Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 19: Flying sword out of the box, special training for fighting

Cheng Shi felt that Fang Che was not the closest to him in the second high school!

But the gossip fire in his heart was still burning.

After pestering Fang Che for a while, he finally understood the reason.

"Hiss! Feilei Xiancheng High School Fighting Competition?! Fuck! Brother Che, you are awesome! Can I watch your competition on TV?!"

Cheng Shi said excitedly.

"That's a chance to become famous. I heard that if you win the first place in the Feilei Xiancheng High School Fighting Competition, you will even have the opportunity to enter Xiandu to participate in the national competition! There is also a chance to be admitted to the key Xiancheng University in advance?!"

"Brother Che, you have turned over! You must work hard and beat those garbage from other Xiancheng high schools!"

Cheng Shi's fat was shaking all over, and he was very excited.

Even more excited than Fang Che.

Fang Che glanced at him and didn't bother to pay attention.

The fighting competition hasn't even started yet, and this kid is fantasizing about the national competition...

As the bell rang, the teacher stepped into the classroom, and Fang Che began to study hard.

Reading a book while listening to the teacher's lecture.

He wanted to try whether he could also gain diligence by listening to the class carefully.

During the break after class, Fang Che did not move, and continued to read and learn knowledge points.

When the bell rang for the end of class at noon.

Fang Che finally came out of that learning state.

"Ding, listen carefully in class, study hard after class, master more than 80% of the knowledge points, diligence +30, diligence, continue to be diligent, don't... don't stop!"

This prompt... Fang Che suspected that the other party was playing tricks, but there was no evidence.

However, the content of the prompt made him happy.

It really works!

Diligence can also be obtained in class, so even in class, it is not a waste of time!

After class at noon, Cheng Shiben planned to leave with Fang Che.

However, after Fang Che packed his schoolbag, he turned his head and looked at the monitor Luo Liuli: "Old Luo, there are two hours from the end of class to the afternoon class. I plan to go to the practice room. Do you want to come with me?"

Luo Liuli was planning to go to lunch, but she paused and frowned slightly.

She still remembered Fang Che's dislike for her.

So, she paused and said lightly: "Let's go."

Fang Che didn't say anything, he put on his schoolbag and left the classroom. Luo Liuli followed him quietly.

The two left one after the other.

Cheng Shi stood there woodenly.

There was music floating in his heart for some reason.

Snowflakes fluttered, the north wind whistled...

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving in pairs, he suddenly felt a little redundant.



Fang Che and Luo Liuli came to the practice area.

He took out compressed biscuits from his schoolbag, turned his head to look at Luo Liuli, and handed her a piece: "Old Luo, want one?"

Luo Liuli glanced at it and was indifferent, obviously unwilling to eat this dry food.

Fang Che didn't care either. He poured himself a cup of hot water and ate it with the compressed biscuits to ensure that he would not be hungry.

Then he came to the front desk. Senior Zhou should have gone to class today, so the front desk was replaced.

Fang Che opened a practice room for two hours.

He greeted Luo Liuli and then went in, took out the spiritual root support resources that had just been distributed, and started practicing.

Luo Liuli also opened a practice room for herself with an expressionless face, and also immersed herself in practice.

In the practice room, Fang Che returned to the normal progress of practice, holding the pure lower-grade spiritual stone, combined with the distributed second-level spiritual liquid.

Fang Che once again felt the flying-like comfort of practice, the happiness of the heavenly spiritual root, knocking directly on the soul!

After two hours, Fang Che felt that he had gained a lot, but his cultivation had not broken through, and he simply gained +20 diligence.

When he walked out of the practice room, Luo Liuli also walked out coldly, and there was still frost around him.

In the hot summer, standing next to her, he even saved the money for air conditioning.

In the afternoon, classes were held as usual. Fang Che still listened carefully in class, while reading books to figure out the knowledge points.

He eagerly acquired knowledge of cultivation.

Three hours of classes, and another 30 points of diligence were gained.

After class, Cheng Shi got up lazily and stretched. He didn't plan to invite Fang Che to go home together, because he knew Fang Che would not go with him.

Suddenly, a chill came over him. Cheng Shi turned his head in surprise and found that Luo Liuli was looking at him coldly.

"Class... monitor, what's the matter?"

Cheng Shi was very scared of Luo Liuli, and hurriedly asked carefully.

"You and I, change seats."

Luo Liuli said coldly.

Cheng Shi's face shuddered upon hearing this. This woman... is too much. They practice together after class, and now they have to stick together even in class?

