Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 20 The Eight Wastelands explode, one explosion opens up a new world!

The flaming sunset dyed the sky red.

There were hawks spreading their wings in the glow, their feathers reflecting the light, like a dream.

Feilei Xiancheng Second High School.

Fighting training ground.

As Su Shangxing unsheathed the sword in the box, the atmosphere of the entire training ground suddenly became solemn, and an invisible oppression and momentum surged out like a river tide.

It was as if a sharp sword was pressed against the heart.

If it moved forward an inch, it could cut the skin and pierce the internal organs!

Fang Che narrowed his eyes, looked at Su Shangxing who was controlling a suspended flying sword, and slowly clenched his fist.

The power of the Eight Desolate Explosion First Heaven flowed through the meridians, waiting to burst out at any time.

On the other side.

A solemn look appeared on Luo Liuli's cold face, and ice crystals faintly condensed between the pores of her fair skin.

Jia Shengli was bathing in the sunset, his chin raised high, his gorgeous flying sword, which was worth 80,000 good deeds, was also flying in the air, with sword energy coming out.

"Suppressing the cultivation to the seventh level of Qi Refining... then Teacher Su should be prepared to lose."

Jia Shengli was really confident.

His cultivation was the eighth level of Qi Refining, and he was the first in the fighting class. His confidence was justified.

If he faced Su Shangxing who was fighting with all his strength, Jia Shengli would naturally roll as far as he could.

But now his realm is one level higher than Su Shangxing, how could he lose? !

In the distance.

The rest area at the edge of the fighting training ground.

Two figures stood in the sunset, one of them was hunched over and had white hair. It was the principal Zhai Ke, and the other was Nan Lihuo in a robe.

"Su Shangxing started again, suppressing his realm and fighting three people at once. He was very happy to bully these pink students. I really wonder if he was also ravaged by his teacher like this in the past."

Nan Lihuo laughed.

The old principal Zhai Ke had wrinkles all over his face, but he was smiling.

"Shangxing, he also graduated from the second high school, and he ranked second in the country in that fighting competition. That was also the highest ranking our Feilei Second High School achieved in the fighting competition."

"If I remember correctly, his teacher was Song Yunhui, right? Unfortunately, he died in the war to open up the fragments of the third immortal gate... It was tragic."

The old principal Zhai Ke sighed deeply.

"Nowadays, the Ministry of Education has reformed and increased the educational weight of fighting. It seems that... the situation of the war to open up the fragments of the immortal gate is not as good as we imagined."

Nan Lihuo also took a deep breath and said solemnly.

In previous years, the education of various countries was mainly focused on alchemy, talismans, casting, puppets and other projects.

Although fighting is important, in order to maintain the public security of the immortal gate, the immortal cultivators fighting each other for no reason are all acts that violate the laws of the immortal gate. Therefore, the weight of fighting is not high.

Only after entering the Xiuxian University will the education and training of fighting be strengthened.

But now, the weight of fighting has been delegated to high schools. One can tell the severity of the situation by looking at a leaf.

"Yes, it is not optimistic... I got the news that in the recent collision of fragments of the immortal gate, a Yuanying master of our Daxia Immortal Gate was killed."

The old principal said solemnly.

Nan Lihuo's heart also sank.

Yuanying masters... each one is a national weapon.

Will such a powerful existence also fall?



In the training ground.

Jia Shengli controlled the flying sword and took the lead. He relied on his eighth-level cultivation to press forward directly, and the magic power poured in, and the flying sword suddenly roared and burst out.

Jia Shengli was extremely proud. As the first in the fighting class, he might not be as experienced as Su Shangxing, but when he was one level higher, he could make Su Shangxing move... Could he not do it?

The flying sword, accompanied by the sword chant, was terrifying and extremely fast, like a high-speed drone!

It was controlled by the spiritual consciousness. Jia Shengli's spiritual consciousness naturally broke through to the state of meditation before he could control the flying sword.

"Teacher Su, I'm here!"

In the Niwan Palace between Jia Shengli's eyebrows, the spiritual consciousness spread like radar sound waves.

Control the flying sword to pierce Su Shangxing's throat.


Because the speed of the flying sword was too fast, it even made a sonic boom sound of the air being crushed!

However, at the moment of approaching Su Shangxing's throat, the flying sword suddenly changed direction, crossed a huge arc, and pierced towards the back of Su Shangxing's head.

Jia Shengli's eyes lit up!

It's going to succeed!


