Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 193 The young man walks like a god, with lotus flowers blooming at every step

Touch Kamizo!

That is a crucial process for spiritual consciousness to enter the three realms of divine treasure!

If every cultivator's spiritual consciousness wants to break through to the divine treasure, he must first touch the divine treasure, then dig into the divine treasure, find spiritual treasures, and finally... set foot in the divine treasure!

This is a step-by-step process, and once you can touch the divine treasure, it is equivalent to tearing open a vast world, and the future is infinitely broad and bright.

"This kid...tsk, tsk, tsk, awesome."

Even Mr. Pei couldn't help but praise him at this moment.

Shenzang... To touch is to touch, which is equivalent to saying that Fang Che's previous accumulation of spiritual knowledge is enough, and all he needs is an opportunity.

Perhaps, facing the strange talisman that was difficult to draw became an opportunity to stimulate him to touch the divine treasure.

With this opportunity, it was natural to be able to set foot in the Divine Treasure.

"It's really surprising. He has a very clear understanding of his own plan. He understands when his practice has reached, what he should prepare for, and what he should do."

Yun Qinglian also appreciated it very much.

The two of them had extremely strong cultivation, and naturally they could immediately see clearly what level of transformation Fang Che had gone through.

"However, today's Fang Che can only be called a half-step to the divine treasure. Although he has made a breakthrough in the realm of spiritual consciousness, he has not truly set foot in the divine treasure to give birth to spiritual consciousness... Therefore, whether he can successfully draw it The strange talisman is still unknown."

Yun Qinglian said.

Mr. Pei nodded and agreed with Yun Qinglian's words, but he laughed again and said: "Of course, because his spiritual consciousness touched Shenzang, it means... there are variables."

"Maybe, this kid... can create miracles?"

"Isn't this kid always creating miracles?"

Fang Che felt an unprecedented feeling, as if he had been sublimated to the extreme, and everything in the world became extremely clear in his perception.

This was a transformation at the level of spiritual consciousness. He knew that he had touched the divine treasure.

The realm of spiritual consciousness is divided into meditation, spiritual platform, Shenzang, Yuanshen and Shenhuo!

And Shenzang is actually a crucial watershed.

Once the spiritual consciousness steps into the divine treasure, it can give birth to divine consciousness. The power of divine consciousness is much more powerful than that of spiritual consciousness, and the level of perception must be higher than that of spiritual consciousness.

And the birth of spiritual consciousness is also the key to giving birth to the soul!

The soul is the transformation of the soul. Once the soul is born, it will be the best in the world of immortality.

The undulating and boiling spiritual power slowly calmed down.

Fang Che opened his eyes, and there seemed to be invisible waves as sharp as a sword slashing out of his eyes, and the air was cut and twisted.

"An unprecedented feeling..."

Fang Che narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

This feeling is really so comfortable.

Although I have not completely set foot in the divine treasure, it is already impressive to have touched the divine treasure.

It can already be called a transformation!

"Now I should have the confidence to try to draw the magic talisman. Although I have not been able to fully let my spiritual consciousness set foot in the divine treasure, but... it is not a big problem. I can try it. It doesn't matter if I fail."

Fang Che smiled very freely.

Maybe it's because of the previous clear thinking, or maybe it's the confidence brought by spiritual consciousness after touching the gods.

But it is undeniable that Fang Che has never been afraid of failure.

Even though he can now call himself a genius, but...

Who says genius cannot fail?

Standing up, another night passed. The sky turned white, and the light of dawn reflected on the sky, giving it a unique flavor.

It's a new day.

Fang Che stretched, and there was a sound of bones colliding all over his body.

"Ding! After ten hours of hard training, your spiritual consciousness finally touches the divine treasure. Your diligence is doubled, your diligence is +2000, and you get a reward: Upgrade the Lingshu Sandbag..."

Just after Fang Che stretched, the prompt on the panel in front of him popped up again, and Fang Che's eyes lit up slightly.