This woman wants to take away his meager rights as Brother Che's deskmate? !

He, Cheng Shi, will never succumb to this woman's power!


Luo Liuli frowned slightly.

"Okay, class monitor, don't move. I'll move your books!" Cheng Shi immediately went to help move the books that Luo Liuli had piled on the desk.

Fang Che: "..."



The setting sun was like fire, burning the sky with colorful clouds.

Practice area, fighting training ground.

Fang Che and Luo Liuli came side by side. When they arrived, Su Shangxing was already waiting.

He wore a tight warrior suit, a sword box on his back, his hands folded across his chest, standing still, an invisible foundation-building spirit, distorting the evening sunset light.

"Teacher Su." Fang Che and Luo Liuli said hello together.

Su Shangshang nodded.

In the distance, Jia Shengli also came. He actually changed into a training uniform, holding a slender and thin sword in his hand, holding his head high and his chin slightly raised, like a proud white swan.

Fang Che's eyes fell on the sword in his hand.

The long sword is thin, shimmering, and hung with red tassels, making it uniquely exquisite.

"Flying sword?!"

Fang Che took a deep breath and said in surprise.

"Junior Fang knows the goods well. This is a first-level high-quality flying sword with a market price of 80,000 merit. It was made by the disciple of Master Pei, the third-level forger in Feilei Immortal City."

Jia Shengli smiled, raised his flying sword, and introduced.

A sword... 80,000 good deeds? !

Fang Che fell silent. His parents' savings over the years were only worth 50,000 yuan for good deeds... they couldn't even afford a flying sword.

Holding this sword, Jia Shengli's aura as a genius became even stronger.

"With this sword in my hand, my fighting skills can be improved by 30%. Junior Fang, rest assured!"

Jia Shengli is as confident as ever.

Seeing that everyone was here, Su Shangxing clapped his hands: "Are you all here? Let me briefly introduce to you the rules of the martial arts competition held for the first time after the education reform."

"The rules are slightly different from previous years. Although they are still divided into individual fighting and group fighting, the difficulty has increased a lot."

"Because this reformed martial arts competition is no longer just a competition, it has the purpose of letting you understand the cruelty and danger of cultivating immortals."

"The specific rules have not been announced, but the insider information revealed states that this fighting competition is related to evil cultivators, monsters and other cruel things, and it is dangerous to a certain extent."

Su Shangxing said seriously.

"However, if you can stand out, the rewards will be much richer than in previous fighting competitions!"

Su Shangxing looked at Fang Che and Luo Liuli.

"In addition to the rewards of cultivation resources, there is also a quota for independent enrollment in three top cultivation universities!"

Su Shangshang finished his words.

Fang Che and Jia Shengli took a deep breath in unison.

Even Luo Liuli's calm eyes showed slight fluctuations.

What are the independent enrollment quotas for the three top Xiuxian universities? !

Is this a bit exaggerated?

"Teacher Su, Lao Luo and I are only freshmen in high school. If we win the prize in the martial arts competition, can we also participate in the independent enrollment of the three top immortal universities?"

Fang Che couldn't help but ask.

Su Shangshang's eyes were bright and he nodded: "Yes, you can!"

"Of course, it's very difficult, almost impossible."

"But you can have such hope. After all, you can enter the three top immortal cultivation universities in your first year of high school. You are so much faster than others. That is a huge opportunity."

"Xiusian University...is more than just a school!"

Su Shangshang said with emotion.

On the training ground, Fang Che's mood was ups and downs violently, and his heart was filled with thoughts.

"Okay, don't think so far ahead. It's too difficult to win a prize in a martial arts competition as a freshman in high school. Just do your best and don't be burdened."

"Next, I will give you special training and first examine your overall fighting skills."

"I will suppress my cultivation to the seventh level of Qi Refining and stand still. The three of you will come up together. If you can touch any part of my body or make me move, today's special training will be over. "

"You can't touch me. I won't go home until nine o'clock tonight."

Under the setting sun, Su Shangshang looked at the three of them and spoke with a smile on his lips.

After finishing his words, he raised his hand and brought his sword fingers together. Spiritual energy was intertwined throughout his body, and the warrior uniform was fluttering.

His fingers lightly brushed against the sword box.


A ray of sword light burst out from the box, moving around his body, and the sword roared like a dragon.

With the electric sword in his hand, he slashed the long whale straight into the sea and opened it!

The sword energy is like a river tide.

Tearing away the silence of the fighting training ground under the setting sun.

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