With a crisp sound, Jia Shengli's sword was silently blocked by Su Shangxing's flying sword.

"The speed is too slow, the strength is not enough, has your spiritual consciousness been weakened by watching movies?"

Su Shangxing said lightly.

Jia Shengli's face flushed.

At the moment when the flying swords collided, Luo Liuli's stern face changed slightly, his magic power surged, he squatted down, chanted spells and formulas, and pressed his palms on the ground.

Bang, bang, bang!

Sharp ice cones suddenly pierced out from the ground and spread continuously towards Su Shangxing's position.

If he didn't dodge, he would be stabbed right in the face.

Su Shangxing glanced at it, flicked his sword lightly, and his magic power surged.

After his flying sword bounced Jia Shengli's flying sword, it suddenly touched the ground, causing the ice cones that had just appeared on the ground to be cut into ice debris scattered all over the ground.

"Not enough."

Su Shangxing glanced at Luo Liuli and shook his head.

Luo Liuli gritted his teeth, and the spirit of not admitting defeat surged in his heart. His palms quickly formed seals, and the magic power in his body fluctuated violently.

On the other side, Jia Shengli also recalled the flying sword, pointed his sword finger again, and controlled the flying sword to pierce out.

"Xiaomei Luo, let's cooperate and attack from the front and back!"

"He only has one flying sword and can't defend against two!"

Jia Shengli shouted.

Luo Liuli did not respond, but the movements of her hands showed her attitude.

Su Shangshang had a smile on his lips, the air was light and the clouds were calm, and he was very relaxed.

Even if he suppresses his own cultivation to the seventh level of Qi Refining, he is still able to do it with ease, because his own realm and fighting experience are much higher than theirs.

Fang Che stood in the distance, his eyes locked on Su Shangshang.

Jia Shengli and Luo Liuli had ignored him, but Fang Che didn't care and was waiting for an opportunity.

His fighting talent has reached lv3, which is a first-class genius. It has greatly improved his observation ability and timing ability in fighting!

This was the case when fighting against the golden spirit puppet.

Clenching his fists, energy quietly surged through his meridians, waiting for the moment to open and release.

On the other side, Jia Shengli and Luo Liuli organized another attack, attacking from both sides, one behind the other, trying to force Su Shangshang to move and avoid.

However, Su Shangxing was too sophisticated. He first used his flying sword to smash the ice shards, and then flicked his fingers to fly away the ice shards. The ice shards hit Jia Shengli's flying sword, causing the flying sword to deviate from its orbit.

Just a hair's breadth away, it passed by his cheek and blocked Jia Shengli's sword with ease.

"Press harder, you guys."

Su Shangshang smiled, with a stimulating tone that aroused the emotions of Jia Shengli and Luo Liuli.


There was a rapid tapping sound of toes on the ground, a gust of wind blew up, and a figure sprinted over quickly.

It's Fang Che!

Su Shangshang's eyes narrowed, because at this moment, the magic power in his body was running and stagnant.

Fang Che's timing... was so tricky!

Coincidence...or talent? !


Fang Che's fighting skills were very simple and direct. With one kick, he relied on his strong physical fitness to press his entire body towards Su Shangxing.

Clench your fist, pump your fist, smash your fist!

The action is completed in one go!

Within the meridians in the body, the Bahuang explosive force is ready to go.

An inexplicable sense of oppression suddenly surged into Su Shangshang's heart!

Su Shangxing's spiritual consciousness moved, he forced to breathe, mobilized his magic power, and controlled the flying sword that had just shattered the ice pick to fly up and point towards Fang Che!

I want to rely on the sharpness of the flying sword to force Fang Che back!

However, Fang Che was happy and fearless, his eyes blazing!

The punch that came down, carrying the courage to move forward, crashed onto the flying sword.

Fang Che's arms were covered with veins.

Bahuang explodes!

A blast to the sky!


A muffled sound!

The flying sword trembled. Su Shangshang looked calm and caught the flying sword with his fist?

Fang Che is a bit reckless.

However, just as this idea emerged, Su Shangshang's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Because, the surging and majestic explosive momentum in Fang Che's fist, with an inexplicable explosive power, burst out again in the flying sword.


A dull crackling sound rippled through the air!

Su Shangshang's spiritual consciousness wrapped in the flying sword was instantly dispersed by this dark force!

Fang Che's punch continued to press down even more powerfully, chasing after him!

Su Shangxing's pupils shrank.

Physical skills!

Fang Che's physical skills actually contain secondary power-generating techniques that are extremely difficult to master!

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