The harvest from Qineng is normal, but the rewards gained from touching the divine treasure with spiritual consciousness are somewhat different.

Shuling sandbag upgrade?

"Ding! The Shuling Sandbag has been successfully upgraded to the second level Shuling Sandbag!"

[Shen bag: worn on the spiritual consciousness, it can let the spiritual consciousness feel the pressure, exercise the spiritual consciousness, double the tempering of the spiritual consciousness, and quickly unearth spiritual treasures]

A smile appeared on the corner of Fang Che's lips, but he saw that the spiritual sandbags originally hanging on his hands and legs disappeared, turning into a stream of light and quickly rushing into his Niwan Palace.

In the Niwan Palace, the spiritual platform hangs high, and there is a vague human figure sitting on it. It is the shadow of divine consciousness condensed by Fang Che after touching the divine treasure.

The God-binding sandbags are being worn on the hands and legs of the Divine Consciousness. Invisible fluctuations spread out and spread all over the Divine Consciousness, causing the Divine Consciousness to sway, constantly tempering the Divine Consciousness!

"It's dawn, and the fourth round of individual competitions in the fighting skills competition will begin soon..."

In the leisure pavilion, the breeze is gentle, bringing bursts of cool breeze in the early morning.

Fang Che was not in a hurry to continue drawing the strange talisman. Although his spiritual consciousness broke through and he took a half-step into the divine treasure, his mood became calmer.

"After the fourth round of the fighting competition is over, I will draw this magical talisman again."

"Whether it succeeds or fails, it's all my destiny."

Fang Che smiled warmly, then took a step forward and appeared on the surface of the sparkling blue pool in an instant.

He bowed slowly towards the two figures in the distance.

"Teacher, I'll be right back when I go."

Fang Che said with a smile.

His voice was like a spring breeze accompanied by the warm sun, blowing over the body, bringing a different kind of relaxing comfort.

Pei Lao and Yun Qinglian both nodded with smiles.

Fang Che turned around and walked forward. Clouds and smoke seemed to rise under his feet, as misty as a banished immortal.

When spiritual consciousness touches the divine treasure, it brings about a transformation in the state of mind.

Mr. Pei looked at Fang Che's leaving figure and stroked his beard with a smile: "This boy's spirit and spirit have undergone a huge transformation. It seems... in this individual fighting competition, our Daxia Immortal Sect... is going to be in the limelight. ah."

"The fourth round? How could it be this kid's limit?"

Imperial Capital No. 1 Middle School, a fighting venue.

Today is the last match of this national competition, at least, that's what most people think.

In yesterday's battle, after Daxia Xianmen lost three consecutive games, Fang Che came on the scene to turn the tide, instantly killing a prisoner of war and advancing to the fourth round. After Fang Che, Chi Chengyan came on the scene.

Chi Chengyan lived up to expectations, opened the blue and white divine pupils, and used this magical power to the extreme that she could achieve now.

He defeated his opponent with difficulty and advanced to the fourth round, but Chi Chengyan's condition also completely dropped and he couldn't even open his eyes...

In the fourth round of today's fight, she finally chose to give up.

The fourth round was more difficult than the third round. It was obvious that Chi Chengyan knew his own state and was only defeated when he took the stage.

Even if she wanted to go on stage, the people of the Lan family in the imperial capital would not allow her to go on stage. After all, appearing in a battle that was destined to fail... would only bring shame to the Lan family.

It would be better to keep the memory she left for the audience in the praise of her victory over her opponent yesterday.

Under the alloy arena.

Chi Chengyan closed his eyes and sat quietly and dignifiedly in the audience.

Today, she was the only one left in the audience, able to watch Fang Che's appearance.


Chi Chengyan seemed to sense something. She turned her head slightly. Although her eyes were out of reach, her spiritual awareness was not weak.

She looked towards the player tunnel of the venue.

There was a breeze blowing.

It brought up a sense of oppression that made her consciousness throb.

Later, in her spiritual perception.

Just like...

There is a new and energetic god...

Come slowly.

Lotus grows every step of the way!

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