit monk's fist containing the demon spirit fist, and ran away!

While running, countless purple flames rushed out from his body, rising from the ground, and roaring, turning into a wildly running purple fire lion!

Boxing·Fire Lion!

Eight Desolate Ascending Tower Purple Fire Lion!

Destroying everything with ease, shaking the heavens and the earth!

The area covered by the magic spirit fist was torn apart!

The magic spirit phantom was propped up behind the magic spirit cultivator. At this moment, the hand that punched out was shaking violently.

His expression was moved, and incredible words suddenly came out of his mouth.


"This kid..."

"He has also mastered the fist!"

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